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The following self-explanatory letter is a typical correspondence that this Masjid receives regularly from African and Asian Muslims. This one is from Brother Yusuf K. Abiodum of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria:

22nd May, 85

Dear Brother Rashad: May the blessing and glory of Allah abide by you for ever more.

I am writing this epistle purposely to you to ask for your spiritual advice on these matters to be discussed below. It all happened a day before the above date when I visited a christian sister bloodly related to me on a casual visit.

Then an argument ensued between me and other people with my sister concerning our spiritual belief.

During the course of this argument references were made to both Qur’an and the Bible. I should have won the upper hand, but for my little or no knowledge of the Holy Qur’an. More so, the husband of the said sister, a university graduate and self-proclaimed evangelist came in. This man is very versed in the two holy books.

As a result of this, I was just like a toddler with little or no knowledge. During the course of this argument he called our holy Prophet Mohammad (who many books took to be the leader of leaders) the leader of the whole world; an imposter, an adulterer, a killer and agent of evil doers. These he supported from such Quranic chapters and verses which I shall quote below.

For example on the matter concerning Zeid’s wife and Mohammad, Quran 33:36-38, the man said no good leader to be emulated and to be followed could do such an ugly thing.

<Editor’s note:
In this Quranic narration we learn that Zeid (the Prophet’s adopted son) had divorced his wife and was completely through with her. In order to establish a legal precedent that a man can marry the divorced wife of his adopted, not genetic, son, God commanded the Prophet to marry Zeid’s ex-wife. The Prophet actually refused, disobeyed God, and incurred God’s harshest criticisms in Qur’an.

The missionaries purposely ignore the fact that the Prophet was married to his first wife, Khadija, for 25 years. Polygamy was such a perfectly lawful way of life, that Solomon was married to hundreds of women.>

Secondly on the matter concerning one’s relations as far as religion is concerned, where we are told to shun and abandon our relatives not in the same line with our own religion and belief in Quran.

<Editor’s note:
Here we need only quote Don Cupitt, University Lecturer in Divinity and Dean of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. In the book entitled “The Myth of God Incarnate.” Page 133. He writes: Jesus was highly critical of the family for strong religious reasons. For him, the call of the kingdom was away from family roles, not into them. The idealization of the family is a modern cultural creation, which the churches have validated, and now no modern bishop would dream of publicly endorsing Jesus’ views about the family.”>

Thirdly, he also made reference to the wars fought by the Holy Prophet Mohammed. As related in the Holy Qur’an God instructed the Prophet to take into his care the wives and the bounties of the war. This man said (that this) is not expected of any good leader and that God the living one could not command anybody to do these ugly things.

<Editor’s note:
These are of course flagrant lies, for the
Qur’an says the exact opposite in 8:67. >

At this point, I referred him to holy Qur’an 33:40 and 33:45-48.

Fourthly on the matter concerning marriage and divorce in Islam the man made reference to Quran chapter 4, that it is unreligious to divorce women, locked-in women for the offenses committed whatsoever.

When I told him that Mohammed usually acted on instruction from God, the man called this a brain-washing.

I am confused at this point and I was so much grieved that I broke my fast (of Ramadan) that day.

Dear brother in Islam, I need your spiritual advice. I love this religion and the approaches to it, but how I can convince the future unbelievers on the issues discussed above is a day dream to me.

My happiness was restored when I read a book called AL-QURAN THE ULTIMATE MIRACLE by Ahmad Deedat summarizing your discovery of the Mathematical Miracle of Quran, and published by the Islamic Education Trust of Nigeria. References were made to your books in defense of Quran and the Prophet Mohammed. As a result I decided to write to you directly. I do hope that you will do justice to my request as urgent as possible.

I beg you with the name of Allah, the Prophets and the seal of the Prophets (Mohammed) the holy Quran and by this holy month of Ramadan to send me the details of the Quran’s miracle as soon as possible.

God bless you.

Yours in Islam,
(Yusuf. K. Abiodum)


As always, we sent to this brother copies of the books “Quran: Visual Presentation of the Miracle” and “The Computer Speaks: God’s Message to the World,” which detail the miraculous mathematical composition of Qur’an, along with copies from selected pages from the book,” The Myth of God Incarnate” which was authored by outstanding Christians.

In 100% of these cases, the Mathematical Miracle of Qur’an utterly stumped the enemies of Qur’an. For it presents physical, incontrovertible, evidence that Qur’an could not possibly be written by humans.

It is with deep gratitude and thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala that this awesome miracle, described by Allah Himself as “One of the greatest miracles” (74:30-35), has come out of this mosque. Literally millions of Muslims around the world now possess physical, examinable, and utterly indisputable proof that Qur’an is God’s message to all the people.


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, July, 1985

See also: