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The Mathematical Proof About the Clarifying Messenger (Alban Fejza)

Praise be to God! There is no other god except God. Some haters from among the people who have not joined the submitters yet claim that they do not believe in Alban’s messengership because, according to them, Rashad had proof while Alban does not have proof, which is not true. Alban never said that he doesn’t have proof. He said that he does not bring proof, and he doesn’t bring proof because the proof about his messengership is already in the Quran. And the Quran has mathematical proof, logical proof, and empirical proof about Alban Fejza’s messengership, but to keep this Friday Sermon within the allowed length limits, let’s only present the mathematical proof, and the other two proofs are in other sermons.

But, first let’s clearly define what Rashad’s proof of messengership was. What did Rashad Khalifa present as his proof of messengership, according to Rashad Khalifa himself? Was the mathematical miracle of the Quran, Rashad’s proof of messengership? Let’s see what Rashad Khalifa himself said when he was asked about it?

Question from Interviewer:

Rashad Khalifa’s response:

So, according to Rashad Khalifa himself, he did not claim to be a messenger of God because he discovered the mathematical miracle of the Quran.

So, the question is what did the mathematical miracle of the Quran prove then, if it did not prove his messengership? Well, according to Rashad himself, it proved the Quran itself. Here is what Rashad Khalifa said in the conclusion of the book where he presented visually the mathematical miracle of the Quran:

So, again, according to Rashad himself, the mathematical miracle of the Quran was mathematical proof about the Quran, not about Rashad’s messengership.

And Rashad said this many times. Here for example, he says:

So, again here Rashad presented from the Quran the five functions of the mathematical miracle of the Quran, and none of those functions was to prove Rashad’s messengership.

And Rashad said the same thing again in his Appendix 1 where he presented the mathematical miracle of the Quran and nowhere there does he claim that Appendix 1 is proof of his messengership. Instead, he says here below that Appendix 1 is proof of the divine authorship of the scripture (not his messengership):

And he also says herein below in Appendix 2 that Appendix 1 is his duty as a messenger, but not his proof of messengership:

So, Appendix 1 (the mathematical miracle) was Rashad’s main duty as a messenger to present to the world, but not his proof of messengership.

So, then if Appendix 1 was not Rashad’s proof of messengership, what was his proof of messengership? It’s Appendix 2. According to Rashad himself, Appendix 2 is where he presents the proof of his messengership. Herein below, in the beginning of the Appendix 2, Rashad says that this Appendix, Appendix 2, presents physical examinable, verifiable and irrefutable evidence that Rashad Khalifa is God’s Messenger of the Covenant.

And then, here further below in Appendix 2, he presents, “the Proof” about his messengership.

So, according to Rashad himself, here in Appendix 2, he is presenting the proof of his messengership.

And what does Appendix 2 contain? Appendix 2 contains 40 different cases of multiples of 19 which are connected with Rashad’s name, or the year of his discovery, and similar things, which show that there is a mathematical connection between Rashad and the predicted Messenger of the Covenant in the Quran. And in total, he presented 40 facts in this Appendix which together mathematically prove his messengership. Herein below, you can see that the last fact is number 40:

So, the conclusion from what Rashad Khalifa said hismelf is that if you want mathematical proof about the Quran, it’s in Appendix 1, and if you want mathematical proof about Rashad’s messengership, then it’s in Appendix 2. So, Appendix 2 is Rashad’s mathematical proof of messeangerhip. And this appendix has 40 facts, or 40 cases with multiples of 19 which are connected to Rashad.

So, if Alban Fejza should present proof of his messengership, it should look like Appendix 2, not like Appendix 1, because Appendix 1 proved the Quran, and the Quran is still proven, Alban’s duty is not to prove the Quran again. That was Rashad’s duty. Alban’s duty is to explain it. The Quran is proven now through Appendix 1, but Appendix 2 presents proof of Rashad’s messengership.

So, if Alban Fejza is to present proof of his messengership, it should match Appendix 2. And, what will be presented to you herein below is proof about Alban Fejza’s messengership which is twice as strong (with 80 facts instead of 40) as the one which Rashad Khalifa presented in Appendix 2 about his messengership: And those facts will not only be twice stronger in quantity, but also in quality, which means that the counts which are presented to you herein below show more meaningful mathematical connections between Alban and his messengership compared to what Rashad presented about his messengership. So, a proof which is better in quality, and double in quantity. And those facts will keep getting stronger and stronger as you read them below, so please read this article until the end. It’s a life changing proof. Her it is:



The name “Alban” is found in the Quran and it means “the son” or “the daughter” or “the children”. It’s root word “Bani”, where it means “son” is found in the Arabic Quran 76 times, 19x4. Here below for verification:

But, “Bani” is just how Alban’s family and relatives call him. His official full name is “Alban Fejza” and that is the name which will be used in the calculations in this video:


The name “Alban” in that specific form is found in the Quran 9 times and the word “Fejza” (which means “achiever”) is found 29 times, and the total is 38, which is 19x2. Herein below for verification:

And here 19×2 symbolizes that Alban Fejza is messenger 2 after the discovery of the 19 based miracle.


The gematrical value of “Alban” as it is written in the Quran is 83. And the gematrical value of the root word “Fejza” as it is written in the Quran is 88. So, the total gematrical value of “Alban Fejza” is 171, which is 19x9. Herein below for verification:


From the first instance where the word “Alban” occurs (3:14) in the Quran, to the first instance where the word “Fejza” occurs (3:185) in the Quran, which happens within the same sura, there are exactly 171 verses, which is exactly the gematrical value of “Alban Fejza”, 171, 19x9.


From the last instance where the word “Alban” occurs (52:39) to the last instance where the word “Fejza” occurs (85:11), there are 1146 verses and 32 Suras. 1146+32=1178, 19x62.


From the first instance where “Alban” occurs (3:14), to the last instance where “Alban” occurs (52:39), there are 4465 verses, 19x235.


“Alban” (83) plus all the Sura numbers where the specific word “Alban” occurs (3+16+18+37+52) gives us 209, 19x11.


Alban Fejza became a submitter at the age of 19.


That was Hijri year 1425, which is 19x75.


Adding the gematrical value of “Alban Fejza” (171) to the Hijri year 1425, we get 19x84, and 1984 is the year of birth of Alban Fejza.


When fully grown, Alban Fejza became 190 centimeters tall, which is 19x10.

(Note: This is only relevant because Alban was born and chosen a messenger in the continent where the centimeters were invented. Other messengers don’t have to be of equal height.)



Alban Fejza is predicted as the Clarifying Messenger in verse 44:13. Adding “Alban Fejza” (171) to this sura and verse number (44+13) gives us 228, which is 19x12. (Notice that if you add “Rashad Khalifa”, instead of “Alban Fejza”, you can not get a multiple of 19. So, the verse which mentions the Clarifying Messenger is talking about Alban Fejza and not Rashad Khalifa, because Rashad Khlifa was the Messenger of the Covenant who is mentioned in verse 3:81).


“Alban Fejza” (171), plus the sura and verse numbers from the beginning of the Quran up to verse 44:13, where the Clarifying Messenger is predicted gives us 19x294. (Again, this does not work with “Rashad Khalifa” or just “Rashad”, because Alban Fejza is the Clarifying Messenger).


The first name “Alban” is first mentioned in Sura 3, while the Clarifying Messenger is first mentioned in Sura 43. Adding all the Sura numbers from Sura 3 to Sura 43 (943) plus “Alban” (83) gives us 1026, 19x54.



In verse 75:19, God promised Muhammad that He through his angels and Alban Fejza will explain the Quran. This promise has now been fulfilled. This verse number (19), plus “Alban Fejza” (171), gives us 190, 19x10.


From the first verse where the Clarifying Messenger is mentioned (43:29) until this verse (75:19) which predicts the explaining of the Quran, there are 1387 verses, plus “Alban Fejza” (171) gives us 19x73. This connects the Clarifying Messenger with the fact that he will explain the Quran, and with the fact that he is Alban Fejza.


From the first verse where the Clarifying Messenger is mentioned (43:29) until this verse (75:19), there are 1418 verses and suras, plus “Alban” (83), we get 19x70


From the first instance where the first name “Alban” occurs in the Quran (3:14) to this verse (75:19), there are 5332 verses and suras, plus the first name “Alban” (83), we get 19x285. This confirms that the first name of the person through whom the prophecy in verse 75:19 is fulfilled is “Alban”.


