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S U B M I T T E R S . N E T
Proclaiming the only religion acceptable to God
The Bible
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Sura 1: The Key
Sura 2: The Heifer
Sura 3: The Amramites
Sura 4: Women
Sura 5: The Feast
Sura 6: Livestock
Sura 7: The Purgatory
Sura 8: The Spoils of War
Sura 9: Ultimatum
Sura 10: Jonah
Sura 11: Hood
Sura 12: Joseph
Sura 13: Thunder
Sura 14: Abraham
Sura 15: Al-Hijr Valley
Sura 16: The Bee
Sura 17: Children of Israel
Sura 18: The Cave
Sura 19: Mary
Sura 20: T.H
Sura 21: The Prophets
Sura 22: Pilgrimage
Sura 23: The Believers
Sura 24: Light
Sura 25: The Statute Book
Sura 26: The Poets
Sura 27: The Ant
Sura 28: History
Sura 29: The Spider
Sura 30: The Romans
Sura 31: Luqmaan
Sura 32: Prostration
Sura 33: The Parties
Sura 34: Sheba
Sura 35: Initiator
Sura 36: Y.S
Sura 37: The Arrangers
Sura 38: S
Sura 39: The Throngs
Sura 40: Forgiver
Sura 41: Detailed
Sura 42: Consultation
Sura 43: Ornaments
Sura 44: Smoke
Sura 45: Kneeling
Sura 46: The Dunes
Sura 47: Muhammad
Sura 48: Victory
Sura 49: The Walls
Sura 50: Q
Sura 51: Drivers of the Winds
Sura 52: Mount Sinai
Sura 53: The Stars
Sura 54: The Moon
Sura 55: Most Gracious
Sura 56: The Inevitable
Sura 57: Iron
Sura 58: The Debate
Sura 59: Exodus
Sura 60: The Test
Sura 61: The Column
Sura 62: Friday
Sura 63: The Hypocrites
Sura 64: Mutual Blaming
Sura 65: Divorce
Sura 66: Prohibition
Sura 67: Kingship
Sura 68: The Pen
Sura 69: Incontestable
Sura 70: The Heights
Sura 71: Noah
Sura 72: Jinns
Sura 73: Cloaked
Sura 74: The Hidden Secret
Sura 75: Resurrection
Sura 76: The Human
Sura 77: Dispatched
Sura 78: The Event
Sura 79: The Snatchers
Sura 80: He Frowned
Sura 81: The Rolling
Sura 82: The Shattering
Sura 83: The Cheaters
Sura 84: The Rupture
Sura 85: The Galaxies
Sura 86: The Bright Star
Sura 87: The Most High
Sura 88: Overwhelming
Sura 89: Dawn
Sura 90: The Town
Sura 91: The Sun
Sura 92: The Night
Sura 93: The Forenoon
Sura 94: Cooling the Temper
Sura 95: The Fig
Sura 96: The Embryo
Sura 97: Destiny
Sura 98: Proof
Sura 99: The Quake
Sura 100: The Gallopers
Sura 101: The Shocker
Sura 102: Hoarding
Sura 103: The Afternoon
Sura 104: The Backbiter
Sura 105: The Elephant
Sura 106: Quraish Tribe
Sura 107: Charity
Sura 108: Bounty
Sura 109: The Disbelievers
Sura 110: Triumph
Sura 111: Thorns
Sura 112: Absoluteness
Sura 113: Daybreak
Sura 114: People
The First Commandment
Posted on
May 23, 2023
August 14, 2023
Coming soon!
