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Overwhelming physical proof of the Qur’an’s authenticity has been discovered. The evidence is so powerful that anyone who examines it and understands it becomes a Muslim. God Almighty Himself describes such evidence as “one of the greatest signs.”  If this great and most significant development were backed by the God-given resources of the Muslim world, we could easily enjoy the unquestionable loyalty, strength, and support of 50 million Muslims in America, plus millions more in Europe, Japan, Australia, Asia, & Africa. Imagine the announcement of Qur’an’s irrefutable physical miracle in full-page Ads in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, and on the TV screens at prime time! It is a proven fact, universally witnessed, that 6million Jews have monopolized the policy-making machine in America. Imagine what 50 million Muslims can do.

Not only did the Muslim world fail to take advantage of this historic gift from God, they have actually declared war on it. Unfortunately, the Muslims have been duped by their religious leaders. After careful investigation, the reason for this strange opposition of their own scripture was found to be pure selfish jealousy.

The Muslim ‘Ulama, Mullas, and “scholars” have stated in their private conversation: “We oppose the Qur’an’s mathematical miracle because the discoverer, Rashad Khalifa, is not one of us!!!”


We have given them clear proofs. Yet, they disputed such proofs, even though they full well recognized them, out of sheer jealousy on their part. Surely, your Lord will judge them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their disputations. (45:17)


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, December, 1985

See also:


Due to historical and exceptional developments, the projected materials for this issue of MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE have been pre-empted.

In view of the Qur’anic projections in the last issue and the declaration of the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION this issue of  MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE was supposed to deal with the questions:

What will happen to Iran? and
What will happen to Saudi Arabia?


For the coming issue will be devoted to an announcement of immense significance:


…the promised one…

…the expected Savior…

……the long – awaited Benefactor…

is also know to millions of Muslims as

Physical, mathematical, and Quranic evidence will be presented in the coming issue in support of the following profound facts:

(1) Imam Zaman is greater than any Prophet.
(2) Imam Zaman is greater than Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Jonah, Abraham, and all the Prophets, combined.
(3) Imam Zaman will unite all Muslims of the world.
(4) Imam Zaman will lead the United Islamic Nation to peace, prosperity, dignity, & guaranteed immediate victory.

The following is photocopied from TEHRAN TIMES of September 17, 1985:

“ The evils in some form or other are creeping in our societies, we need a benefactor to emancipate us, redeem us of evils and check all izms and restore us goodness and virtues. All are awaiting for a benefactor. Let him come soon to establish truth and spread truth.”

Imam Zaman, the promised savior, is HERE NOW.

Incontrovertible evidence and subsequent events will convince you, no matter how skeptical you might be.




By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, October, 1985

See also:

Announcing the establishment of the richest and most powerful nation on earth: UNITED ISLAMIC NATION

Announcing the establishment of the richest and most powerful nation on earth:


* Not Sunni  *  Not Shi’a  *  Only Muslim*

Peace  **  Love  **  Freedom  **  Propserity  **  Justice

***** From Morocco to Indonesia ***** From Nigeria to Turkey*****


Quran 6:159

Surely, those who divide their religion into sects, and become distinct factions, do not belong with you (O Muhammad). (6:159)

Only those who are blessed by Almighty God through reading and understanding the Qur’an’s mathematical miracle will appreciate the enormous significance of this historic announcement. All others will surely mock and scoff, and will surely suffer grave consequence as decreed in Qur’an:

Quran 11:38-39

If you mock and scoff at us, we too mock and scoff at you. You will surely find our which side will suffer terrible humiliation and everlasting retribution. (11:38-39)

The inevitable events will stun the scoffers as these Qur’anic projections unfold during the coming years. The truth is destined to prevail, while falsehood will vanish:

Quran 17:81

And declare that THE TRUTH has arrived, and that falsehood has vanished. Surely, falsehood is destined to vanish. (17:81)

For a quick reminder, let me state the essence of Islam is THE ONENESS OF GOD; the worship of God ALONE without associating anyone or anything with Him. This Islamic essence is represented by the Arabic word WAAHED which means “ONE”. The numerical value of this word is universally recognized as “19”, since و W=6, ا A= 1, ح H=8, د D=4, and 6 + 1 + 8 + 4 = 19.

The Qur’an’s number “19” is found in Sura “74” and 19 x 74=1406 (THIS YEAR). This official announcement for the establishment of the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION comes on the first day of the Islamic year 1406.