From the last instance where the last name “Fejza” occurs in the Quran (85:11) until this verse (75:19), there are 349 verses in between, plus the last name “Fejza” (88), we get 19x23. This confirms that the last name of the person through whom the prophecy of explaining the Quran is fulfilled is “Fejza”.



In the main Sura where the Clarifying Messenger is mentioned, in Sura 44, titled “the Smoke”, the Sura informs us that the Clarifying Messenger warns his generation about the Smoke. And Alban Fejza does that in this video titled “The Smoke Prophecy”.


There Alban Fejza unveiled that the Smoke will happen in 2052. 2052 plus “Alban Fejza” (171) is 19x117.


The year 2052 corresponds to the Hijri year 1475. 1475 plus “Alban” (83) is 19x82.


Alban Fejza used the seven H.M. initials to predict the Clear Smoke. Adding the total number of occurrences of the initials H (292) and M (1855) in their Suras to “Alban Fejza” (171) gives us 2318, which is 19x122.


“Alban Fejza” (171) plus the gematrical value of the Clear Smoke “BiDukhani Mubeene” (759) as it is mentioned in the Quran, plus Sura 44, where it is mentioned, plus the occurrence of H.M. initials (166) in that sura gives us 1140, which is 19x60.


Sura 44, plus verse 10 where the Clear Smoke is predicted, plus the gematrical value of the verse (2542) plus “Alban” (83), give us 2679 which is 19x141. This confirms again that Alban was destined to predict the Clear Smoke.


To discover the smoke, Alban also used the digits mentioned in connection with the Seven Sleepers of the Cave (18:9-25). Those digits are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, which total to 44, plus Sura 44 where the Smoke is predicted, plus “Alban” (83), we get 171, which is 19x9. This confirms again that Alban was destined to unveil when the Smoke will come. It is noteworthy that Alban unveiled the year of the Smoke 44 years before it comes, and the Sura titled “the Smoke” is Sura 44.

A Messenger to CLARIFY for People of the Scripture (5:19)

“O people of the scripture, our messenger has come to you, to CLARIFY things for you, after a fixed period (19 Hijri years) without messengers…”



This verse mentions a fixed period of time between messengers, and the number of this verse is 19, which is exactly the number of Hijri years since the end of Rashad Khalifa’s messengership (in 1410) until the year when God chose Alban Fejza as the next messenger (in 1429). Adding the verse number (19) to “Alban Fejza” (171) gives us 190, which is 19x2x5. So, 19 years between 2 messengers prophesied in Sura 5, verse 19.


Also, since this verse talks about the time between two messengers (Rashad Khalifa and Alban Fejza), let’s add “Rashad Khalifa” (1230) and “Alban Fejza” (171), to the sura and verse number (5+19), and we get 1425, which is 19x75.


Also, since Rashad Khalifa was last a messenger in 1990, and Alban Fejza first went public with his messengership in 2009, let’s add those years to the last name “Khalifa” (725) and the first name “Alban” (83), and we get 4807, which is 19x253.


From the last verse where Khalifa is mentioned as the Messenger of the Covenant (3:81) to the last verse where Fejza is mentioned as the Clarifying Messenger (44:13), there are 4051 verses, plus the last name “Khalifa” (725), plus the last name Fejza (88), we get 4864, which is 19x256.


The verse mentions a messenger who CLARIFIES (Alban Fejza). Adding the sura numbers and the number of verses from the beginning of the Quran to this verse (5:19), plus “Alban Fejza” (171), gives us 874, which is 19x46. This does not work, if we used Rashad Khalifa’s name only instead of Alban Fejza’s name, because Alban Fejza is the messenger who CLARIFIES.


God is the only knower of the future, of course, but we learn from verse 72:27 that God reveals certain aspects of the future only to His chosen messengers. Through the previous chosen messengers, He unveiled only glimpses from the future, but the messenger whom God chose to unveiled all the important global future events is the Clarifying Messenger, Alban Fejza. The Quranic proofs about those future predictions are given in other videos but here we are only focusing on how those proofs are mathematically connected with Alban Fejza to show that he is the Clarifying Messenger who was destined to unveil those future events.


Verse 72:27 mentions the messenger who is given accurate future news. Adding the number of verses from the beginning of the Quran up to this verse (5472), plus “Alban Fejza” (171) gives us 5643, which is 19x297.