1. The First Commandment
2. It is Ultimately About Love
3. Essentials of Islam
4. Principles of Muslim Prayer
5. The Obligatory Charity (Zakat)
6. Limits of Organized Religion
7. Penalty Zakat
8. Places of Worship
9. Principles of Friday Prayer
10. Miracles: An Explanatory Review
11. Witness a Miracle
12. No More Miracles
13. Should Messengers Bring Proof
14. Communicating with God
15. The Smoke Prophecy
16. The Clarifying Messenger
17. The Mathematical and Logical Proof About the Clarifying Messenger
18. My Journey to Truth and Enlightenment
19. Multiple Meaning Verses
20. Three Messengers, One Mahdi
21. Explaining Quranic Initials, Predicting the Future
22. The End of the World
23. The End Times
24. The Messiah: Jesus
25. Promises of Paradise
26. Demographics of Heaven and Hell
27. Do the Seven Days of Creation Agree with Science?
28. Evolution or Creation: The Final Explanation
29. All Cosmology from the Quran
30. All Physics from the Quran
31. All of History from the Quran
32. All of Geography from the Quran
33. All the Laws in the Quran
34. Beyond Yes and No
35. In Defense of the Bible
36. In Defense of the Quran
37. Christian vs. Muslim Calendar
38. Times of Contact Prayer
39. Ramadan Calendar
40. Fasting in the Extreme North and South
41. When is the Night of Destiny?
42. Hajj Months
43. Which way is Qiblah?
44. King of Chaos
45. King of Efficiency
46. The Flow of Blessings
47. Fighting and Jihad
48. Marriage and Divorce Rules from the Quran
49. How to Pray and Have it Answered, Guaranteed?
50. How to Find Your Perfect Marriage Partner?
51. Modest is Beautiful
52. For Mathematicians
53. Beyond Mathematics
54. For Parents
55. For Sons and Daughters
56. For Ill Believers
57. Dream Interpretation
58. Animals According to the Quran
1. One of the Great Miracles [74:35]
2. God’s Messenger of the Covenant [3:81]
3. We Made the Quran Easy [54:17]
4. Why Was the Quran Revealed in Arabic?
5. Heaven and Hell
6. Greatness of God
7. Why Were We Created?
8. The Myth of Intercession
9. Abraham: Original Messenger of Islam
10. God’s Usage of the Plural Tense
11. The Day of Resurrection
12. Role of the Prophet Muhammad
13. The First Pillar of Islam
14. Predestination
15. Religious Duties: Gift from God
16. Dietary Prohibitions
17. Death
18. Quran is All You Need
19. Hadith and Sunna: Satanic Innovations
20. Quran: Unlike Any Other Book
21. Satan: Fallen Angel
22. Jesus
23. Chronological Order of Revelation
24. Two False Verses Removed from the Quran
25. End of the World
26. The Three Messengers of Islam
27. Who Is Your God?
28. Muhammad Wrote God’s Revelations With His Own Hand
29. The Missing Basmalah
30. Polygamy
31. Evolution: A Divinely Guided Process
32. The Crucial Age of 40
33. Why Did God Send a Messenger Now?
34. Virginity/Chastity: A Trait of the True Believers
35. Drugs & Alcohol
36. What Price A Great Nation
37. Criminal Justice in Islam
38. God is Doing Everything
39. Our Priorities
40. How Fortunate Are We
41. The Intelligent Creatures
42. A Review of the Mathematical Miracle
43. Who is Your God (part 2)?
44. Who Are We?
45. God’s Kingdom vs. Satan’s Kingdom
46. Why Are We Here?
47. Nullifying Excuses
48. The Secret of Happiness
49. The Classification of Creatures
50. Disbelievers Being Bothered When God Alone is Mentioned
51. The Mathematical Miracle and the Religious Duties
52. The Mathematical Miracle/The Day of Judgment
53. The Mathematical Miracle
54. Our Test
55. Multiples of 19/Reminder for Funeral Prayer
56. God’s Messenger of the Covenant (part 2)
57. A Historical Review of Human Fates
58. Universal Unity
59. The Mathematical Composition of Quranic Initials
60. A Review of Revelation
61. Who is your god (part 3)?
62. The Mathematical Miracle of Quran
63. Why Believe in God’s Messengers?
64. Why did God send a messenger now (part 2)?
65. The First Global Online Friday Sermon
66. Does Zakat Come From Wealth or From Income?
67. Was Muhammad Serving His Own Interests?
68. How Much Do I Gain Financially from Implementing a Global Zakat System?
69. Politics and the Quran
70. Ignorant Quranists Trying to Redefine Arabic
71. Gradualism as a Sign of God’s Mercy
72. People in Position of Weakness Tend to Lie, People in Position of Power Tend to Break Their Promises
73. The Importance of Early Good Deeds
74. Two Important Issues
75. Some Ways and Reasons to Worship God alone
76. 28 Points About Charity from the Quran
77. The Structure of the Quran and Conditions to Understand It
78. How to Avoid Accidents?
79. The Length of Time and True Belief
80. Loneliness, the Poverty of Our Times
81. Marriage and Easy Wealth
82. How did Sunna Prayers Most Likely Emerge
83. Understanding the Friday Prayer
84. Preaching as a Way to Avoid Being Trapped into Dilemmas
85. Who is Required to Accept God’s Messengers
86. Using Media for Friday Sermons
87. Active Submitters vs Passive Submitters
88. The 12 Online Congregations
89. Where are the ancient gods?
90. Explicit vs. Implicit Idol Worship
91. Does Alban Contradict Rashad about Proofs of Messengership?
92. Does Alban Contradict Rashad about Zakat?
93. Does Alban Contradict Rashad about Prayer Times?
94. Does Alban Contradict Rashad?
95. Twilight (Evening & Dawn)
96. The Quranical Spectrum
97. Artificial Intelligence
98. A Few Techniques for Preaching
99. The Curse and Redemption of the Arabs in Islam
100. Children of Submitters and Religious Duties
101. Polygamy or Monogamy in the Quran
102. Saying Inshallah
103. Are There Aliens Out There?
104. Why Don’t Christians Pray Five Times a Day While Muslims Do?
105. These Should Never Get Boring?
106. Radicalism
107. Righteousness Beyond the Expectations of the Society
108. Historically Specific vs. Universalist Understanding of the Quran
109. Offering Ourselves to God
110. Why the Quran Often Seems Unclear to Many?
111. How to Use the Bible Today?
112. The Stages of Soul Growth
113. Their god of the gaps
114. Astrology
115. What After Democracy?
116. Cooperate in Righteousness But Not in Sin
117. The Funeral Contact Prayer
118. God Chooses
119. Lessening and Shortening the Contact Prayers in Civilized Spaces
120. Dating
121. Dowry
122. Where can we find all the details of the Contact Prayers (Salat) in the Quran?