Those permitted by God to understand the Qur’an’s mathematical miracle (as published by this Mosque during the last decade) will fully realize the awesome dimensions of this declaration. They will realize that these are not human-made predictions, this is not vain talk.



Despite these clear assertions, we expect the enemies of God to exhibit total blindness and declare that we are fortelling the future. ONLY GOD KNOWS THE FUTURE. AND HE HAS GIVEN THE WORLD CERTAIN GLIMPSES INTO THE FUTURE. It is NOT we who foretelling the future. This declaration has been mathematically inscribed within the letters, words and verses of Qur’an.

Quran 9:33

He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, and He will make it supercede all other religions, despite the idol worshipers. (9:33)

Here is a condensed summary of facts, mathematically projected in Qur’an as to the chronological establishment of the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION (UIN). These facts will be expounded, God willing, in future issues of MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE.

*** The UIN constitution is already in existence; it is the Qur’an, the whole Qur’an and nothing but the Qur’an.

*** All the laws are already written down in Qur’an, the whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an.

*** The economic system, a perfect system, is spelled out in detail in Qur’an.


This matter (of overthrowing governments) is entirely in God’s hand; His invisible and invincible soldiers will control this matter according to Qur’anic projections.

Quran 3:26

Say, “O you Almighty God: You are the possessor of all sovereignty. You grant sovereignty to whomever You choose, and remove sovereignty from whomever You choose. (3:26)

*** Geographically, UIN will extend from Indonesia in the east to Morocco in the west, and from Nigeria in the south to Turkey in the north. THE FEDERAL CAPITAL SHALL BE MECCA.

*** All Muslim countries in the region will sooner or later join UIN. Any government that rejects the invitation to establish God’s truth and join UIN will fall. Only governments that join will survive.

*** Every Muslim, anywhere in the world, who upholds the original unaltered Islam as preached by God’s final prophet Muhammad by following Qur’an, the whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an, is automatically a member of UIN.

*** Almost all present governments in the region will reject and scoff at this offer. Consequently, there will be a change of government in that region at the rate of at least three government every two years, until a government comes with the specific objective of joining UIN.

*** The Islam being practiced in the region today has been severely distorted by traditions, innovations, and superstitions; it has nothing to do with true Islam. Upon joining UIN, the people of the new member state will be re-educated. The original Islam, as preached by Muhammad, will be re-established.

*** All present-day idolatry throughout the Muslim world will be abolished and all shrines and tombs of saints and so-called saints, including the Prophet’s tomb in Medina, will be demolished. All mosques will be re-dedicated to the worship of GOD ALONE:

Quran 72:18

The mosques belong to God; do not mention anyone else besides God. (72:18)

*** THE ADVISORY BOARD OF UIN has already sent an invitation to every government in the UIN region, along with a copy of this Declaration.

*** Any government that expresses serious interest in studying the projected federation will be provided with all needed information, along with incontrovertible proof of authenticity and divine source of this Declaration.

*** The governments involved are in the following states: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda and the United Arab Emirates.

*** Victory of the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION is absolutely guaranteed by God’s own “19” words of the Qur’an’s final sura in the order of revelation:

Quran 110:1-2

Quran 110:2-3

(Sura 110:1-3)

*** Because UIN will set a perfect example for the rest of the world, additional countries will join. Two stubborn corners will refuse to join, namely, USA & USSR (GOG & MAGOG). Just before the end of the world (1710 AH/2280 AD), the USA & USSR will try to crush the Islamic giant. That is when the horn will be blown, and the Day of Judgment will come to pass.

Quran 18:99

On that day, we will permit Gog and Magog to invade. But then the horn will be blown, and we will gather all the people (for the Day of Judgement). (18:99).

Quran 21:96-97

Gog and Mogog will be permitted to mobilize; they will invade from every direction. Then the inevitable will come to pass, and the eyes of the disbelievers will look in horror, (saying), “Woe to us; we have been totally unaware of this. We have been wicked.” (21:96-97)



The success, prosperity, peace, dignity & genuine happiness of the member states upon joining UIN will convince the rest of the region, and will demonstrate that God’s system is the best.

What will happen to Saudi Arabia?
What will happen to Iran?




By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, September, 1985

See also:


An Awesome Discovery: Mathematical Code of Qur’an Found in Previous Scripture

An Awesome Discovery:

Mathematical Code of Qur’an Found in Previous Scripture


During the past 15 years, an overwhelming miracle has emerged in Qur’an. An intricate mathematical system based on the number 19 was discovered throughout Qur’an, providing the first physical, incontrovertible proof that Qur’an is God’s final message to the world. Millions of Muslims around the world have been following this most exciting discovery, and thousands of them have truly appreciated its historical significance. Details of the miracle have been published by this Masjid in several books and pamphlets.

Now comes an equally exciting discovery: THE SAME NUMERICAL CODE HAS BEEN FOUND IN PREVIOUS SCRIPTURE. The excerpts shown below are direct photocopies from the book STUDIES IN JEWISH MYSTICISM, edited by Joseph Dan and Frank Talmage. (THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL WAS WRITTEN 900 YEARS AGO).


The people [Jews] in France made it a custom to add [in the morning prayer] the words: “’Ashrei temimei derekh [blessed are those who walk the righteous way],” and our Rabbi, the Pious, of blessed memory, wrote that they were completely and utterly wrong. It is all gross falsehood, because there are only nineteen times that the Holy Name is mentioned [in that portion of the morning prayer], 18 …and similarly you find the word ‘Elohim nineteen times in the pericope of Ve- ‘elleh shemot…19 Similarly, you find that Israel were called “sons” nineteen times, and there are many other examples. All these sets of nineteen are intricately intertwined,20 and they contain many secrets and esoteric meanings,21 which are contained in more than eight large volumes.22 Therefore, anyone who has the fear of God in him will not listen to the world of the Frenchmen who add the verse “ ‘Ashrei temimei derekh,” and blessed are the righteous who walk in the paths of God’s Torah,23 for according to their additions the Holy Name is mentioned twenty times….. and this is a great mistake. Furthermore, in this section there are 152 words, but if you add “ ‘Ashrei temimei derekh” there are 158 words. This is nonsense, for it is a great and hidden secret why there should by 152 words… but it cannot be explained in a short treatise.

PLEASE NOTE THAT 152 = 19 x 8


Another aspect of the same process is the attitude towards the text of the prayers. Rabbi Judah warned his neighbors in France and Britain that if they allow even the most minor changes in that text, their prayers will become “like the songs of the uncircumcised non-Jews.” Free expression of feelings, religious or secular, was regarded by Rabbi Judah as a non-Jewish song, which has no place in the framework of worship. While this argument was not directed against rationalistic philosophers but against fellow halakhists and pietists, the problem faced in this commentary by Rabbi Judah is the same one that bothered the philosophers and all thinkers of that period: Why does God insist on a repetitive prayer, said again and again several times every day in exactly the same words, instead of allowing free expression of the individual’s religious feelings in his personal words, reflecting every special occasion? The framework of rationalistic philosophy did not offer a popularly accepted answer to this question, a fact that necessarily weakened the position of the traditional text of the liturgy in the eyes of the intellectuals of the age. It seems that the school that Rabbi Judah represented was the first to offer an answer to that problem – a nonrational answer, bordering on a mystical attitude, namely, the existence of a hidden, esoteric harmony between the text of the prayer and a divine structure, mainly a numerical structure, which is also reflected in the Scriptures, in history and in the creation. Therefore, every deviation from this structure destroys that harmony and secularizes the text of the prayers, turning them simply into collections of words and meanings, like the songs of the non-Jews.

It is possible that this new approach was merely “academic,” and it was not regarded as necessary to keep all the numerical combinations and associations in mind when actually praying. However, there can be no doubt that this new attitude had two results, one of which is manifested in this treatise, while the other is evident from all Ashkenazi Hasidic treatments of the subject: (a) No change can be tolerated in the text of the prayers, not even a minute one, because every change – even of one letter – would destroy the numerical harmony inherent in the text. It does not matter, therefore, whether the change is beneficial from the point of view of meaning and content, for this level of meaning is not the most important one in the prayers. The text was formed to reflect mystical harmony, and any change would destroy it. (b) The liturgy received new importance and new meaning within the framework of religious practice. A completely new dimension was added in this way to the daily prayer service; it stopped being just a reciting of requests and praises of God in ancient formulas, and became a vehicle for becoming a participant in a mystical, divine harmony. The prayers suddenly received a new depth of meaning and importance, which was undreamed of in the thousand years that had passed since they were formulated.

According to Rabbi Judah and the Ashkenazi Hasidic school in general, there can be nothing accidental in the Bible, not even the forms of letters, the punctuation, the vocalization, and especially – in the numerical structures – the number of certain letters, consonants or vowels in a certain verse; the number of words from the same root; the number and variety of divine names in a certain pericope, the absence of one or more letters from a chapter, and many other elements of the Scriptures besides their content.

With the discovered of the Qur’an’s extensive 19-based code, the great mystery has now been unveiled. As detailed in my two books, “THE COMPUTER SPEAKS,” and “QUR’AN: VISUAL PRESENTATION OF THE MIRACLE”, the number 19 is God’s personal stamp, not only in His Holy messages to the world, but also throughout the universe. For example, the sun, the moon, and the planet Earth line up in the same relative position once every 19 years (see Jewish Encyclopedia under “Calendar”). Haley’s Comet, the most profound heavenly phenomenon, visits our solar system once every 76 years (19×4).

19 is the numerical value of the Arabic Word for ONE (Waahhid), and Arabic is the language of Qur’an. Thus, the secret of the scriptures’ numerical code was destined to remain mysterious until God’s messages have been completed through the revelation of Qur’an.


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, August, 1985

See also:



Not every person is allowed to read and understand Qur’an. For Qur’an is not a common book; it is the book of God that bears His message to the world. The Qur’an is described as “glorious” (50:1), “great” (15:87), and “honorable” (56:77). Only very special people are permitted to grasp the Qur’an’s message.

In order to qualify as a recipient of Qur’an, one must satisfy a certain prerequisite, which i term the key to Qur’an. Without this key, there is absolutely no way any person can grasp a single verse or even a single word from Qur’an.

The existence of a key to Qur’an explains the strange phenomenon that certain Arabic speaking individuals, even authorities in the Arabic language, are often forbidden from understanding Qur’an.

As it turns out, God Himself forbids them for understanding Qur’an. Thus, unlike any other book, there are hidden forces that control our access to Qur’an. Only those who possess the key to Qur’an are permitted access to Qur’an.

What is the key to Qur’an?

The key to Qur’an is to believe Qur’an, i.e., to believe that Qur’an is complete, perfect, fully detailed, and shall be the only source of religious guidance (6:19, 38, 114). People who believe in other sources of religious guidance such as the sayings and actions falsely attributed to the prophet can never attain access to Qur’an. This is clearly stated in verse 57 of sura 18:

Who is more evil than those who are reminded of God’s revelations, then reject them without being aware of their sinfulness? Consequently, we place shields on their hearts to prevent them from understanding it (the Qur’an) and we place deafness in their ears. Thus, when you invite them to the guidance, they can never ever be guided.

Even the language of the Qur’an reader is irrelevant to understanding Qur’an. A person who does not know a single letter in the Arabic language, but possesses the key to Qur’an is guaranteed access to Qur’an (see 41:44).

As detailed in the books “Visual Presentation of the Miracle” and “The Computer Speaks” (Published by this Masjid), it is the computer that discovered the key to Qur’an.


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, July, 1985

See also:




The following self-explanatory letter is a typical correspondence that this Masjid receives regularly from African and Asian Muslims. This one is from Brother Yusuf K. Abiodum of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria:

22nd May, 85

Dear Brother Rashad: May the blessing and glory of Allah abide by you for ever more.

I am writing this epistle purposely to you to ask for your spiritual advice on these matters to be discussed below. It all happened a day before the above date when I visited a christian sister bloodly related to me on a casual visit.

Then an argument ensued between me and other people with my sister concerning our spiritual belief.

During the course of this argument references were made to both Qur’an and the Bible. I should have won the upper hand, but for my little or no knowledge of the Holy Qur’an. More so, the husband of the said sister, a university graduate and self-proclaimed evangelist came in. This man is very versed in the two holy books.

As a result of this, I was just like a toddler with little or no knowledge. During the course of this argument he called our holy Prophet Mohammad (who many books took to be the leader of leaders) the leader of the whole world; an imposter, an adulterer, a killer and agent of evil doers. These he supported from such Quranic chapters and verses which I shall quote below.

For example on the matter concerning Zeid’s wife and Mohammad, Quran 33:36-38, the man said no good leader to be emulated and to be followed could do such an ugly thing.

<Editor’s note:
In this Quranic narration we learn that Zeid (the Prophet’s adopted son) had divorced his wife and was completely through with her. In order to establish a legal precedent that a man can marry the divorced wife of his adopted, not genetic, son, God commanded the Prophet to marry Zeid’s ex-wife. The Prophet actually refused, disobeyed God, and incurred God’s harshest criticisms in Qur’an.

The missionaries purposely ignore the fact that the Prophet was married to his first wife, Khadija, for 25 years. Polygamy was such a perfectly lawful way of life, that Solomon was married to hundreds of women.>

Secondly on the matter concerning one’s relations as far as religion is concerned, where we are told to shun and abandon our relatives not in the same line with our own religion and belief in Quran.

<Editor’s note:
Here we need only quote Don Cupitt, University Lecturer in Divinity and Dean of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. In the book entitled “The Myth of God Incarnate.” Page 133. He writes: Jesus was highly critical of the family for strong religious reasons. For him, the call of the kingdom was away from family roles, not into them. The idealization of the family is a modern cultural creation, which the churches have validated, and now no modern bishop would dream of publicly endorsing Jesus’ views about the family.”>

Thirdly, he also made reference to the wars fought by the Holy Prophet Mohammed. As related in the Holy Qur’an God instructed the Prophet to take into his care the wives and the bounties of the war. This man said (that this) is not expected of any good leader and that God the living one could not command anybody to do these ugly things.

<Editor’s note:
These are of course flagrant lies, for the
Qur’an says the exact opposite in 8:67. >

At this point, I referred him to holy Qur’an 33:40 and 33:45-48.

Fourthly on the matter concerning marriage and divorce in Islam the man made reference to Quran chapter 4, that it is unreligious to divorce women, locked-in women for the offenses committed whatsoever.

When I told him that Mohammed usually acted on instruction from God, the man called this a brain-washing.

I am confused at this point and I was so much grieved that I broke my fast (of Ramadan) that day.

Dear brother in Islam, I need your spiritual advice. I love this religion and the approaches to it, but how I can convince the future unbelievers on the issues discussed above is a day dream to me.

My happiness was restored when I read a book called AL-QURAN THE ULTIMATE MIRACLE by Ahmad Deedat summarizing your discovery of the Mathematical Miracle of Quran, and published by the Islamic Education Trust of Nigeria. References were made to your books in defense of Quran and the Prophet Mohammed. As a result I decided to write to you directly. I do hope that you will do justice to my request as urgent as possible.

I beg you with the name of Allah, the Prophets and the seal of the Prophets (Mohammed) the holy Quran and by this holy month of Ramadan to send me the details of the Quran’s miracle as soon as possible.

God bless you.

Yours in Islam,
(Yusuf. K. Abiodum)


As always, we sent to this brother copies of the books “Quran: Visual Presentation of the Miracle” and “The Computer Speaks: God’s Message to the World,” which detail the miraculous mathematical composition of Qur’an, along with copies from selected pages from the book,” The Myth of God Incarnate” which was authored by outstanding Christians.

In 100% of these cases, the Mathematical Miracle of Qur’an utterly stumped the enemies of Qur’an. For it presents physical, incontrovertible, evidence that Qur’an could not possibly be written by humans.

It is with deep gratitude and thanks to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala that this awesome miracle, described by Allah Himself as “One of the greatest miracles” (74:30-35), has come out of this mosque. Literally millions of Muslims around the world now possess physical, examinable, and utterly indisputable proof that Qur’an is God’s message to all the people.


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, July, 1985

See also:



Brother Feiruz Karmally of Vancouver, BC, is a well-known mathematics and computer wizard. He recently added up all the numbered and un–numbered verses of Qur’an, according to the authorized Uthmani version. The Grand Total came to 6,348. This total includes the last two verses of Sura 9. When these two verses are removed, the Total becomes 6,346, A MULTIPLE OF 19. This conforms to the miraculous mathematical system of Qur’an, where 19 is the common denominator.
Brother Ismail Barakat, also of Vancouver, further noticed that the digits that make up 6,346 add up to exactly 19.



By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, June, 1985

See also:


Muslim Perspective Articles

What is Muslim Perspective

Muslim Perspective is a monthly newsletter created by Rashad Khalifa Ph.D. The first issue of Muslim Perspective was published in February 1985.

Originally called “Muslim Perspective”, the newsletter was renamed “Submitters Perspective” with the December 1989 issue. Dr. Khalifa’s life in this world came to an end on January 31, 1990, when he was martyred inside the Tucson mosque before dawn (by this time, Dr. Khalifa had already published the March 1990 issue in advance).

You can read all the original issues of Muslim Perspective in the archive page.

Articles from Muslim Perspective issues.

From 1985 issues:

February, 1985

March, 1985

April, 1985

August, 1985

September, 1985 / Muharram 1406

October, 1985

November, 1985

December, 1985

From 1986 issues:

January, 1986

February, 1986

March, 1986

April, 1986

May, 1986

June, 1986

July, 1986

August, 1986

September, 1986

October, 1986

November, 1986

December, 1986

From 1987 issues:

January, 1987

February, 1987

March, 1987

April, 1987

May, 1987

June, 1987

July, 1987

August, 1987

September, 1987

October, 1987

November, 1987

December, 1987

From 1988 issues:

January, 1988

February, 1988

March, 1988

April, 1988

May, 1988

June, 1988

July, 1988

August, 1988

September, 1988

October, 1988

November, 1988

December, 1988

From 1989 issues:

January, 1989

February, 1989

March, 1989

April, 1989

May, 1989

June, 1989

July, 1989

August, 1989

September, 1989

October, 1989

November, 1989

December, 1989

From 1990 issues:

January, 1990

January, 1990 (Bonus)

February, 1990

March, 1990


This page consists of materials published by Rashad Khalifa’s as a Bulletin Editor, but not necessarily as God’s messenger. These are very valuable materials, but they do not necessarily have religious authority over you today. The materials are dated in the past by Rashad Khalifa himself. They have been reproduced and published as current Articles in this Website, but here they are only for historical accuracy, but not necessarily for religious accuracy, which is why they are materials to be kept safe in archives, but not to be used as religious authority for submitters or against other submitters.






In spite of the importance of this book, I have not read a single review of it. But, in a sense, it is to be expected. This book is so wondrous in its revelations, so sharp in its understanding and so blunt in its criticisms that even those who call themselves Muslims are sceptical and afraid of it. But I am thoroughly convinced that it is a book of major significance for the proper understanding of the Quran and the teachings of Islam.

– Kassim Ahmad


Adding to Quranic exegesis

The Computer Speaks: God’s Message to the World

by Rashad Khalifa.

The renewed interest in the West in Islam is due to both the resurgence of the faith in recent times, manifested most dramatically in the Iranian Islamic revolution, and to the failure of western secular philosophies of liberal capitalism and Marxist communism.

This Islamic resurgence, definitely begun by the reform movement of Jamaluddin al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh at the end of the last century, propagated a return to essential Islam, a rejection of taqlid (blind following of the teachings of the various schools) and an opening of independent rational thought and assimilation of western science, technology and rationalism that are not contradictory to the Islamic worldview.

Having its roots in earlier 18th century reformers, the movement was carried forward through the writings of various thinkers, including Rashid Riyha, Syed Ameer Ali and Muhammad Iqbal. Unfortunately, midway, the movement was captured by traditionalist thinkers like Maulana Maududi who stressed tradition rather than new creative thinking. Still, the modern Islamic trend of Muhammad Abduh’s creative thinking persists as a strong undercurrent. I would place Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s book as a major contribution to this creative reform movement.

The book makes one of the most amazing discoveries about the Quran. After several years of painstaking research, Rashad has come out with the extraordinary announcement that the Quranic literary composition is based on a precise mathematical structure based on the figure 19. It is so precise that if a Quranic word like “Allah” or “al-Rahman” or “al-Rahim” is added to or subtracted from the Quran, this mathematical structure collapses! Indeed the arrangement of the Quranic chapters and the frequency of certain crucial words and letters in the Quran consistently conform to this structure. Rashad gives such overwhelming proof of this thesis that any reasonable, objective reader cannot but accept it.

He obtains the clue to this amazing Quranic code from from verse 30 of surah 74, appropriately titled “The Hidden Secret”, the last verse of the fourth revelation to the Prophet. The verse reads literally: “Over it are nineteen.” The classical commentators explained the figure “nineteen” as referring to angels of Hell or to man’s external and internal faculties.