After God mentions in verse 72:27 the messenger who is given future news, He immediately in the next verse mentions that He has counted the numbers of all things in order to prove that the messenger has delivered God’s message. Adding all the different numbers mentioned in the Quran (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 19 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 99 + 100 + 200 + 300 + 1000 + 2000 + 3000 + 5000 + 50000 + 100000), plus “Alban Fejza” gives us 162317, which is 19x8543.


Verse 72:27 begins with the statement (Only to a Messenger that He chooses). Adding the gematrical values of this statement (1919), plus “Alban Fejza” (171), gives us 2090, which is 19x110.


One of the main tools and milestones which the Clarifying Messenger, Alban Fejza, used to unveil the future events are the seven pairs of Quranic Initials. These 14 secret letters have seven meanings. One of them, the mathematical significance was discovered back in 1974, and now recently God unveiled through the Clarifying Messenger (Alban Fejza) all the other meanings, at the root of which is their linguistic meaning, what they really mean. The fact that the Clarifying Messenger was destined to unveil all the seven meanings of the Quranic Initials is predicted in Sura 15, verses 87 through 89, where God tells Alban Fejza “We have given you the seven pairs”, and also orders him to say that he is a Clarifying Warner. (A clarifying warner is simply a clarifying messenger when he speaks to disbelievers, and when he speaks to believers, he is a good news giver. This is the definition according to verse 18:56. Now, here is the mathematical confirmation that Alban Fejza is the predicted Clarifying Warner who is blessed with unveiling the seven meanings of the 14 Quranic Initials:


The gematrical value of “the seven pairs – saba meena althany” (855), as it is spelled in the Quran (15:87) and “Alban Fejza” (171), as it is spelled in the Quran, they total to 1026, which is 19x54.


Adding the total gematrical values of the 14 Quranic Initials (1709), to “Alban Fejza” (171), and to the sura and verse numbers where the words “Alban” and “Fejza” are mentioned, we get 5567, which is 19x293.


Adding the total gematrical value of the Quranic Initials (1709), plus “Alban Fejza” (171), plus all the suras and verses which mention the phrase “clarifying warner” (1103), we get 2983, which is 19x157.


Adding the total gematrical values of the 14 Quranic Initials (1709), plus “Alban” (83), plus all sura and verse numbers where the Clarifying Messenger and Warner is mentioned (830), we get 2622, which is 19x138.


Adding the gematrical value of each of Quranic Initials (693), plus the number of suras where these initials are found (29), plus “Alban Fejza” (171), we get 893, which is 19x47.


Adding the number of occurrences of each of the 14 letters in the initials (79), plus the number of suras where it occurs as an initial (1954), plus “Alban Fejza” (171), we get 2375, which is 19x125.


The total of the 29 sura numbers where the Quranic Initials occur (822), plus the total number of occurrences of Alban (9) + Fejza (29) + the 14 sets of initials equal 874, which is 19x46.


The 14 different sets of Quranic Initials which are made of 14 different letters, are found in 29 Suras. If we add the number of times “Alban” and “Fejza” occur in the Quran (9+29), to the 14 different sets of Quranic Initials, to the 14 different letters which they are made of, and to the 29 Suras where they are found, we get 95, 19x5.


Alban Fejza unveiled the linguistic meanings of all the Quranic Initials by drawing back from what those letters meant during the times of the ancient clarifying messengers. The ancient clarifying messengers are Noah, Moses, Aaron, and Muhammad, which are explained in the following section, and the final clarifying messenger is Alban Fejza. By adding the gematrical values of all the clarifying messengers of all times (704), plus the gematrical values of the Quranic Initials (1709), we get 2413, which is 19x127.



The word Mubeen (Clarifying) in that specific grammatical form is found in the Quran 38 times, 19x2.

Here are the verses of all those 38 cases:

The dark red ones refer to Noah as a clarifying warner; the medium red ones refer to Moses as clarifying authority (and two of those medium red ones also refer to Aaron as a clarifying authority); the light red ones order Muhammad to deliver the message clearly; the lightest green one refers to light (noor), as simply a clarifier, which indirectly includes videos of Alban, which are made of light; the medium green ones refer to the Quran as a clarifying scripture; and the dark green ones refers to Alban Fejza as a clarifying messenger or clarifying warner. See, the classification below:

So, these are all the clarifying authorities mentioned in the Quran; and here are their gematrical values:


Adding together all their gematrical values gives us 1311, which is 19x69.

And from these seven clarifying authorities, the red ones are in the past now, and the green ones are still active in our present: So, the Quran, Alban Fejza, and Light are still clarifying authorities in our present. This means that Alban Fejza is not a clarifying messenger independent from the Quran and Light (which includes the clarifying videos). So, Alban is a Clarifying Messenger only in combination with the Quran and the Clarifying Videos. Alban is never a messenger when he is not based on the Quran, and Alban is never a messenger when he is not in the clarifying videos, which ultimately will include only 100 of his published videos. The rest of his videos are just Friday Sermons like this one, and you can tell the difference, because Alban always starts his Friday Sermons with the phrase, “Praise be to God,” but not in his Clarifying Videos, but the Clarifying Videos always include subtitles with references from the Quran, because Alban Fejza is the Clarifying Messenger only when his videos are fully subtitled with verse references from the Quran.

So, in the following section let’s use the gematrical values of the Quran and Light to support mathematically Alban’s clarifying authority. And this mathematically, not only does it pinpoint who is the Clarifying Messenger, but also when that person exactly is a Clarifying Messenger, which is only when Alban Fejza speaks in clarifying video format (light), in the videos where he puts subtitles with references from the Quran.



God appointed Alban to be the Clarifying Messenger in 2008. Adding 2008 to the gematrical values of Alban (83), Quran (351), and light (256), we get 2698, which is 19x142.


Adding all the sura numbers and the verse numbers every time “Alban” and “Fejza” occur in the Quran, plus the gematrical values of Alban Fejza (171), Quran (351), and light (videos) (256), we get 4465 which is 19x235.


The phrase “clarifying warner” is mentioned 12 times in the Quran. If we add all the verses and suras where the phrase “clarifying warner” occurs (1103), plus the gematrical values of Alban Fejza (171), Quran (351), and light (256), which are the only clarifiers of our generation mentioned in the Quran, we get 1881, which is 19x99.


Adding the gematrical values of the three clarifiers of today, Alban Fejza (171), Quran (351), and light (256) – and Sura 44 where the Clear Smoke is mentioned, and the occurrence of H.M. initials (166) in that Sura which predict the Smoke, we get 988, which is 19x52. This confirms that we can know about the Smoke before it happens by using Alban Fejza, the Quran, and the Clarifying Videos (light) as clarifiers.


The word “future” does not directly exist in the Quran. The Quran has the concept of “the hidden – Alghayb” and “time – Ajl”. Time has the hidden direction which is the future, and the less hidden direction which is the past. So the future is the hidden time. The gematrical value of “the hidden” “Alghayb” (1043), plus the gematrical value of “time” “Ajl” (34), plus the gematrical values of Alban Fejza (171), Quran (351), and light (256) give us 1767, which is 19x93. This again confirms that God blessed Alban Fejza to unveil everything that the global community of believers need to know about the future (the hidden time) by using the Quran to find it, and the Clarifying Videos which use light to publish it.


There are only two verses in the Quran (72:27, 3:179) where God informs us that He tells specific news from the future only to a messenger that He chooses. Adding these sura and verse numbers (72+27+3+179) to the gematrical values of these two verses (10216 + 3462), “Alban” (83), “Quran” (351), and “light” (256), gives us 19x771. This confirms that Alban predicts the future reliably only when using the Quran, and only when he publishes the Clarifying Videos, which contain light.

“Surely, You Are One of the Messengers” (36:3)


Verse 36:3 says, “Surely, you are one of the messengers”. This is directed towards each messenger when present since the revelation of the Quran. Those messengers are: “Gabriel” (245), “Muhammad” (92), “Rashad” (505), “Alban” (83), “Alhak” (139), “Ahmad” (53), “Quran” (351), and “light-noor” (256) (which includes videos of messengers). Adding the gematrical values of all these messengers to the sura and verse number (36+3), which tells them that they are messengers, and the gematrical value of the verse (612), we get 2375, 19x125.


Also, if we simply add the gematrical values of all human and non-human messengers of all the post-Quranic times to which this verse applies, we again get a multiple of 19. Here:  “Gabriel” (245) + “Muhammad” (92) + “Rashad” (505) + “Alban Fejza” (171) + “Alhak Fejza” (227) + “Ahmad” (53), + Quran (351) + light (256) = 1900, 19x100.


Also, let’s confirm that verse 36:3 especially talks to the Clarifying Messenger today. If we add the sura and verse number (36+3), plus Alban Fejza (171), Quran (351), and light (256), we get 817, 19x43.


The number of verses from the beginning of the Quran to verse 36:3 plus the gematrical value of “Alban Fejza” (171), is 3876, which is 19x204.


Rashad Khalifa is mentioned in verse 3:81, while Sura 36 is talking to Alban Fejza. Adding “Rashad Khalifa” (1230) on one side, plus all the number of verses from 3:81 up to Sura 36 (3330), and then finally on the other side adding “Alban Fejza” (171), because Sura 36 talks to him, we get 1230+3300+171, which is 19x249. This confirms that verse the 3:81 refers to Rashad Khalifa, while Sura 36 is talking to Alban Fejza today.


The sum of verse numbers of every sura from 1:1 to 36:3 is 257925, plus “Alban Fejza” (171) equals 258096, which is 19x13584. If we try the same thing with Rashad Khalifa’s name, we will not get a multiple of 19. This confirms that verse 36:3 today only talks to Alban Fejza, and it says “Surely, you are one of the messenger”.


Sura 36 is the 19th initialed Sura, plus “Alban Fejza” (171) equals 190, which is 19x10. This confirms that today, the whole Sura also specifically talks to Alban Fejza.


In the video clarification titled “Three Messengers, One Mahdi”, Alban identifies, proves, and predicts the fates of all the four human messengers of the modern world to come after Prophet Muhammad. These messengers are Rashad, Alban, Alhak, and Ahmad (root word – “hmd”). All these four messengers are proven conclusively through a logical way in that clarification, but here, let’s present the mathematical confirmation about them.


The names of these four messengers are mentioned in the Quran a specific number of times: Rashad (19 times), Alban (9 times), Alhak (114 times), and Ahmad (48 times). The total is 190, which is 19x10.


The gematrical values of their names are: Rashad (505), Alban (83), Alhak (139), Ahmad (53). Adding their gematrical values to the gematrical values of “Quran” (351) and “light” (256), we get, 1387, 19x73. This confirms that they are messengers only when with the Quran and light.


These four modern messengers have their main verses where they are mentioned. The table below, shows those verses, and the gematrical values of each messenger. And adding the the verse and sura number where each one of the four messengers is mentioned to the gematrical value of the name of that corresponding messenger,, we get a multiple of 19 in each of those four cases. So, 19x31; 19x12, 19x23, and 19x9, respectively. This can not be a coincidence anymore, especially in light of all the previous multiples of 19 which were presented.


And there is more. Each of these four messengers is meant to lead the believers of the modern world with an example how to correctly observe one of the four religious rituals. The four religious rituals are: the Contact Prayer “AlSalat”, the Obligatory Charity “AlZakat”, the Fasting “AlSiyam”, and the Pilgrimage “AlHajj”, listed in the table below, which also lists the gematrical values of each of these religious rituals. Since the discovery of the 19 based mathematical proof until the End of the World, the best example of how to observe the AlSalat is Rashad Khalifa. The best example on how to observe AlZakat is Alban. The best example on how to observe AlSyam (Fasting) is Alhak Fejza. You will see his videos in the future, and the best example on how to observe AlHajj is “Ahmad”, and people will see his videos in the future. The table below also presents the gematrical values of each of those four best examples for our generation. Adding each of their gematrical values to the gematrical values of each of their corresponding religious ritual give us totals which are multiples of 19 in each case. So, 19x73, 19x8, 19x21, and 19x5 (See Table below). And even more, these four people are chosen messengers for our modern generation because they are the best of modern humans at the “AlShahadah” “bearing witness” – bearing witness that there is no other god except God. The gematrical value of “AlShahadah” is 345, plus the gematrical value of all the four messengers together gives us 19x102. And the total of all the five Pillars of Islam, when added to the gematrical values of all the four modern messengers gives us 3971, which is 19x19x11.



The Quran specifies three messengers of Submission (Islam):

  1. Abraham (whose duty was to deliver the practices of Islam),
  2. Muhammad (whose duty was to deliver the Quran), and
  3. Rashad (whose duty was to deliver Islam’s proof of authenticity).

The total gematrical value of their three names is 855, which is 19×45.

Adding Alban Fejza’s name to this list, which has a gematrical value of 171 brings the total to 1026, which is again a multiple of 19 (19x54). This shows that Alban Fejza’s preaching does not remove or add anything to the religion of Submission (Islam) as preached by Abraham, Muhammad, and Rashad. Alban Fejza’s mission is only to explain it, and clarify the issues which feel difficult to understand.



After centuries of debates and confusions about the decreed times of prayer, Alban, as the Clarifying Messenger, finally clarifies this issue in the clarifying video below. The only verse in the Quran where the phrase “decreed times” of prayer is mentioned is verse 103 in Sura 4. Adding this sura and verse number (4+103) to “Alban” (83), we get 190, which is 19x10.


The phrase “Kitaba Mawqwta” (the decreed times) has a gematrical value of (976), plus the sura and verse number where it is mentioned (4+103), plus “Alban Fejza” (171), we get 19x66.


After centuries of debates and confusion about the exact timing of the beginning and end of Ramadan, Alban, as the Clarifying Messenger, finally clarifies this issue in the video below. The only verse which mentions Ramadan in the Quran is verse 2:185. Adding this sura and verse number (2+185) to the gematrical values of the verse (12479), and “Alban” (83), we get 12749, or 19x671.


Also, the expression, “the month of Ramadan” (Shahru Ramadan), as mentioned in the Quran has the gematrical value of 1596. Adding this gematrical value to “Alban Fejza” (171), we get 1767, which is 19x93.


After centuries of debates and confusion about how to fast in the Extreme Northern and Southern regions of the Earth, in certain times of the year, when it is impossible to fast due to permanent night or day or twilight, Alban Fejza, as the Clarifying Messenger, finally clarifies this issue in the video below. This situation of permanent twilight is mentioned in the Quran with the word “Asfr” (Brightness) (74:34), which is the same root word also used in the verse of fasting (Alsyam). Adding the gematrical values of “Asfr – Brightness” (341) and “Alsayam – the fasting” (172) and “Alban Fejza” (171), gives us 684, which is 19x36.


After centuries of attempts to prove the amount of Zakat, the process, and everything else about Zakat (Obligatory Charity) from the Quran, Alban, as the Clarifying Messenger, finally proves this issue from the Quran in the video below. Adding the gematrical values of the word “Zakat” (69), and “Alban” (83), we get 152, which is 19x8.


To help correct the organizational chaos and waste of energy which is caused by disoriented opportunists among half-submitters, where they have turned Rashad’s practical preaching methods as a non-messenger, like Quranic studies, and annual conferences into religious rituals, Alban Fejza, as the Clarifying Messenger, clarifies from the Quran that the only two official religious meetings in submission are the Day of Jumah (Friday) and Hajj in the video below. Adding the gematrical values of “the Day of Jumah (Yewm AlJumah)” (56+149), “Hajj (AlHajj)” (42), and “Alban Fejza” (171), we get 19x22.


After centuries of prohibitions of allowed masjids, or allowances of prohibited masjids, and arbitrary financing of masjids through non-Quranic methods which lead to disputes between believers, finally, Alban, as the Clarifying Messenger, clarifies everything about masjids from the Quran in the video below. Adding the gematrical value of the word “masjid” (107), and “Alban” (83), gives us 190, which is 19x10.


After many confusions and disputes about the Qiblah direction from America, due to the spherical shape of the Earth, Alban, as the Clarifying Messenger, finally clarified this issue from the Quran in the video below. Adding all the Sura numbers and verse numbers where “Qiblah” is mentioned (2+142+143+144+145+10+87) plus the gematrical value of the word “Qiblah” (137), and “Alban” (83), we get 893, which is 19x47.


Alban clarifies from the Quran what is the only permissible way to engage in “jihad” in our modern democratic circumstances in the video clarification below.  Adding the gematrical value of “jihad” (12) and “Alban” (83), gives us 95, 19x5.


The Quran informs us that those who go to Hell are “the majority”, while those who go to Heaven are “the minority”, but people never knew exactly what the percentage is. In the clarifying video below titled “Demographics of Heaven and Hell”, Alban Fejza unveiled from the Quran exactly what percentage is the majority who will go to Hell and what percentage is the minority who will go to Heaven. Adding the gematrical value of the “minority – qlyla” (171) and “Alban Fejza” (171), gives us 342, which is 19x18. But, if we add the gematrical value of “the majority – akthr” (721) to “Alban Fejza” (171), we do not get a multiple of 19. This puts Alban Fjeza with the group of the minority who will go to Heaven.


Alban Fejza unveils all you need to know about prayer (dua) from the Quran in the video below. Adding the gematrical value of “prayer – dua” (76) to “Alban Fejza” (171) gives us 247, which is 19×13. Note that “dua” means “prayer” while “aldua” means “the prayer”. This second form with the definite article has the gematrical value of 107. Adding that to “Alban” (83) again gives us a multiple of 19. 190 = 19x10. Since, “Alban” is the Arabic tradition of naming, while “Alban Fejza” is often the tradition of other nations, and both versions give us a multiple of 19, this confirms that “prayer – dua” is acceptable in any language.


Alban explains everything the people need to know about proofs “ayat”, what types of proofs are there, at what time during their messengership messengers are supported with them, for what reason, when should they bring new proofs, and what counts as proofs. The video below is one of those videos. The Arabic word for proofs is “ayat”. Adding the gematric value of “proofs – ayat” (411) and “Alban” (83), gives us 494, 19x26. (Note: The word “ayat” is spelled correctly in all the older texts of the Quran, Uthmani texts, with only one “Alef”, while the modern texts have added one more to help the modern non-Arab readers with proper pronunciation, but that is not the correct way to write it.)

So, for all the clarifying videos which Alban Fejza published so far with different topics, the gematrical values of those topics mentioned in the Quran all lead to multiples of 19 when added to the gematrical values of Alban Fejza. This confirms mathematically that Alban Fejza was destined to clarify those issues.



Alban Fejza discovered the mathematical proof of his messengership 19 years after he became a submitter.


At the age of 38, 19x2.


Verse 38 of Sura 13 in Arabic says that it is not for a messenger to come with proof, except when God wills it. FOR EVERYTHING A TIME which is predetermined. The phrase “FOR EVERYTHIG A TIME – LKL AJL” has the gematrical value of 114, plus “Alban Fejza” (171), we get 19x15. And the 15 here is not a coincidence. God supported Alban Fejza with the mathematical proof of his messengership 15 years after he chose him a messenger, which is why verse 10:20, says that the disbelievers said, “How come no proof came down to him from his Lord?” Say, “The future belongs to GOD; so wait, and I am waiting along with you.” And this is exactly what happened. Alban Fejza was challenged to bring proof, which they presupposed that it should be mathematical, and Alban told them that in the future is his proof. And, in the Hijri year 1444 (2023 in Gregorian Calendar), God supported Alban with the mathematical proof of his messengership.


So, the discovery of Alban Fejza’s mathematical proof of messengership happened during the Hijri year 1444, which is 19x19x2x2, which symbolizes double mathematical proof about the second modern messenger, Alban Fejza.


1444 is also 19x76, and 76 is the number of times the word “son” (the root word of Alban) is mentioned in the Quran.


1444 is also 38×38, and 38 is the number of occurrences of “Alban” + “Fejza” in the whole Quran. So, 38×38 symbolizes double proof about “Alban Fejza”.


You were presented with as much mathematical proof about Alban Fejza’s messengership as Rashad presented about his own messengership. So, anyone who accepts Rashad as a messenger has twice as much reason to accept Alban as a messenger. And it doesn’t stop there. Alban presents even more. Alban also present logical proof, which is enough proof on its own. And, you can see it in another Friday Sermon titled, “Logical Proof About Alban Fejza’s Messengership”. And that proof is just as strong as this double mathematical proof. And it doesn’t stop there. Even more is presented to you. You are presented with empirical proof through future predictions. The future predictions with which God blessed Alban Fejza will be witnessed by people before the End of the World, which is proof on its own, because it’s observable proof, and 3 times as much proof as Rashad’s proof of messengership.

So, twice as much proof mathematically, twice as much proof logically, and 3 times as much proof when the future predictions come true, and in total that is 7 times more proof. So, God has supported Alban with 7 times more proof about his messengership than he supported Rashad about his messengership (15:87). God is the ultimate supporter, and in accordance with his plan for our modern world, He distributes his support however He wishes.

God be glorified!