However, verse 35 of the same surah (which was revealed later) states that this 19-based Quranic code is one of the greatest miracles. Going on this clue, the author calculated (with the help of the computer in the case of intricate calculations), found and enumerated in detail 31 amazing facts about this code, some of which I give below:

  • The opening statement of the Quran (“Bismillah”) consists of 19 Arabic alphabetic letters;
  • The famous words that constituted the first Quranic revelation (first five verse of surah 96) consists of 19 words;
  • The last Quranic revelation (surah 110) consists of 19 words;
  • The Quran consists of 114 surahs (114 is a multiple of 19);
  • The first surah in the order of revelation (surah 96) is placed in position number 19 from the end of the Quran;
  • The first chapter in the order of revelation (surah 96) consists of 19 verses;
  • The first Quranic revelation (the famous 19 words) consists of 76 letters, and 76 is a multiple of 19;
  • The first word in the Quran’s famous opening statement (“ism”) occurs in the Quran exactly 19 times;
  • All the words in the opening statement of the Quran (“ism”, “Allah”, “al-Rahman” and “al-Rahim”) individually occur either 19 times or multiples of 19 times in the Quran;
  • The 19-letter opening statement of the fifth Quranic revelation (Al-Fatihah) and the first surah of the Quran came immediately after the code 19 was given in the last verse of the fourth revelation (74) and that this opening statement consists of individual words occurring 19 times or multiples of 19 times in the Quran, strongly indicating that the number 19 is central to the Quranic structure.

Although these facts are amazing enough, the reader must read the book itself to appreciate the full significance of the author’s revelations of this mysterious 19-based Quranic code. The author explained that the figure 19 chosen by God to be the numerical basis of His Quran, because oneness of God is the theme of the Quran. The numerical value of the Arabic word “one” (wahid) in the traditional “letter arithmetic” is also 19. It is a reasonable and logical explanation.

Reading this book, an objective reader cannot doubt the soundness of the author’s conclusion — that the Quranic composition is based on the numerical code of 19 and that this code represents one of the greatest miracles of the Quran, as the Quran itself states (73:35).

Although non-believers have said that the Quran is the work of Muhammad (whom they call a man of the greatest genius), with this astounding discovery, they can no longer say so with reason, although they may continue to disbelieve in it. No man can write a book whose linguistic structure is based on such mathematical precision! Only an All – Knowing God can execute such intricate and exquisite planning. The code therefore proves conclusively that the Quran is God’s message to the world and that it has been perfectly preserved through these 14 centuries.

Apart from this great discovery, this book opens the minds of Muslims to one very important fact: that the Quran, the unaltered work of God to mankind and the last of God’s books, is a comprehensive, perfect and self- explanatory book of guidance to man, requiring no other book to supplement or supersede it.

Adding to Quranic exegesis

The Muslims themselves over the last thousand years have set up and taken other books (the books of jurisprudence) to rival the Quran as their guidance in their everyday life. The learned author rightly points to the warning given by the Quran over this possibility: “And the Messenger will say: ‘My Lord, surely my people treat this Quran as a forsaken thing’. And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy from among the guilty, and sufficient is thy Lord as a Guide and a Helper”. (25:30-31).

This strong criticism, nay condemnation, of the false Muslims will not endear the author to the formalist leaders of the Muslim community, but this is perhaps necessary to fully reawaken the Muslim community to the truth of their great religion. It also opens the way for the re-establishment of the link and unity between Islam and the other bearers of the Heavenly Message, like Judaism and Christianity, that is necessary for the coming unity, peace and justice among mankind. This book continues and carries forward the basic rationalist teachings of the great reformer Muhammad Abduh and his teacher Jamaluddin al-Afghani.

It will interest readers greatly to know that Dr. Rashad Khalifa has also ventured a thesis, based on Quranic evidence, in an attempt to solve the great riddle of the end of the world and the Day of Resurrection. This intriguing question has, of course, given rise to many erroneous predictions in the past.

The mystery of this date, the author claims, lies hidden in a Quranic code representing the age of Islam. The end of the age of Muhammad, who is the last in the series of God’s prophets to mankind, is logically the end of the world and the Day of Resurrection. The intriguing question is therefore the length of the period of Muhammad. By a series of “deductions” from Quranic statements, he arrives at 1709 lunar years as the period from 1400 Hijrah, the year of Dr. Khalifa’s discovery. Amazingly enough, this figure of 309 lunar years or 300 solar years is mentioned in the Quran in a separate context.

However, by venturing into this area, the author has embarked on a hazardous enterprise, which seriously detracts from his credibility. The Quran is categorical about the inaccessibility of the knowledge concerning the date of the day of judgment. Speculation about this remains an idle exercise. But this diversion need not deter us from examining positively the point the author so diligently tries to make.

In spite of the importance of this book, I have not read a single review of it. But, in a sense, it is to be expected. This book is so wondrous in its revelations, so sharp in its understanding and so blunt in its criticisms that even those who call themselves Muslims are sceptical and afraid of it. But I am thoroughly convinced that it is a book of major significance for the proper understanding of the Quran and the teachings of Islam.

Kassim Ahmad


From Muslim Perspective, June, 1985

See also:

To Save The Muslim Ummah, We Must Return To Obeying The Prophet


To Save The Muslim Ummah

We Must Return To Obeying The Prophet

“Anyone who disobeys GOD and His messenger has deserved the retribution of Hell, wherein they abide forever.” (72:23)

Despite severe differences that plague the Muslim Ummah – Sectarian, tribal, political and economic differences – even military conflicts and vicious wars – there is one thing that the Muslims unanimously agree upon: That the Qur’an is the word of God that was uttered by the final Prophet Muhammad.

Every Muslim on earth regardless of sect, race, color, and language believes that Qur’an was uttered by the honorable messenger, upon inspiration from God, and that God has guaranteed its preservation and protection from the slightest distortion, addition or loss.


“Surely, we have sent down this message, and surely, we will preserve it” (15:9).

This fact – that the glorious Qur’an is God’s message to the world which was uttered by the Prophet Muhammad – is affirmed in Qur’an by the strongest oath:

“I swear by everything you see, and everything you do not see, this is the utterance of an honorable messenger.

It is not the utterance of a poet, rarely do you believe.

Nor is it the utterance of a soothsayer, rarely do you take heed.

A revelation from the Lord of the universe.

For whom the Lord loves, He chastises, even as a father does to the son he loves.

And, if he ever uttered any other words (i.e. Religious instructions other than the qur’an), We would have punished him severely … We would have stopped the revelation to him. None of you could have protected him from retribution.” (69:38-47)

The Qur’an affirms that disobeying God and His messenger incurs humiliation, defeat, misery, and shame both in this life and in the Hereafter.

“Anyone who disregards My message shall suffer a miserable life. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, we resurrect him blind. He will say, ‘My Lord, why did you resurrect me blind, when I used to be a seer?’ He will be told, ‘When our revelations came to you, you disregarded them. Consequently, you are now disregarded.’ We thus punish whoever transgresses, and refuses to believe the revelations of his Lord. Additionally, the retribution in the Hereafter is far worse and everlasting.” (20:124-127)

“Whoever obeys the messenger is obeying GOD. As for those who turn away, we did not send you to be their guardian.” (4:80)

“Anyone who opposes the messenger, after guidance had been pointed out for him, and follows other than the path of believers, we direct him in the direction he chose. He ends up in Hell; a miserable destiny.” (4:115)

If we can rid our minds of the traditions, innovations, superstitions, and inherited ideas that were injected into our religion, and return to God and His messenger, we would realize that the present decline of the Muslim Ummah is the direct result of disobeying the Prophet.

What helped Satan in misleading the Muslims is that the blatant disobedience of the Prophet takes the shape of loving the Prophet very much. As a rule, anything that exceeds its limits, becomes the exact opposite. When love exceeds the limits, it becomes hatred. Our love of the Prophet has exceeded the limits, until it turned into real hatred in the form of love. This is of course what Satan did to the Christians; they love Jesus so much that he disowns them on the Day of Judgment (5:117) and the Gospel of Mathews 7:21-23).

One of the most flagrant examples of our excessive love of the Prophet …. which turned into direct disobedience …. can be illustrated by studying Verse 285 of Sura 2.

Before I cite this verse, I wish to remind the reader that these words came out of the Prophet’s mouth.

“The messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. All of them believe in GOD, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers; ‘We do not make any distinction among His messengers,’ and they say , ‘We hear and we obey. Forgive us, our Lord. To You is our ultimate return.’”

Is this what the Muslims say or do today?

Do the Muslims obey this powerful injunction that “We shall not make any distinction among God’s messengers” and that “We hear and we obey“?

Do the Muslims obey God and His messenger?

GOD made the service of Him obligatory on you, which is to say that He made perfect happiness obligatory for you.


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, February, 1985

See also: