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Christian vs. Muslim Calendar


The main purpose of a calendar is to calculate and keep track of time. Yet, Muslims use the Hijri Calendar, Christians use the Gregorian Calendar, and Jews use their own calendar. Which one of them is right? It turns out that the correct calendar is God’s calendar (10:5, 55:5); it’s written in the sky, and according to this correct calendar we use the sun to calculate the years, and we use the moon to calculate the months (10:5).

So, the Christians have changed the months incorrectly, and the Muslims have changed the years incorrectly, because they both wanted the months and the years to synchronize with each other. But they don’t have to synchronize. Do we also change the weeks so that they synchronize with the months? Do we make the weeks longer, or the months shorter? No.

A week is 7 days, a month is 29 or 30 days, and a year is 365 days. This means that one year has 12 months. So, the Christians have got it right when it comes to the years, the Muslims have got it right when it comes to the months, and the Jews have got it right when it comes to the weeks – their Sabbath is the seventh day (4:154).

Demographics of Heaven and Hell

From all the people on earth,

  • 66% of them will go to Hell forever,
  • 24% will go to Purgatory,
  • And 9.09% will go to Heaven – 9% in Paradise, and only 0.09% in the Higher Paradise.

How can we know? We can know this by combining verse 59:20 with verses 8:65 & 66.

Verse, 59:20 calls the believers “winners”. Then, in verse 8:65 God informs us that the believers will win against ten times as many disbelievers, and this is in the future tense in Arabic, using the word “WILL”, and it applies to any future victory – including Heavenly victory. So, for every person in Heaven, there will be ten people in Hell and Purgatory (8:65, 6:160).

Then, the people of Purgatory will join Paradise (7:49), after 1000 years of repentance (22:47, 29:14, 7:47). Once the people of Purgatory join Paradise, the Quran in verse 8:66 informs us that the believers would have defeated twice as many disbelievers. So, the people in Heaven and Purgatory would have defeated twice as many people in Hell (8:66, 2:265, 7:46).

People in Heaven will be in two Paradises – Paradise and the Higher Paradise (55:46, 55:62). For every 99 people in Paradise, there will be only one person in the Higher Paradise (38:23-24).

People in the Higher Paradise will be saved by God (37:74).

People in Paradise will be saved by God’s grace (3:170).

People in Purgatory will be saved God’s mercy (7:49).

And that is why the Quran starts with the phrase “In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful” (1:1)

People who refuse God, His grace, and His mercy will deserve God’s wrath – Hell (1:7, 3:162).

By the way, don’t let this graph fool you into thinking that Hell is big. Hell will be as small as the Earth’s Core (69:32), while Paradise will be bigger than the seven heavens (3:133), which is infinitely bigger (39:67).

In Paradise will go:

  • 9% of men (33:35, 49:13, 48:5)
  • 9% of women (33:35, 49:13, 48:5)
  • 9% of rich people (34:37)
  • 9% of poor people (34:37)
  • 9% of married people (34:37)
  • 9% of unmarried people (34:37)
  • 9% of people living today (56:39-40)
  • 9% of people from the past (56:39-40)
  • 9% of people from the future (56:39-40)
  • 9% of people living in cities (9:101)
  • 9% of people living in rural areas (9:101)
  • 9% of whites (49:13)
  • 9% of blacks (49:13)
  • 9% of Asians (49:13)
  • 9% of Semites (49:13)
  • 9% of every ethnicity (49:13)
  • 9% from any free democratic country (49:13) – the non-democratic countries today have anywhere from 8% of believers and their economy goes down, to about 10% of believers and their economy is booming.
  • 9% of powerful people (4:95)
  • 9% of weaker people (4:95)
  • 9% from any profession which is allowed (you might think that some professions are less honest. However, competition in a free market makes the less honest professions more crowded, and more competitive and therefore equally hard to live by.
  • 9% of people who went to school
  • 9% of people who did not go to school
  • 9% of smart people
  • 9% of not so smart people
  • 9% of active people (4:95)
  • 9% of passive people (4:95)
  • 9% of taller people (49:13)
  • 9% of shorter people (49:13)
  • Surprisingly, about 9% of the so called atheists (atheists are not necessarily bad; they are stupid; for example, babies are both atheists and submitters at the same time)
  • About 9% of religious people
  • About 9% of Muslim World
  • About 9% of Christian World
  • About 9% of Jewish World
  • About 9% Buddhist World
  • About 9% of Indian World
  • About 9% of Agnostics World

This does not make religions equally right, because from the wrong religious groups, the unfortunate mistreated people go to Heaven, and from the right religious groups, the fortunate people who help others go to Heaven.

Beware, Heaven is closed for:

  • Old Atheists (16:48, 26:86, 34:9)
  • Rich Christians (9:111, 5:82, 5:66, Mathew 19:24)
  • Political Jews (5:64, 5:84, 2:11)
  • Muslims who follow blindly (6:114-116)
  • Organized Buddhists (42:20)
  • Devout Hindus (4:116)
  • Agnostics who have opinions (30:29, 47:16, 39:9, 20:16)
  • Submitters who think that they know better than a living messenger of God (2:98, 49:1, 4:150)

So, is there any religious group which is the correct group of believers? Well, today, not completely (42:14), but from the people who believe this video right now, 99% of them will go to Heaven (3:7, 49:15, 9:88), and from the people who believe this video 40 years later, about 70% of them will go to Heaven (2:246, 59:10-11).

Now, what about Hell? 66.66% of any of the mentioned demographical groups will go to Hell:

  • 66% of men,
  • 66% of women,
  • 66% of poor people,
  • 66% of rich people, and so on…

However, in the very extremes, in the Higher Paradise which includes only 0.09% of people, and also in the Lowest Pit of Hell the distribution of people from different demographical groups is not the same. The Higher Paradise – the best of the best – and the Lowest Pit of Hell – the worst of the worst will include people who have more power in this world (16:76, 9;69, 40:21, 47:13), any kind of power reflected in demographical characteristics:

  • So, a higher proportion of rich people than poor people (16:76, 3:186).
  • a higher proportion of men than women (33:35, 4:176, 4:98),
  • a higher proportion of people from the past, less from now, even less from the future (56:13-14),
  • a higher proportion of Semites, slightly less from whites, blacks and Asians (33:33, 42:7)
  • a higher proportion of smart people than to not so smart people,
  • a higher proportion of Submitters, than Muslims, than Jews, than Christians, than Buddhists, than Indians (42:7).
  • a higher proportion of religious people than non-religious people.
  • a higher proportion of active than passive people (4:95).
  • a higher proportion of people who live their lives than those who experience their life through internet and TV

But, let me emphasize again that these demographical differences only apply in the extremes, among the best of the best and the worst of the worst. The rest of Heaven and the rest of Hell, and all of Purgatory, will have an equal distribution of all of these demographical groups, and even more so as people become more equal in power in the future (40:21).

If you are a believing parent, you might be concerned about your children. You might say, “O my God, my children have only a 9% chance of being believers”. Well, God is the most merciful, so he tweaks the percentages a little bit. If you had your child after becoming a believer, the chance of your child also being a believer doubles, up to 18% and if your spouse is also a believer, the chance doubles again, up to 36%, and if both you and your spouse strived actively in the cause of God, then the chances double again, up to 72% (18:80-81, 71:27, 3:34, 19:49, 11:71, 14:35, 14:40, 12:92). This still might not look enough, but the good news is that children do not have much power, and as long as they are dependent on you, they will mostly act as believers, and once you are gone, they will show their true face, which would not matter to you because you would be gone. So, children are a temporary blessing, be they believers or disbelievers. You must teach them and treat them all as believers (2:220)

To conclude:

The road to Heaven is narrow. Only 9.09% of people make it. If you are a truthful person, you have a 100% chance of making it to Heaven (5:119), and if you are an idol worshiper, you have a 0% chance of making it (4:48). Which one are you?

Promises of Paradise


A promise (39:74)

and good news (25:24, 3:170, 3:171)

to all believing males and females (40:40, 4:124, 3:195)

that you will be protected from hell (21:101)

forgiven (67:12, 66:8, 57:21, 57:21, 48:29, 47:15, 34:4, 36:11, 11:11, 8:4, 8:74, 5:9, 2:268)

saved (92:21, 4:95)

redeemed (110:3)

successful (91:9, 87:14, 7:157)

triumphant (62:12, 57:12, 48:5, 45:30, 10:64, 9:89, 5:119)

winners (59:20, 58:22, 39:73, 30:38, 23:108, 23:111, 9:20, 9:88, 7:8, 2:5, 39:73)

gates of Heaven opened for you (38:50, 39:73)

and entering Paradise (43:70, 16:32)

admited (66:8)

Welcomed and received by angels (89:29, 89:30, 21:103, 13:23, 25:75)

never evicted (15:48)

No sun heat, no cold (76:13)

no disappointment (66:8)

no retribution (57:13, 52:18, 44:56)

no injustice (20:112)

no adversity (20:112)

no fear (41:30, 20:112, 7:49, 3:170, 2:112, 2:274, 2:277)

no grief (41:30, 7:49, 3:170, 2:112, 2:274, 2:277)

no boredom (35:35, 56:19)

no tiredness (35:35, 15:48)

no worry (21:103, 35:34)

no deprivation (10:26)

no shame (10:26)

no jealousy (15:47, 7:43)

no harm (3:174)

no nonsense (88:11, 78:35, 56:25, 19:62)

no lies (78:35)

no sinful utterances (56:25)

no death (44:56)

a real eternal Life (101:7, 29:64, 3:169, 40:39, 35:35, 31:9, 29:58, 25:15, 25:76, 11:108, 9:22)

with contentment (89:27, 76:11, 47:5)

love (19:96)

relaxation (76:13, 52:20, 38:51)

satisfaction (88:9)

laughter (80:39)

fun activities (46:55)

perfect security (44:51, 27:89, 15:46, 6:82)

perfect peace (56:91, 50:34, 44:55, 33:44, 15:46, 6:127)

greetings of peace (56:26, 39:73, 36:58, 25:75, 19:62, 13:24, 10:10)

brightened happy faces (3:107, 75:22)

looking at their Lord (75:23)

Light radiating from you (66:8, 65:11, 57:12, 57:19, 57:28)

joy (32:17, 88:8, 84:9, 83:24, 80:39, 76:11, 56:16, 44:52, 39:74, 36:56, 32:17, 25:75, 21:103, 15:45, 13:24, 13:29, 10:64, 3:15, 3:169, 3:170, 43:70, 41:30, 30:15, 10:58, 9:21, 3:107,

happiness (32:17, 101:7, 92:7, 90:18, 80:38, 77:43, 75:22, 69:24, 52:19, 39:17, 36:55, 32:17, 16:30, 13:29, 10:64),

Paradise (89:30, 88:10, 76:12, 70:35, 59:20, 57:21, 50:31, 47:6, 46:14, 46:16, 43:70, 43:72, 42:22, 41:30, 40:40, 39:73, 39:74, 36:55, 30:15, 29:58, 25:15, 25:75, 19:63, 18:107, 16:32, 11:23, 11:108, 10:26, 7:42, 7:49, 4:124, 3:133, 2:82)

eternal  gardens (98:8, 40:8, 38:50, 35:33, 20:76, 19:61, 16:31, 13:23, 98:8, 68:34, 66:8, 65:11, 61:12, 58:22, 57:12, 56:12, 55:46, 54:54, 52:17, 51:15, 48:5, 48:17, 47:12, 44:52, 42:22, 40:8, 38:50, 37:43, 35:33, 31:8, 22:23, 22:56, 20:76, 19:61, 18:31, 16:31, 15:45, 13:23, 10:9, 9:21, 9:89, 5:119, 4:57, 3:15, 3:195, 2:25, 3:198)

a wonderful dominion (76:20)

wonderful beautiful destiny (38:49, 25:76, 13:24, 13:29, 25:76)

beautiful ultimate abode (25:76, 41:32, 40:39, 35:35, 25:76, 16:30, 11:108, 65:11, 58:22, 46:14, 39:73, 11:23, 9:89, 98:8)

bliss anywhere (76:20, 83:22, 83:24, 82:13, 68:34, 56:8, 56:12, 52:17, 37:43, 35:35, 31:8, 22:56, 18:107, 16:30, 10:9, 9:21, 4:57)

exalted to honorable prominent positions (94:4, 88:10, 69:22, 54:55, 70:35, 37:42, 10:2),

at an Omnipotent King (54:55)

high ranks (58:11, 20:75, 8:4)

nice views (83:23, 83:35)

with mornings and evenings (19:62)

beautiful surroundings (55:76)

cool extended shade (77:41, 76:14, 56:30, 36:56, 13:35, 4:57)

wells (55:66),

springs (44:52, 15:45, 88:12, 83:28, 77:41, 76:6, 55:50, 51:15)

flowing streams (98:8, 66:8, 65:11, 61:12, 58:22, 57:12, 48:5, 48:17, 47:12, 39:20, 29:58, 22:23, 13:35, 9:89, 5:119, 4:57, 3:15, 3:195, 3:198, 2:25)

rivers (54:54, 47:15, 20:76, 16:31, 10:9, 7:43)

rivers of delicious wine (47:15)

rivers of fresh milk (47:15)

rivers of strained honey (47:15)

a spring of tea (76:18)

specifically reserved (83:28, 76:6, 52:18, 41:30, 37:41, 16:31, 4:100)

great beautiful rewards (21:101, 29:58, 95:6, 78:31, 78:36, 77:44, 65:11, 57:19, 56:24, 47:36, 46:14, 39:34, 29:7, 29:58, 28:84, 27:89, 25:15, 23:11, 20:76, 16:31, 16:32, 11:108, 10:26, 6:127,3:195, 3:171, 3:172)

generous recompense (78:36, 67:12, 57:7, 57:11, 57:18, 48:29, 39:74, 35:30, 36:11, 33:44, 30:45, 28:80, 16:41, 11:11, 8:74, 5:9, 4:74, 4:95, 4:100, 4:152, 4:162, 3:57, 2:112, 2:274, 2:277)

sufficient good provisions without limits (93:5, 55:48, 51:22, 40:40, 38:54, 37:41, 34:4, 22:58, 19:62, 13:35, 8:4, 3:169)

everything far better (87:17, 43:32, 42:36, 28:60, 28:84, 27:89, 25:24, 12:109, 10:58, 6:32, 3:198, 28:80, 16:30, 16:41, 9:20, 2:212)

everlasting (87:17, 42:36, 28:60, 11:108, 9:21)

tents (55:72)

spacious beautiful mansions upon mansions (58:11, 39:20, 29:58, 61:12)

green carpets throughout (88:16, 55:76)

luxurious furnishings (88:13, 83:23, 83:35, 76:13, 56:15, 56:34, 52:20, 37:44, 36:56, 15:47)

lined with satin (55:54)

wearing silk (76:12)

and green velvet and satin  (44:53, 76:21)

adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls (35:33, 22:23)

and silver ornaments (76:21)

served with golden trays (43:71)

pitchers in rows (88:15, 56:18), which never run out (56:19)

translucent silver and gold cups spiced with nectar (76:5, 76:15, 76:15, 37:45)

eating (77:43, 69:24, 52:19, 43:73)

fragrant fruits of choice within reach (76:14, 77:42, 69:23, 56:20, 56:32, 55:52, 55:54, 55:68, 55:22, 44:55, 43:73, 37:42, 36:57, 2:25), never ending, never forbiden (56:33)

date palms (55:68)

pomegranate (55:68)

lush orchards (78:32, 56:28)

grapes (78:32)

meats of birds, meats that they love (52:22, 56:21)

drinking (77:43, 69:24, 52:19)

abundant unpolluted water (56:31, 47:15)

many kinds of pure  (37:47), delicious drinks spiced with nectar and mixed with special flavors (83:25, 78:34, 76:15, 76:21, 56:18, 52:23, 83:27, 88:14, 37:46)

served by immortal servants, who look like scattered protected pearls (76:19, 56:17, 52:24)

everything for free (47:36)

pure magnificent beautiful spouses (78:33, 52:20, 44:54, 38:52, 36:56, 4:57, 3:15, 2:25, 56:22, 56:35, 55:56, 55:70, 37:48)

like gems and coral (55:58)

like protected pearls and eggs (56:23)

never previously touched (56:36, 55:56, 55:74)

perfectly matched (56:37)

chatting (37:50)

with your righteous family members (43:70, 40:8, 13:23, 52:21)

in the company of prophets, saints, martyrs, and the righteous, the best company, the elite of the elite (4:69, 56:10)

being neighbors (56:16), side by side (55:64), close to each other (44:53, 37:44), meeting each other (55:25)

in the company of angels (13:23)

anything you wish for, anything your heart desires  (41:31, 39:34, 36:57, 25:16, 50:35, 43:71, 21:102) however you will (76:6)

everything ready (50:31)

in a spacious paradise bigger than the heavens and the earth (57:21, 3:113)

all the good things (9:88)

God pleased with you, and you pleased with Him (98:8, 93:5, 89:28, 58:22, 5:119, 39:74, 22:59, 30:38)

being close to God (83:21, 83:28, 56:11, 89:28)

with God’s approval (9:21, 3:174)

God’s great blessings (42:22, 35:30, 33:47, 3:15, 3:174)

God’s mercy (57:28, 45:30, 9:21, 7:156, 4:175, 3:107)

God’s grace (35:35, 4:175, 3:174, 2:268)

God’s love (3:31)

forever (98:8, 65:11, 58:22, 57:12, 48:5, 46:14, 43:71, 39:73, 25:16, 21:102, 20:76, 18:108, 11:23, 10:26, 9:89, 7:42, 5:119,  4:57, 3:107, 3:198, 2:82, 2:25, 50:34)

The End Times



Herein you get to know about all the important future events of the world from now until the End of the World, and beyond that, supported with proof, every important future event (3:179), starting from the year 2021:

The year is 2021. The internet has become the main form of communication around the world. This has sped up the creation of new religious opinions for better and for worse. But, because of the large number of opinions, there is widespread religious confusion, divisions, and misunderstandings. That’s where the Clarifying Messenger’s clarifications come in. The Clarifying Messenger explains the Quran gradually over the next 33 years, as problems from new never-before-seen circumstances are brought to us (75:19, 44:13). The Clarifying Messenger gives the correct answers to the hardest and most important unanswered questions of today (6:105). This helps reshuffle the people, bringing the more knowledgeable ones on top, and it helps organize the submitters and strive in the cause of God in the right direction for victory (9:47). Then, in 2052, a global retribution will happen (44:1, 44:10-12). The smart submitters will be able take advantage of the prior knowledge about this and multiply their wealth twice, or five times, or ten times (12:47-49, 2:265). This will be God’s blessing to them for striving in the cause of God (10:107, 6:160).


Blessings from God


Then, God will strengthen the submitters (14:27, 47:7). The next messenger will start his mission. He is the Strengthening Messenger (69:40, 81:19, 36:14). They will finally learn how to properly respect their messengers (10:98). His name will be Alhak (43:29), and He will continue the Clarifying Messenger’s job, as soon as he leaves this world. Alhak’s job will be to promote the Quran to the modern world. He will recite and sing praises to God (69:40-41). He will defeat the opponents of the Clarifying Messenger – the dividers (15:90) and the fools (2:118) – but two more opponents will appear for him – the stingy and the hypocrites.

During his time, Istanbul (30:3), which the Romans lost back in 1453 (30:2), will once again become European (30:3). This will be a sign that God will soon give a helping boost to the Strengthening Messenger and the submitters who organized with him (30:4-5), and millions will follow him (81:20-21). Because of his success, a lot of people will brand submission as “the religion of Alhak” (9:29, 48:28). From 2054 until 2110, six years of global crises or sufferings will happen (68:1, 27:1, 36:1, 2:1, 3:1, 29:1, 30:1, 31:1, 32:1, 38:1, 50:1), similar in size to the COVID-19 pandemic, but of a different nature. But one of the crisis will be substantially larger, around the years 2074-75 (30:1, 2:1, 3:1, 29:1, 31:1, 32:1). You can learn more about these in the clarification titled “Explaining Quranic Initials, Predicting the Future”. These will be other opportunities to multiply your wealth greatly.


Prosperity and Slowdown


Then, from around the year 2110 until around 2270, the submitters will be without a human messenger. They will continue to grow and reach ten thousand mosques and more. The later generations will become gradually more and more sluggish, until the difference between submitters and non-submitters will be almost insignificant. By the end of this period, the submitters will be about 52% correct, and about 48% wrong, while the rest of the world will be about 52% wrong and about 48% correct. Five more years of global crisis will happen during this period (26:1, 28:1, 7:1, 19:1, 42:2, 10:1, 11:1, 12:1, 14:1, 15:1).


The Last 20 Years


A courageous person will publicly criticize the Arabs for rejecting the three modern messengers – the Messenger of the Covenant, The Clarifying Messenger, and the Strengthening Messenger – because all that the messengers asked was to worship God (36:20-25). His speech will be like that of Stephen the Martyr (Acts 7), but directed to modern Arabs instead of ancient Jews. Some of the leading Arabs will hate him. He will be martyred and enter Paradise (36:26). How blessed is he whose paradise has been mentioned in the Quran, and guaranteed for him beforehand? (36:26). Other Arabs will secretly agree with what he says. One more global crisis will happen (13:1), and then the time for the final battles will approach.


The Last Messenger – The Mahdi

(Approximately 2270 – 2279)

Then another person, a descendant of prophet Muhammad will be reformed as well. He will watch the clarifications of the Clarifying Messenger and learn from them in addition to his Quranic knowledge. His name will be Ahmad (48:29). He will be the Guide Messenger – the Mahdi (in Arabic). Let’s call him “the Mahdi”, as not to confuse him with the last prophet, prophet Muhammad who had a similar name. The Mahdi will be the last messenger. He will have no sons (13:38, 2:266), and by the time he becomes a messenger, he will have no father. He will become a messenger sometime around the year 2270. He will guide his people and the submitters to victory (9:33). He will fight three important battles, among other clashes:

  • The first one will be against the Arabs. They will not let him perform Hajj pilgrimage, but after some resistance, the Arabs will accept him (48:24). Together with other believers, he will march with a very simple flag ahead of them towards Mecca peacefully (48:29), and they will enter Mecca while being very humble (48:29). God will spare the Mahdi and his followers from having a big war with the Arabs, because there will be believing Arabs unknown to him inside Arabia (48:25). He and his group, the early believers will enter the Sacred Masjid in safety. They will complete their Hajj pilgrimage, and shave their heads (48:27). He will have very quick victories after that (48:28). He will guide his people to the true religion, the religion of his preceding messenger Alhak (48:28), the religion of Abraham (6:161, 22:78), submission (22:78).
  • His second major battle will be together with the Arabs against a northern army (18:92, 18:99). This will be the decisive battle, which will ensure peace and prosperity for a short while. The vanguard believers and a lot of Arabs will pledge their allegiance to him, and they will agree to support him (48:10). God will approve their pledge (48:10), especially those who gave their pledge to the Mahdi under the tree. They are among the best (48:18), because they did it in a time when other people still had their doubts about him. Those who keep the pledge will be rewarded (48:10). A few Arabs will break the pledge, seeking excuses (48:11), but in reality, inside themselves, they will think that the Mahdi has no chance of winning against much bigger armies (48:12). However, he definitely will win, because God supports him (48:12), and once the enemies see that they are about to lose, out of panic, they will be convinced that it is a good strategic idea to turn against their own states, and their own homes, and flee (59:2). The believers who will keep their pledge, and go all the way with their fighting will get a lot of material benefits from their victory (48:15, 20). The Mahdi, the Guide Messenger, will make submission prevail over all other religions (48:28, 61:9). He will fly within one night from Mecca to Jerusalem (17:1). For a while, there will be peace and prosperity among the believers (48:20, 21). So, when triumph comes from God, and victory (110:1). People will embrace God’s religion in throngs (110:2). They will glorify and praise their Lord, and implore Him for forgiveness (110:3). They will work righteousness freely and openly (9:105). There will be security among them, and good provisions (8:26, 24:55). As they grow stronger, it will enrage the disbelievers (48:29) who will prepare to destroy them. So, now the believers will have to fight even a bigger army (48:16).
  • The third major battle will be against the forces of Antichrist (9:28-36).

But before learning what will happen next, let’s first describe the world during those times so that you know in what kind of circumstances the events will unfold. During those years:

  • People will be almost equal to each other in morality (including Antichrist and the Mahdi).
  • On average, from every 12 people, 1 will be a submitter, 3 will be undecided, and 8 from thousands of other smaller religious groups, and most of the people will keep changing groups back and forth throughout their life, trying a little bit of this and a little bit of that, but the largest organized group will be the submitters.
  • Governments will be democratic in theory but communist in practice.
  • Entertainment will be news and news will be entertainment.
  • Politicians will be acting, and actors will be politicians.
  • Parents will have no authority over their children.
  • People will still be living on earth. Contrary to their expectations, they will not live in other planets (7:25).
  • People will have fewer intimate relations than any time in history, but any time they do, it will be public, creating the illusion that everyone is having fun, while they will be having less fun than any other time in history.
  • Private things will be public, and public things will be private.
  • All owners will be tenants, and all tenants will be owners.
  • All people will be in debt, and all people will be saving.
  • Those who are married will enjoy life equally with those who are not.
  • All the wealth of the world will belong to a few people, and yet they can not do what they want with it, as if though it is not theirs.
  • All groups, be they religious, political, cultural, philosophical, or national, will be about half correct. They will be correct in what they mention, but what they will not mention will be exactly the other half which is wrong.
  • Children and adults will be equal.
  • The difference between food and medicine will become vague.
  • All diseases will have a cure, except for maybe a few types of cancer. People will die anyway due to the financial and logistical impossibilities of getting those cures, and the accidents.
  • Human cloning will exist, whether the public will know about it or not.
  • There will be more than 1000 people who will pretend to be prophets, or messengers, or the Messiah, or the Mahdi, but none of them will reach dominance. Only the true Mahdi will reach dominance on the side of the believers, and only Antichrist will reach dominance on the side of disbelievers.

Because Antichrist and the Mahdi will live during the same times, we need to know the three ways to distinguish them:

  1. The Mahdi will do the Contact Prayer exactly like the Clarifying Messenger (Alban Fejza), exactly like Abraham without any changes, while Antichrist will not pray like us.
  2. The Mahdi will be able to liberate and enter Mecca peacefully, while Antichrist will not be able to occupy Mecca or enter it.
  3. The Mahdi will not claim to perform miracles, while Antichrist will claim to perform miracles trying to imitate Christ.


The Antichrist

(Approximately 2273 – 2280)

A man born around 2240, will show up around 2273 and claim that he is the Messiah or the Christ or the Chosen One, which makes him the Antichrist. He will say it because that’s what the disbelievers, the majority of the people, will want to hear. He will not have any extraordinary abilities. He will not be different from any other disbeliever of that time, except for the fact that the people have given him the technological control over things, since it will be impossible to manage a global world, unless you have a globalized center. He will claim that the Mahdi is the Antichrist, but this statement can not be true, because the Mahdi never claims to be Christ. Only someone who claims to be the Messiah can be an Anti-Messiah, Antichrist. Antichrist will have many names and titles. Some people will call him Ezra or the helper or the secretary, while the others will call him the Messiah or the chosen one or the elected one (9:30). He will claim to produce miracles, but they will simply be advanced technology tricks, supported by a large crew of remote background technology experts. For example, he might clone a human being in secret (which is possible), and then kill the original person in public, then bring out the secret clone, and claim that he resurrected him, or similar things. That’s not a miracle. It’s ironic that people will believe fake miracles when there are technological possibilities of faking them, while they disbelieved the ancient true miracles of Jesus, when it was impossible to fake them. So, pay attention to this: True messengers do not bring miracles anymore. This is made clear in the videos titled “No more miracles” and “Should messengers bring proof?”.

The false messiah, Antichrists, will fight against the Mahdi (9:29). He will build the unauthorized temple in Jerusalem; he will cause the abomination which causes desolation (17:7), while claiming that he has built “The Third Temple”. He will claim that the Messianic age has already come with his coming and that he will create paradise on earth with their cooperation, and therefore people should not expect the end of the world anymore, since it has already come with his coming. Then, the signs of the end will repeat again in a more major fundamental way, like the creation of a fully functional Artificial Intelligence Robot (27:82), splitting of the moon (54:1-3), the sky bringing smoke (44:10), but all these will be brushed away by the distractions of that time, like when you are distracted watching a movie, and you are not interested to hear that it is raining outside, for example. You might know that it’s raining, but you don’t care. You are totally absorbed in the movie. It will be the same then. People will be totally absorbed in their virtual reality experiences and forget that major events are happening in real life. They will acknowledge the signs, and then a few minutes later go back to their virtual games and virtual lifestyles, failing to realize the importance of what happened in real life. And Antichrist will make sure that they hear what they want to hear, since there will be a way to measure what they want to hear. Absorbed in their virtual lifestyles, the majority of the people will wish that the End of the World does not come, and he will tell them exactly what they want to hear, that it will really not come. So, when they totally disregard the message of the Quran given to them, God opens for them the gates of everything, and the earth is fully used. Then, just as they rejoice in the material things, and they think that they are in control, and they do not expect the End of the World anymore, then the Hour comes to them suddenly (6:31, 7:187, 16:26, 26:202, 43:66, 47:18). They will become utterly stunned (6:44). They can not delay it by one hour, nor advance it (10:49).


The End of the World


So, in the year 2280 (2:1, 7:1, 10:1, 13:1, 19:1, 20:1, 26:1, 27:1, 36:1, 38:1, 40:1, 42:2, 50:1, 68:1), during the fall season (81:4, 106:2), when the fruits fully ripen and the harvest is ready (10:24, 68:17, 3:117), on Friday evening (34:30, 62:9), Mecca and Jerusalem time (81:1, 16:124, 36:49), that’s when it happens, that’s when the Hour comes:

The horn will be blown (69:13).

The sky will crack (82:1).

Time will speed (73:17).

The stars will crash into each other (81:2), and be destroyed (77:8).

The planets will scatter (82:2).

The moon will become darkened, as it falls towards the sun (75:8).

The sun and the moon will crash into one another (75:9).

The sky will shake violently (52:9).

The earth will shake violently (22:2).

The wild animals will gather out of fear (81:5).

People will stop whatever work they are doing (81:4), whatever dispute they are having (36:49).

They will not even have time to make a will (36:50).

One will not care about his brother, or mother, or father, or spouse, or his children (80:34-38).

A nursing mother will discard her infant, and a pregnant woman will abort her fetus (22:2).

A violent earthquake and wind will flatten all the buildings (41:13, 7:78, 41:16).

Bodies of people will be tossed around like pieces of wood (41:13, 69:7), and thrown around like scattered moths (101:4).

The graves will roll over (82:4).

Volcanoes will explode (99:2).

The earth will shake violently (56:4).

The mountains will slide, crushed into dust, flattened and wiped out as if they never existed before (52:10, 56:5-6, 69:14, 73:14, 77:10, 18:47).

The lower parts of earth will be raised and the higher parts will be lowered (56:3, 20:105-107),

and the oceans will overflow and evaporate (81:6, 82:3).

All that will remain at the end of this will be an empty flat barren earth (84:3-5, 89:21, 10:24, 18:8).

And an opened sky (69:16, 77:9, 84:1-2).

The rest of the mass of this universe, with all the stars and planets, will be cramped together, under gravity, squeezed into a universal mass, igniting nuclear reactions, and that will be Hell (89:23, 29:54, 29:55).

The sky will be open (69:16, 77:9, 84:1-2).

The angels will descend in multitudes (25:25), in row after row, and also the Spirit (2:210, 89:22, 78:38).

Eight of them will carry above them the throne of our Lord (69:17).

Our Lord will come in dense clouds (2:210, 89:22).

The earth will shine with His light (39:69).

All sovereignty on that day will belong to the Most Gracious (25:26).


The final heavenly dispute

By the end of this, every creature will be unconscious. Even the people who are in Heaven will fall unconscious (39:68), except for a couple of them to serve as witnesses (19:57, 37:129). Then, God will tell the angels and Satan, “Did I not tell you that I know what you do not know.” I knew that no one except me can be the Lord of the heavens and the earth”. Satan tried to rule the human beings, but you saw his results: A world full of poverty, suffering, depression, disease, and death. Then Satan will say, “It was not my fault. It is impossible to rule a kingdom where the citizens are creatures made of mud, a lowly material. You had created the human beings from the wrong material, from mud.” God will say, “Indeed, it is possible. It was only you and the disbelievers who ruined it. O you angels, chain him.” Satan will be chained but he will still be able to watch God’s demonstration. God will say, “Let me show you how it is done with the same type of materials. God will send down on earth on giant city for all believers, with a wall around it to keep the believers safe from the disbelievers when they get resurrected.


The City of Believers

The most beautiful city which we have ever seen will be released down on earth. It is called the city of believers (95:3). The place where Abraham stands up being resurrected (3:97), the house of life (52:4), because whomever enters it will never die. A gift for the people (3:96). Whomever enters it will reach full safety and full belief (3:97). The name of the city is Becca (3:96). It will be square shaped, about 2300 km in length and width (Revelation 21:16). About one month of walking distance from Jerusalem in all four directions (34:12). So, from Kosovo to the Caspian Sea, and from South of Libya to Arabia. This is why every messenger mentioned in the Quran came from that region. One of its walls passes near the wall of Gog and Magog. The other wall passes through the place where Adam was expelled from the garden of Eden, and the other wall passes near Kabah. There will be palaces made ready for the believers in that city, and there will be pure rivers beside them, and streams underneath them. The middle of the City will be where Jerusalem is today. There will be a prayer area there. The Quran calls it, “the farthest place of prostration” (17:1), because it will be the furthest building in the future which people will use as a religious building. The whole city will have only one religious building. All the other religious buildings were destroyed already when the earth was flattened, and there will be no religious buildings after it because once we go to Paradise, we will not need religious buildings there. So, this will be the last religious building, or the farthest religious building into the future. So, the first religious building on planet earth is Ka`bah, and the last religious building on planet earth will be the Mosque in Jerusalem, which will be dedicated to God alone, not to saints, not to religious leaders, not to prophets, not to Jesus, not to Angles – Only to God.


The Resurrection of Witnesses

Then God will send rain on earth (43:11, 7:57, 35:9), for a period similar to 40 years, and beautiful gardens with fruits will grow inside the city. The earth will become muddy (38:76). It will crack and form into human shaped mud (6:95, 7:25, 22:66, 50:44). It will gradually dry, and become bones and flesh (75:3), until the bodies will look like when we were teenagers (18:10-21, 75:4), but without any blemishes. (36:51, 2:28). Then all it takes is one blow, and we will be reunited with our bodies (81:7), and we will come back to life (36:53, 2:28, 37:19, 83:4). A call will be made (54:6, 50:41), and we will rise up (50:42, 79:14).

We will be resurrected from the most righteous person to the least righteous person. Jesus was already resurrected and lifted up in this life (3:55), but from the unresurrected people:

  • God will resurrect Abraham first (6:161, 2:124). This is also to answer his prayer when he asked God to show him how He resurrects the dead (2:260). This will allow him to see how other people are resurrected and bear witness to that. Then God will resurrect Moses, (20:41, 4:164), Muhammad (3:68), Noah (33:7), and the rest of the prophets.
  • Then, those who were messengers will be resurrected, which include the seventy disciples of Moses (7:155), the eleven disciples of Jesus (5:111, 5:112, 61:14), and a few messengers sent to ancient towns (10:47, 4:164).
  • Then, those who were saints, but not messengers, will be resurrected, which include Mary (5:75), the Seven Sleepers of the Cave (18:14), the mother of Moses (28:7), the sister of Moses (28:11), the wife of Pharaoh (66:11), the wife of Abraham (11:71), Abu Bakr (9:40), Ali (33:33), Zeid (33:37), and anyone who dedicated their life to God.
  • Then, those who were messengers but not saints will be resurrected, which includes Alban Fejza (44:13), the two messengers after Alban Fejza (69:40, 48:28), and a few messengers sent to ancient towns (10:47, 4:164).
  • Then, the martyrs (57:19), which includes Abel (5:28), Stephen the martyr (36:20), the martyr preceding the Mahdi (36:20), and anyone who gets killed for speaking the truth (57:19).

This group of people – prophets, messengers, saints, and martyrs – is called ‘the witnesses’ (40:51, 4:41), because they are willing to give their life to stay true to the word of God. Their word is trustable. What they say on the Day of Judgment will stand true, and God will let them serve as witnesses. They will be resurrected inside the city walls. There will be 144,000 witnesses (Revelation 14:3-5), and 24 of them will be prophets (4:4). The city will have 12 gates. Two prophets for each gate, on for the left door and the other for the right door. God will ask the messengers, “How was the response to you?” The messengers will say, “We have no knowledge. You are the Knower of all secrets.” (5:109).

Then the truthful will be resurrected. Anyone who got saved through the word of God will be resurrected – 9% of all people from all generations, but only from the group who accepted the word of God. They will consist only of people from the religions which stemmed from the original word of God. These religions are:

  • Islam/Submission (49:17),
  • Christianity (2:62),
  • Judaism (2:62),
  • Zoroastrianism (22:17), and
  • God Fearers (Sabians) (2:62).

These five religions are the only religions mentioned in the Quran. The believers from these five religions are the five wise virgins mentioned by Jesus in Mathew 25, while the disbelievers from these same five religions are the five foolish virgins. Only the believers coming from these five religions believe in the coming of the Messiah in the future, and therefore they are the only people who deserve to experience the Messianic Age. But only the truthful from these five religions, only a small minority from each of these five religions. So, on that day, people will not be saved by their religion, but by their truthfulness (5:119). All the truthful will submit to God on that day, and therefore their only acceptable religion will be Submission (3:19). The person who used to call himself “Christian” will call not call himself “Christian” anymore. He will not be saved for being Christian. He will be saved for having been a submitter, without knowing it. He will reject the idea that Christianity saved him. He will submit, and call himself ‘a submitter’. They will all be submitters then (20:111). We will all submit to God. Submission is the only religion acceptable to God (3:19). So, the truthful will be resurrected as submitters. They will be resurrected in 12 groups outside the 12 gates of the city. The largest group of them will be all the believers who lived after prophet Muhammad, which includes our generations of believers – billions of believers. They will be resurrected where the field of Arafat is today. They will be clothed with white clothes, similar to the pilgrimage clothes of today, but made of light. Then they will walk through the sacred location of Muzdalifah, while chanting, “Here I am, God, here I am. You have no partners. To you alone belongs all praise, and all glory, and all kingship. You have no partners.” They will reach the gate of the city in multitudes, while the witnesses will be inside the city in preparation for prayer.

Then we will all see Jesus descend from heaven. He will descend near the center of the city. The Holy Spirit will descend as well. He will give the keys to each of the 12 gates to the 24 prophets, including Jesus.

However, because Jesus will also have a specific role as the Messiah, he will pass his key to his oldest disciple, Peter, so he can open one of the gates on his behalf. Peter and Elijah will open on of the gates, Moses and Aaron another, David and Solomon another, and so on, and the last gate will be opened by Abraham and Muhammad. This gate will be where the gate of the Kaaba is today. More people will enter this gate than any other gate. It will include all the believers who lived after prophet Muhammad. This is why God changed the direction of prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca (2:142), because on that day, no one from our generation can go to Jerusalem, except through Mecca. That will be the only gate opened for our generation.

It is going to be a celebration, praising God for the victory (40:51, 47:35). So, when triumph comes from God, and victory (110:1). We will see the people entering God’s city in throngs (110:2). We will glorify and praise our Lord and ask Him for forgiveness (110:3).


The Messianic Age

God will be watching over us from the heavenly Throne, and we will see God’s light shining upon us from the sky, but because He has created the Earth for us and Satan (32:5), He will not descend on Earth. He holds the heavens and the earth within his right hand (39:67). God will say, “Today, I make you kings and queens on earth, and I choose your religion to be submission to Me (24:55, 21:105). I will substitute peace and security for you in place of fear (24:55). Everything will be provided for us, and we will have one task and only one task – to worship God (51:56).

For efficiency purposes, we will organize to worship God, so we don’t get in each other’s way. For this reason, all groups of different generations and places choose their intercessors on earth (19:87), to represent them in the higher levels of government. Each person will choose someone through whom they had been guided. For example, if someone was guided because you shared this video with him, he will choose you as his intercessor. Then you will choose the speaker in the video, Alban. Alban will choose Rashad. Rashad will choose Muhammad. Muhammad will choose Abraham. Abraham will choose Noah, out of respect, and Noah will choose Adam out of respect. Adam will say, “I don’t deserve the honor. I took you out of heaven in the first place, but I have no ancestor to choose from, and all my believing descendants have ultimately chosen me. Is there anyone here who is not my descendant?” People will say, “It is Jesus. Only you and him had no father.” Adam will say, “I choose Jesus then.” People will say, “Between Adam and Jesus, we choose Jesus, the word of God. Now we get it. He is the chosen one. He is the Messiah. The messianic age has come.” Jesus will say. “I choose God. I dedicate this kingdom to Him.” “Our Lord who is in heaven. Praise be to you. Your kingdom has come. Your will is done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our everlasting bread. And forgive us our transgressions, and now we have forgiven now those who transgressed against us. And do not put us to trial again.” For a period equal to one thousand years (32:5, 7:14), no one will ever get sick or die, here on this Earth, on the flattened renewed earth, but still from the same material as this earth:

  • Instead of laws, there will be love (3:93).
  • Instead of mourning, there will be comfort (35:34).
  • Instead of poverty, there will be abundant wealth (93:5).
  • Instead of hunger, we will be full (20:118).
  • Instead of humiliated, we will be honored (4:31).
  • Instead of competition, cooperation (37:25).
  • Instead of loneliness, friendship (15:47).
  • Instead of work, joy (6:127).
  • Instead of the sun, the light of God (76:13, 39:69).
  • Instead of salty seas, clean rivers and streams (81:6, 7:43).
  • Instead of calculating, appreciating (70:18, 35:34).
  • Instead of fear, absolute security (20:112, 6:82).
  • Instead of complaining, praising God (23:64, 37:182).
  • Instead of capitalism, voluntary communism (38:24-25).
  • Instead of democracy, voluntary theocracy (5:50, 19:73). (Of course, communism and theocracy work only for one generation, because they ignore the need for growth for the next generation, but then we will be only one generation – no births – so it will be fine).
  • Instead of birth, brotherhood (77:38, 15:47).
  • Instead of doctrine, the truth.
  • Instead of fighting, winning (2:5).
  • Instead of arguing, agreeing.
  • Instead of messengers, witnesses.
  • Instead of prophets, God’s voice.
  • Instead of jinns, angels (13:23).
  • Instead of Satan, the Messiah (7:14-15, 4:172).
  • Instead of idols, God (28:74).
  • No one instead of God (3:62).

Then, God will tell Satan. “This is how we run a kingdom with the same materials. So, it was not the material’s fault. It was your fault, and the fault of the wicked people.”


Gog and Magog

Meanwhile, God will resurrect Gog and Magog and the animals outside of the safe city (21:95:96). The least bad among the nonbelievers are Gog and Magog and animals. Gog and Magog are the Neanderthal and the Denisovans – about 200 million of them (about 13,000 generations of 15,000 people), most of them from those who lived before Adam. So, about 200 million human shaped beings who are not descendants of Adam will be resurrected. Neanderthals were human shaped beings with aggressive tendencies (18:93) but they were not descendants of Adam, and therefore incapable of abstract speech (18:93, 2:33, 2:37). Because of their inability for abstract speech (18:93, 2:33, 2:37), they are incapable of being extremely evil, similar to animals, which are incapable of being evil or good, even though they might be aggressive or friendly. They will not be judged, because their language limitations made it impossible for them to understand warnings and to receive messengers. You can not blame dumb people for not understanding the warnings (33:72). Neanderthals and Denisovans were so dumb, they did not know how to build a simple ladder to climb a simple barrier or simply go around the mountains, or use fire to melt holes into the barrier (18:97). They are not alive today. They went extinct. When they get resurrected, they will not know what happened to them. They do not understand the concept of resurrection, just like animals.


The Resurrection of Disbelievers

Then, the horn will be blown for the second time (36:51, 39:68, 78:18, 18:99, 20:102), which symbolizes that something terrible is about to happen to the disbelieving descendants of Adam (21:96).

So, the bad descendants of Adam, who have the ability for abstract speech, and therefore no excuses for disbelieving (75:15, 4:165), will get resurrected. Their souls will be restored to their bodies (81:7). They will be completely exposed (40:16).

To cover their nakedness, garments of tar will be put over their bodies (14:50). They will be humiliated (68:43), and shamed (70:44). They will say, “Woe to us. Who resurrected us from our death? We have been recreated from the grave! How did this happen after we had turned into rotten bones? This is what the Most Gracious had promised. The messengers were right. This is the Day of Judgment. This is a difficult day.” (36:52, 79:10-11, 37:20, 54:8). Their faces will be looking upward, their eyes will not even blink, and their minds will be horrified (14:43). No relations among them will exist, and they will not care about one another (23:101). Whispering among themselves, they will say, “You have lived in the previous life no more than ten days!” (20:103). The most accurate among them will say, “You stayed no more than a day” (20:104). They will be blind (17:72, 20:124-127). They do not deserve to see God. His light would blind them anyway. They would see nothing. They do not see (17:97). They will be required to fall prostrate, but they will be unable to (68:42), because they will be chained in shackles (14:49), driven by a driver (50:21), and a witness nearby (50:21). Then, their vision will be restored, once they are driven in their judgment area, so that they can be shown their deeds (50:22).

To make space for the judgment of humans, the animals and Gog and Magog who have survived so far will be driven away to the other side of the earth (21:96), towards the Pacific Ocean, which will be flat land then. On their way, they will trample the disbelievers, who are chained. Those who remain from Gog and Magog will be destroyed from a simple virus, just like they got destroyed in the first time, and the animals will also die. Their bodies were not created to survive forever. They will pay for their animal behavior, and that is it for them. You can learn more about the fate of their souls in the clarification titled, “Animals according to the Quran”, but herein let’s continue with the fate of the children of Adam.


The Summoning

A call for summoning will be made, and everyone will follow the caller and summoned before God (20:108, 11:103, 34:24, 77:38). Every community will kneel (45:28). Some of those who did not believe in the proofs of God will be summoned forcibly (27:83). When they arrive, He will say, “You have rejected My revelations, before acquiring knowledge about them. Is this not what you did?” (27:84). They will say nothing (27:85).

No soul will utter a single word, except in accordance with His will (11:105, 77:35-36, 78:38). The witnesses will also be summoned and brought forth (39:69, 40:51), which includes angels, prophets, saints, messengers, and martyrs (77:11). The angles will present their recordings. The prophets will be questioned whether they delivered their books. The messengers will be questioned whether they warned the disbelievers about this day, and each messenger will serve as a witness against his generation of disbelievers (4:41, 16:84, 16:89). The martyrs will be asked for what crime were they killed (81:9).

Two books will be there. One of them will be positioned in a high place, so that that everyone can see it, but no one can reach it and change it. It is called Elleyyeen (83:18, 83:21), the High Book, and it will have the everlasting names of the righteous people engraved in it (83:20). The righteous will be lined up like in a graduation ceremony, and their names will be called from the book one by one (18:48, 19:95). When one of them is called, he is given his record in his right hand (69:19, 84:7, 17:71), and he will return to his people joyfully (84:9), and will say, “Come read my record. I did believe that I was going to be held accountable” (69:20).

The other book will be low on the ground, but inside an unbreakable box, so that the disbelievers can not erase their names from there, and the box will be transparent, so that you can read the book from the outside. It is called Sijjeen (83:7), the boxed book. The everlasting names of the disbelievers are engraved in it. The wicked will be lined up like prisoners of war, and their names will be called from the book one by one (18:48). Their record will be given in their left hand (69:25, 81:10), and they will say, “Oh, I wish I never received my record. I wish I never knew my account. I wish my death was eternal. I wish I were dust” (69:25-27, 78:40, 4:42). Once the last ones, the worst ones, see what is happening with people in front of them, they will panic, and they will be dragged by force in front of the record giver (27:83) while they try to face away from him, and he will give them their record anyway from behind their back (84:10).

They will see everything they did in this life recorded, everything they did to advance themselves, and everything they did to regress themselves (75:13). They will say, “Woe to us. How come this book leaves nothing, small or large, without counting it?” (18:49). God will ask them, “Is this not the truth?”. They will say, “Yes, by our Lord.” He will say, “So, you will taste the retribution because of your disbelief (6:30). No excuses will be accepted (75:15, 40:52).

They will be asked, “Did you not receive messengers from among you, who narrated to you My revelations, and warned you about the meeting of this day? (6:130) How did you respond to the messengers? (28:65)” They will say, “We bear witness against ourselves that we were disbelievers” (6:130). They will be so stunned by the facts; they will be speechless (28:66).

God will say, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Make me and my mother idols beside God’?” He will say, “Be You glorified. I could not utter what was not right. Had I said it, You already would have known it. You know my thoughts, and I do not know Your thoughts. You know all the secrets (5:116). “I told them only what You commanded me to say, that: ‘You shall worship God, my Lord and your Lord.’ I was a witness among them for as long as I lived with them. When You raised me, You became the Watcher over them. You witness all things (5:117). “If You punish them, they are Your constituents. If You forgive them, You are the Almighty, Most Wise.” (5:118). God will proclaim, “This is a day when the truthful will be saved by their truthfulness.” (5:119).


The Judgment

The accurate scales will be set. Material blessings on one side and righteousness on the other. Let’s start with material blessings first:

After this measurement, do you know how many of us will be saved? No one. Then God will say, “I am the Merciful (6:12). No one gets saved except through my mercy. Out of my mercy, make everyone’s righteous deeds ten times heavier” (6:160). Then about 1% of people will be saved. Then God will say, “I am the Merciful (6:12). Whomever believed in all my scriptures including the Quran, double their weights” (28:52-54). Then about 4% of people will be saved. Then God will say, “I am the Merciful (6:12). Whomever believed in my messengers when I sent them to them, double their weights again” (57:28). 9.1% of people will be saved. Then, God will say, “I have reserved paradise for you. As for the other people, they are the losers.”

So, those whose weights are heavier than the benefits they enjoyed, they will be winners, and they will be happy (7:8, 21:47, 23:102, 20:112, 101:6-7). As for those whose weights are lighter than the benefits they enjoyed, they will be the losers, and they will feel miserable (7:9, 23:103, 20:111, 101:8-11).

Everyone will be paid exactly for what we did. No injustice (36:54, 18:49, 40:17, 43:76). No soul will bear the sins of any other soul (39:7). God will be the absolute and direct Lord (1:4, 22:56). He will be the ultimate judge (22:56). Intercession will be useless, except for those permitted by the Most Gracious, and whose utterances conform to His will (20:109, 19:87). Their money and their children can not help them (26:88), and their friends can not help them (44:41).

And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, “God has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me.

To prove that the scales were accurate, God will also let the people settle the accounts between each other.


Settling the Accounts

On that day, there will be a well-known doctor who saved hundreds of lives, created charitable organizations, had a nice family, didn’t cause any problems, no criminal record with the police, everything the way it was expected of him. He will be shown his record, and it will have many good deeds. Then, his coworker will come to him and say, “Remember how I cleaned up after your surgeries? I want those credits back. Everyone for himself.” Some good deeds will be taken out of his account and put into his coworker’s account. Then his high-school friend will come, “Remember how I helped you prepare for that exam? Give that credit back to me. Everyone for himself”. Then his wife will come, “Remember, how every time our children got sick, it was always me who took my day off at work, and withheld my promising career for you and the family. You spent your time with your friends, while I took care of the children? I want those credits back. Everyone for himself.” Then his brother will come, “Remember how you used to take my toys, and were competing unfairly for our parents’ attention? I want those credits back.” Then his mother will come. “Do you remember, how I made up your room every day so you can focus on your studies, become successful and enabled you to be a good person? How I fed you every day, fixed your mistakes, changed your diapers when you were a baby? I want those credits back. Everyone for himself. Then his father will come, “Remember how I bought you that car, and I paid for your college, and I paid your marriage expenses, I helped you with your children, I made sure that you hung out with the right friends, I gave you the right advice, I solved your problems before they came to you, and made sure that you are on the right track to success? I want all those credits back. Everyone for himself.” And then, this well-known doctor will be left with nothing. He will say, “But, I saved hundreds of lives.” His patients will say, “You saved no one. God saved us through the health system, and the taxpayers, while you got paid for it. You already received your payment, your salary. No one gets paid twice for the same deed. You just happened to have the right profession at the right time. You had supporting parents, helping friends, and nice people around you, and a good upbringing. You took the credits, while we had to endure. Now, we will take the credits, and you will have to endure. Go to Hell.”

All the people on that day will settle their accounts between each other. Everyone will try to grab as many credits as possible, and blame each other. It is called the Day of Mutual Blaming, and the final results will be exactly like the results of God’s scales. In the end, 91% of people will end up with nothing in their accounts. In this way, the disbelievers will be shown that all their efforts in this first life had no value at all. Their net value is nothing (25:23). They did nothing good (25:23). In fact, the disbelievers will also carry the sins of the people for whom they were responsible, in addition to their own sins (29:13).

The followers will say to their leaders, “If it were not for you, we would have been believers. You schemed night and day, then commanded us to be unappreciative of God, and to set up idols to rank with Him. Can you spare us even a little bit of God’s retribution now?” (34:31, 34:33, 14:21). The leaders will reply, “Are we the ones who diverted you from the guidance after it came to you? No; it is you who were wicked. Had God guided us, we would have guided you. Now it is too late, whether we grieve or resort to patience, there is no exit for us.” (34:32, 14:21).


Facing the Idols

The idolizers will confront their idols and say “Our Lord, these are the idols we had set up beside You. These are the ones who misled us” and their idols will say, “You are liars” (16:86, 28:63, 46:6), “We had no idea that you idolized us”. (10:28-29).

They will be asked, “Where are the idols you had worshiped beside God? Can they help you now? Can they help themselves?” (26:92, 26:93, 28:62, 28:74). “Call your idols now.” They will call them, but they will not respond (28:64). Their idols will not be able to help them in any way (30:13). When they see the retribution, they will say, “Now we believe in God alone, and now we do not believe in the idolizing which we did” (40:84). Their belief does not help them when they see the retribution (40:85).

This is because when GOD ALONE was advocated, they disbelieved, but when others were mentioned beside Him, they believed (40:12). They will be told, “God’s abhorrence towards you is even worse than your own abhorrence towards yourselves. For you were invited to believe, but you chose to disbelieve” (40:10).


Seeing Hell

The people will realize that the earth has been the whole time on its orbit falling towards the center of the mass of the universe, which is Hell, which will be compacted into a volume only as big as the core of the earth, but a million times a million times a million times a million times a million times a million times heavier – all the stars put together. The earth has no escape from its gravity. It will have valves and mechanisms to keep it from totally collapsing on itself and it will be in a perpetual cycle. The doors of Hell will be opened, and the universe will be filled with smoke (44:10), which will go away after a while (44:15). As the earth gets close to Hell, with all the people in it, the Gravitational Redshift will turn the sky red (55:37). All people, even the believers, all of us will see Hell (19:71).

When a disbeliever sees it, he will not care about his friends (70:10). He will wish he could give his own children as ransom, to spare him from Hell (70:11), also his spouse, and his brother (70:12), even his whole family and relatives (70:13), even all the people on earth, if it would save him (70:14). He will be ridden with remorse (10:54). He will say, “Our Lord, give me one more chance. I will then respond to Your call and follow the messengers.” The response will be, “Did you not swear in the past that you will not come to this end?” (14:44). No, Hell is a flame (70:15). Eager to burn (70:16). It calls on those who turned away (70:17).


Saving the Believers

Then, God will save the believers (19:72), anyone who believed in the word of God. We will be given our light, radiating ahead of us and to our right depending on our level of belief (57:12), and we will no longer be bound by gravity. We will be raised up to a paradise which is bigger than all the universes – the place where we came from, while 91% of the people, those who did not believe in the word of God, will be left on earth. The hypocrite men and women will say to us, “Please allow us to absorb some of your light.” It will be said, “Go back behind you, and seek light.” A barrier will be set up between us and them, whose gate separates mercy on the inner side, from retribution on the outer side (57:13).


Protecting the Underprivileged

The people left on earth will include the disbelievers and the underprivileged or the doubters, anyone who did not positively believe in God’s revelations. God will create a giant terrifying beast from earth. The beast will speak to them and tell them, “You were not certain about God’s signs.” The sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the day, the night, the mountains, the plants, the animals, the verses of the scripture, never convinced you for sure that there must be a Creator who created them. So it is your own fault that you did not believe. The beast will torture them, and the suffering will actually wash away or reduce their sins (4:123), since they did not take the offer to wash away their sins through God’s mercy. The suffering will last as long as they lived in this life. Once it is complete the nonbelievers will be divided into two groups. The first group, 24.3% of the people are the group of people whose sins are washed away by the torture. They are the people who used to be underprivileged in this world. They will learn how to love God, by learning how to hate Satan. The second group, 66.6% of people, are the group whose sins can never be washed away, no matter how long they suffer, because their sin is infinitely bad. Idol worship is infinitely bad. No suffering can completely wash away idol worship. It is the only unforgivable sin (4:116). How could they compare created things with the Most Gracious, the Holy One, the Creator, the All Mighty, the Exalted, the Most Loving. The Absolute Truth, the Giver of Life, the Eternal, the One? How could they? They will be stamped and their destiny will be sealed for Hell forever (3971, 46:18). Then, God will send Michael, one of His strongest angels, to fight the beast and save the underprivileged. Michael will descend on earth, an epic battle will happen, and Satan and the beast will be defeated and thrown in Hell. The underprivileged will be saved and put in a temporary safe place. They will be moved from Purgatory (the devastated earth) to Limbo, which is in a high place of the barrier which separates Heaven from Hell.


The Doom of Disbelievers

Hell will have seven gates (15:44). The wicked will be hoarded around it, humiliated, together with the devils (19:68). They will not be questioned about their sins anymore (55:39). They will hear its rage and fuming (25:12). They will be thrown in groups from the most wicked to the least wicked, through a narrow place, all shackled, grabbed by their hair and their feet (39:71, 55:41). Every time a group enters, they will curse their ancestral group.

Every time a group enters, they will curse their ancestral group. Once they are all in it, the latest one will say of the previous one, “Our Lord, these are the ones who misled us. Give them double the retribution of Hell.” He will say, “Each receives double, but you do not know (7:38). This is Gehenna that the guilty used to deny (55:43). This is the Fire in which you used to disbelieve (52:14). Is this magic, or do you not see? (52:15). Suffer the burning. Whether you are patient or impatient, it will be the same for you. This is the just requital for what you did (52:16). Their own hearing, eyes, and skins will bear witness to everything they had done (41:20). They will declare their remorse (25:13). They will not declare just a single remorse; they will suffer through a great number of remorses (25:14). They will try to ward off the fire from their faces and their backs, but it will not help at all (21:39).

They will say to their skins, “Why did you bear witness against us?” They will reply, “God made us speak up; He is the One who causes everything to speak. He is the One who created you the first time, and now you have been returned to Him” (41:21). After all of them are thrown in Hell, then the whole Earth with all the materials in it will be thrown in it as well (2:24). So, the materials which they collected in this world will be used as additional fuel to burn them (9:35). They will be told, “This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you have hoarded” (9:35). They will implore: “O Mãlek, let your Lord finish us off.” He will say, “You are staying forever” (43:77).


Rejoining Heaven

Meanwhile, the believers will be led to Paradise in throngs. When they get to it, and its eight gates are opened, its guards, the angels, will say, “Peace be upon you; you have won. Therefore, you abide herein forever” (39:73). They will say, “Praise be to God, who fulfilled His promise to us, and made us inherit the land of Paradise as we please.” (39:74). They will call the dwellers of Hell: “We have found our Lord’s promise to be the truth. Have you found your Lord’s promise to be the truth?” They will say, “Yes.” An announcer between them will announce: “God’s condemnation has befallen the transgressors, who repelled from the path of God, and strove to make it crooked, and, with regard to the Hereafter, they were disbelievers.” (7:44-45).

The dwellers of Limbo will call the dwellers of Paradise saying: “Peace be upon you.” We have not entered Paradise, but we are hoping to enter (7:46). When they turn their eyes towards the dwellers of Hell, they will say, “Our Lord, do not put us with these wicked people” (7:47). They will call on people they recognize by their looks, saying, “Your great numbers did not avail you in any way, nor did your arrogance (7:48). The dwellers of Hell will be asked about the dwellers of Limbo, who used to be among the underprivileged, “Are those the people you swore that God will never touch them with mercy?” “Enter Paradise; you have nothing to fear, nor will you grieve” (7:49). So, the underprivileged will finally be allowed to join paradise. So, by now, by the end, 33.3% of all the people who ever lived will enter Paradise (9.1% through accepting the word of God in this life, and 24.3% through enormous suffering in the next life). While 66.6% will be in Hell. And now, it is done. God and the angels will fold this sky, like when you fold a scroll, which will trap the people of Hellfire into a perpetual time-loop, circulating in it forever, while the believers will continue to enjoy Paradise forever (21:104). The angels will fly around the throne, glorifying and praising their Lord. They will sing: “Praise be to God, Lord of the universe.” (39:75). We will find beautiful eternal gardens in Paradise, with flowing streams of water, delicious wine, milk, honey (47:15), and all kinds of delicious drinks, served with silver cups and trays (76:15). We will eat all kinds of delicious fruits within reach (69:23). We will be sitting in luxurious furniture wearing soft clothes made of silk (18:31), and we will be served by servants (56:17), and matched with beautiful spouses created just for us (56:35-37). We will be neighbors, and enjoy paradise with each other and with the angels (13:23), and our Lord will be pleased with us, and we will be pleased with Him (5:119). We will have anything we wish for (25:16).

Praise be to the Lord of Paradise! Praise be to God forever (10:10).

The End of the World

Can we know the End of the World?

The famous physicist, Isaac Newton, analyzed the Bible and concluded that the world will not end before the year 2060. In one of his manuscripts, he said, “It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner.” He said, “This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail.” So, here, we are going to put an end to all the false predictions, and we will do it by giving you the exact prediction. We will use, not only one method like Newton, but seven different methods of finding the end of the world. The first three methods will give us an approximate time period, similar to how Newton found it, and then the last four methods will give us the exact year, and then we will continue with the exact time of the year, and the exact day of the week, and the exact time of the day. With the Quran, all of this is possible. By the way, we fully know that the Quran seems to suggest that the End of the World is impossible to know, but that is not exactly what it says. According to verse 34 in chapter 31 of the Quran, two things are impossible to know, and three things are very hard to know. It is impossible to know the time and place of your own death, but it is very hard to know what is inside a mother’s womb, to predict the weather, and the End of the World. And guess what, all these three very hard things have become possible today. We can know the gender of the unborn baby with ultrasound, we can predict the weather to a certain degree with supercomputers, and we can know the End of the World using the Quran. Even without using technology, these things were possible to know in certain cases for people in the past. For example, prophet Joseph predicted the weather 15 years ahead of time. Prophet Abraham was informed that his old barren wife would have a son in her womb in the near future. You are probably thinking that it was possible for them only because they were prophets. Well, Abraham’s wife was not a prophet, and she still knew about it when the appropriate time came for her to know about it, and she heard the angels inform Abraham about it, and she talked to them. And she was given access to that specific future event for two main reasons: 1) It had to do with her, since the baby would also be her son. 2) She stayed true to Abraham. So, if the End of the World has to do with us, with our generations, and if we stay true to the Quran, just like she stayed true to Abraham, it also becomes possible for us to know the End of the World. And the word of God is bigger than Abraham. According to the word of God, the End of the World will come unexpectedly only to the disbelievers (6:31, 6:44, 6:47; 7:95, 7:187; 2:107; 21:40, 22:55; 26:202; 29:53; 39:55; 43:66; and 47:18), but the believers will be expecting it. They will know about it. So, let us get to know about it in seven different methods, starting with three broad ones, and ending with four exact ones:


Method 1

The Quran informs us that there is a connection between Jesus and the End of the World (43:61). In the bible, Luke 9:22, Jesus promised that he will come back on the third day. The Quran says that one day at God is equal to one thousand lunar years (32:5), which is 970 solar years. So, from the time when Jesus left this world in 33 AD, the third day after Jesus is 33 years + 970 years + 970 years, and we get 1973 years. Therefore, since the year 1974, we have been on that third day which Jesus mentioned, and the end of the world is near, but this is a very wide prediction. Let’s narrow our prediction even further.


Method 2

When the End of the World is fulfilled, the dead people will be resurrected. However, the Quran mentions cases of dead people who already got resurrected, and none of those cases are there in the Quran by accident. What if we add all of them together, without exception, and see after how much time they got resurrected in total? Let’s do it.

  • First, the resurrection of the murder victim at the time of Moses within the same day,
  • + the resurrection of the man with the donkey after 100 lunar years, which equals to 97 years,
  • + the resurrection of Lazarus after four days,
  • + the resurrection of the 7 Sleepers after 300 years,

and all these equal to 2197 years in total.

+ the resurrection of all the Children of Israel in the desert after the lightning killed them. We could find the exact year with this method, but the problem is that we do not know exactly how many Israelites died and how long they stayed dead, so we do not know exactly how many more years to add to our calculation, but at least from this method we can say that the end of the world must come after the year 2197, at least. Now, let’s narrow the prediction even further.


Method 3

The Quran mentions the Seven Sleepers as a benchmark for finding the end of the world. Verse 21 in chapter 18, says, “We caused them (the Seven Sleepers) to be discovered,…to remove all doubt concerning the end of the world.” These seven young men were stranded in a cave in Ephesus and then God resurrected them after 300 years. So, each of these seven youngsters stayed in the cave dead for 300 years, and then got resurrected. The total for all seven of them is 300 years x 7 = 2100 years, which means that the End of the World will come 2100 years after those seven youngsters went into the cave and died. There is a reason why we are adding the years together. God wanted to guarantee us that He is capable of resurrecting us when the Day of Resurrection comes. He did this by giving us a practical example, by letting a man die and then resurrecting him after a period of time. However, this would still not completely prove that God can do it on the Day of Resurrection, because resurrecting a man after a short time is much easier than resurrecting people who have decomposed for thousands of years. So, what God did to assure us, is He took 7 men, and resurrected them after 300 years, and this is equally as hard as resurrecting one of them after 2100 years. This proves that God can resurrect one of those men after 2100 years, because He resurrected seven of them after 300 years, which is equally as hard. This means that this case can be used to know when one of those men will be resurrected in the next world, and that is also when all of us will be resurrected. Now, all we have to do is see when those men died inside the cave, add 2100 years, and it will give us the exact year of the end of the world. This is the perfect method, but there is a problem. Historians don’t know exactly when the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus went into the cave. The earliest report about the resurrection of the Seven Sleepers is written by the bishop Jacob of Serugh who died in the year 521. So, because Jacob of Serugh wrote about them before the year 521, the Seven Sleepers must have been resurrected and gotten outside of the cave definitely before the year 521. Otherwise, Jacob would not know about them. And because they stayed in the cave for 300 years, according to the Quran, this means that they went into the cave definitely before the year 221. So, 221 years + 2100 years is 2321 years. This means that the world will end definitely before the year 2321, and from the previous method we already concluded that the world must end after the year 2197. So, now we have a range of years, between 2197 and 2321, within those 124 years. But let’s narrow the prediction even further. Actually, the next method will tell us the exact year.


Method 4

Let’s look at all the years mentioned in the Quran, the total number of years mentioned in the Quran. We are talking about real years which really happen, not hypothetical years used for comparative purposes like the 50 thousand years mentioned as a comparison for how far the angels travel or things like that (70:40). We are talking about years which really happened in this world, and which the Quran mentions, because we are predicting the end of this world, not the end of the next world, so we must count only the years of this world. Now, the Quran mentions the years using the Arabic word “sinina” which means solar years, or just years, and the words “aman” or “hijajin” which mean lunar years, or Hijri years. Now, let’s add all of them:

  • 7 years of good crops during the times of Joseph (12:47)
  • + 7 years of drought during the time of Joseph (12:48)
  • + 40 years in the desert for Children of Israel (5:25)
  • + 40 years for full human maturity (46:15)
  • + 300 years in the cave (18:25)
  • + 1000 years for the life of Noah (29:14)
  • + 50 lunar years taken out from the lifespan of Noah (29:14)
  • + 100 lunar years of death for the man with the donkey (2:259)
  • + 100 lunar years of death for the donkey (2:259)
  • + 1 lunar year of abundance during the time of Joseph (12:49)
  • + 2 lunar years of weaning for the babies (31:14)
  • + 1 final lunar year for idol worshipers at the Sacred Masjid (9:28)
  • + 10 pilgrimage (lunar) years of work by Moses (28:27)
  • + 8 pilgrimage (lunar) years of proposed work for Moses (28:27)

The total is 1709 lunar (Hijri) years. So, when all the 1709 Hijri years are completed, the world will end. The next year will not be complete because the world ends. So, the world ends in the Hijri year 1710. This corresponds to the year 2280 in our Gregorian Calendar. So, we found the exact year, with this method. Let’s do it again with the next method.


Method 5

In the previous method, we counted the years in a textual method. In other words, if there was a set of years which was mentioned in the Quran twice, even if it was talking about the same thing, we still counted it again, and if there were cases of time periods implied from the context, if it did not mention it specifically as a year, we did not count it. So, we used a textual approach, without looking at the context. So, now let’s look at the context. Let’s do the counting by taking the context into consideration. This means that we will have to avoid any double counting of years, if the Quran mentions them twice, but at the same time we have to count time periods mentioned with other words like months or days or whatever text is used to measure a period of time. So, let’s count all the time periods in the Quran, taking the context into consideration, definite time periods which really happen. Here they are:

  • 1000 years (29:14)
  • 300 years (18:25)
  • 100 Hijri years (2:259)
  • 100 Hijri years (2:259)
  • 50 Hijri years (29:14)
  • 40 years (5:25)
  • 40 years (46:15)
  • 10 Hijri years (28:27)
  • 7 years (12:47)
  • 7 years (12:48)
  • 2 Hijri years (31:14)
  • 2 Hijri years (hawlayni) (2:233)
  • 1 Hijri year (12:49)
  • 1 Hijri year (9:28)
  • 1 Hijri year (hawlayni) (2:240)
  • 30 months (46:15)
  • 12 months (9:36)
  • 4 months and ten days (2:234)
  • 4 months (9:2)
  • 4 months (9:36)
  • 4 months (2:226)
  • 3 months (65:4)
  • 2 months (58:4)
  • 2 months (4:92)
  • 1 month (34:12)
  • 1 month (34:12)
  • 40 nights (2:51, 7:142)
  • 10 days (2:196)
  • 10 nights (89:2)
  • 8 days (69:7)
  • 6 days (7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59, 32:4, 50:38, 57:4)
  • 3 days (3:41, 19:10)
  • 3 days (5:89)
  • 3 days (11:65)
  • 2 days (2:203)

And even though we changed the approach, the total is again 1709 complete Hijri years. Before the Hijri year 1710 is complete, the world will end. So, the world will end in the Hijri year 1710, which is the year 2280 in our Gregorian Calendar. Now, let’s use yet another method.


Method 6

Now, let’s look at all the cases in the Quran, without exception, of how people after the End of the World will mentioned how long they lived in this world.

  • Some of them will say that they lived in this world only 1 day (20:104)
  • + some will say that they lived only 1 day (20:113)
  • + some will say that they lived only 1 hour of the day (10:45)
  • + some will say that they lived only 1 hour of the day (30:55)
  • + some will say that they lived only 1 hour of the day (46:35)
  • + some will say that they lived only 1 evening or morning (79:46).

These add up to 2 heavenly days, 3 heavenly hours, and 1 heavenly evening.


  • 1 heavenly day = 1000 lunar years = 970 years
  • 1 heavenly hour = 1/12 heavenly day = 80.8 years (Quranic hours are Sundial hours, always 1/12 of the day).
  • 1 heavenly evening = 1/10 night = 97 years (A Quranic evening is when sun altitude is 0° to -18°, 1/10 of 180°)

So, 2 heavenly days, 3 heavenly hours, and 1 heavenly evening

= 2 x 970 years + 3 x 80.8 years + 97 years = 2279 years

So, before the year 2280 is complete, the world will end. Therefore, the end of the world comes in 2280. Again, this method told us the exact year.


Method 7

There are 14 sets of mysterious letters found in the beginnings of the chapters of the Quran. They are called “initials”. These 14 sets of letters are:

  • L.M.R.
  • L.R.
  • `A.S.Q.
  • H.Y.`A.S.
  • L.M.S.
  • S.M.
  • Q
  • S (Saad)
  • L.M.
  • S.
  • S.
  • N
  • M.
  • H.

The role of these letters is described in Chapter 15 of the Quran. Verse 15:87 says, “We have given you the seven pairs (the fourteen letters), and the great Quran”. And the two verses before it tell us that the End of the World is a given thing, and God knows about it (15:85-86). So, the knowledge about the end of the world is given in the seven pairs, in these 14 letters. These 14 letters are also numbers. Their gematrical values or the numerical values of letters were known among the people of the scripture. Here they are:

  • 271 (A.L.M.R.)
  • 231 (A.L.R.)
  • 230 (‘A.S.Q.)
  • 195 (K.H.Y.’A.S.)
  • 161 (A.L.M.S.)
  • 109 (T.S.M.)
  • 100 (Q)
  • 90 (S)
  • 71 (A.L.M.)
  • 70 (Y.S.)
  • 69 (T.S.)
  • 50 (N)
  • 48 (H.M.)
  • 14 (T.H.)

The total of these numbers is 1709. So, 1709 Hijri years will pass from the time this prophecy is stated in the Quran. This means that the world will end in the Hijri year 1710, which is the year 2280, in our Gregorian Calendar.

By the way, this last method with the Quranic Initials was the method used by Rashad Khalifa when he discovered the End of the World. Alban Fejza found six more methods (presented here), which independently confirm his discovery. So, now that we know the exact year, let us go even further. Let’s find the season.


The season

Verse 4, in chapter 81 says that when the End of the World comes, the camel which is ten months pregnant will be abandoned. Now, the mating season for Arabian camels is during winter, plus ten months of pregnancy results in a ten months’ pregnant camel ten months after winter, which is during the fall season. So, the End of the World will come during the fall season. This is also confirmed by other verses which say that the end of the world will surprise the people while they are getting ready to harvest their crops (68:17, 3:117), or when the fruits are fully ripe (10:24), which again is during the fall season. Let’s narrow the prediction even more. Let’s find the day of the week, and the time of the day:


The day and time

The Quran says that the end of the world will be on a specified day (34:30). The only specified days in the Quran are Friday and Saturday. So, half of the earth will be on Friday, and the other half will be on Saturday. It will be just after the Friday sunset in Mecca and Jerusalem (34:30, 62:9, 81:1). The sunset is actually the end of Friday and the beginning of Saturday, according to the Quran, since a Quranic day ends at sunset, not at midnight. Then the people will be resurrected on Saturday morning (16:124, 36:49), on the Last Day, which is also the last day of the week.

Now, we can calculate which one of the last 19 Fridays of the year 2280 it is because the Quran tells us the phase of the moon at that time (9:1-5, 36:39, 74:32-34, 75:8-9), and we can match it to see which one of those moon phases falls in Friday, but it is not wise to share that calculation because the moon will split before the end of the world (54:1), which could affect the time of its phases, so the prediction of the exact Friday remains unreliable. So, after all, it is true that only God knows the exact date. We can only conclude that it will be in one of the 19 last Fridays of the year 2280, soon after the Friday sunset happens in Mecca, which happens to be at 19:00 a clock in Mecca, which will be the beginning of Saturday night in Jerusalem.


Now that we know, what should we do?

Whatever you do during those times, do not try to save your life, and do not try to take your life. Just do whatever any righteous person would do at any other time – follow the commandments:

  • Do not worship except God, and honor your parents (17:23).
  • Give the due alms to the relatives, the needy, the poor, and the traveling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant (17:26).
  • Do not kill your children due to fear that they might suffer (17:31).
  • Do not commit adultery (17:32).
  • Do not kill any person—for GOD has made life sacred—except in the course of justice (17:33).
  • Do not touch the orphans’ money except for their own good (17:34).
  • Fulfill your agreements (17:34).
  • Do not cheat in business (17:35).
  • Verify important information (17:36)
  • Ignore unimportant information (17:36).
  • Do not walk proudly (17:37).
  • All bad behavior is condemned by God (17:38),

whether you live now, tomorrow, or before the end of the world.

Explaining Quranic Initials, Predicting the Future


In the beginning of many chapters of the Quran, we find the following sets of mysterious letters:

  • A.L.M.
  • A.L.M.S.
  • A.L.R.
  • A.L.M.R.
  • K.H.Y.`A.S.
  • T.H.
  • T.S.
  • T.S.M.
  • Y.S.
  • S (Saad)
  • `A.S.Q.
  • H.M.
  • Q
  • N

For 14 centuries, scholars, linguists, and scientists were not able to decode their meaning. We can divide the scholars of these letters into three groups:

  1. The first group of scholars are the ones who gave up trying to understand them and claimed that these letters are a secret forever, and only God knows their meaning. However, this contradicts the statements in the Quran which tell us that the verses, including these groups of letters, are clear (26:2, 28:2, 43:2, 44:2, 12:1, 15:1, 27:1), which means that we can know their meaning. These letter are also called a revelation (40:2, 41:2, 45:2, 46:2), which means that they were not meant to be a secret. A revelation is something which stops being a secret. Also, the Quran tells us that all its verses, including these letters, are verses with one meaning or multiple meanings (3:7), but it never mentions verses which have no meaning. So, clearly, this group of scholars is wrong.
  2. The second group of scholars includes those who have attempted to give us the meaning, but they always got it wrong. They invented ridiculous ideas, like claiming that these the names of God, but this cannot be true because the Quran calls these letters “proofs of God” (10:1, 12:1, 13:1, 15:1, 26:2, 28:2, 31:2, 38:1). Proofs of God are not names of God. For example, the sky is a proof of God, but it is not a name of God. Creatures of God are not God. So, they unknowingly committed a blasphemy by describing signs of God as God, and also they went against God, who prohibits us to say anything about Him which we do not know for sure (7:33, 2:169).
  3. The third group of scholars includes those who gave correct comments about these letters, but it had nothing to do with their meaning. For example, they said that these letters are important for chanting or rhythmic purposes during recitation, which is true, but this has nothing to do with their meaning. The whole Quran is a rhythmical book anyway – it sounds like poetry with rhyme in Arabic – and yet the other words in the Quran also have meaning. Another example of correct comments about these letters is that they are important for keeping the Quran preserved through a mathematical code, and that their frequencies of occurrence prove statistically that the Quran is a revelation from God. This is a great discovery, but it has nothing to do with their meaning. Because of that discovery, we now understand the statistical significance of these letters, and their role in the structure of the Quran, but it still does not tell us their meaning. The question still remains. What does A.L.M mean? What does H.M. mean? What does T.S. mean? We know now how important they are, but what do they mean? To find out what they mean, Alban Fejza, gave up on any ideas, including his own ideas, and decided to do the research systematically, which means that he simply listed everything that the Quran says about these letters, without trying to make sense of it in the beginning. So, he went through the whole Quran, and listed all the possible ways in which the Quran describes these letters.

The Quran calls these letters:

  • “Scripture” (2:2, 7:2, 11:1, 14:1, 32:2)
  • “Revelation” (40:2, 41:2, 45:2, 46:2)
  • “Proofs, Signs, Symbols” (10:1, 12:1, 13:1, 15:1, 26:2, 28:2, 31:2, 38:1)
  • “Letters” (10:1, 12:1, 13:1, 15:1, 26:2, 27:1, 28:2, 31:2, 68:1)
  • “Verses” (10:1, 12:1, 13:1, 15:1, 26:2, 27:1, 28:2, 31:2)
  • “Recitation in Arabic” (12:2, 15:1)
  • “Removal of doubt” (2:2)
  • “Seven Pairs” (15:87)

And we already knew this, and it makes sense that the Quran describes them like that, but the Quran calls these letters 11 more things, and these are the deeper and more interesting descriptions. The Quran also calls these letters:

  • “Decree” (2:2, 7:2, 11:1, 14:1, 32:2)
  • “Record” (2:2, 7:2, 11:1, 14:1, 32:2)
  • “Guidance” (2:2, 27:2, 31:3)
  • “Remembrance” (38:1, 19:2, 7:2)
  • “Clear Quran” (26:2, 28:2, 43:2, 44:2, 12:1, 15:1, 27:1)
  • “Wisdom” (10:1, 11:1, 31:2)
  • “Truth” (13:1)
  • “Mercy for good people” (31:3, 19:2)
  • “Good news for believers” (27:2)
  • “A test (trial)” (29:2)
  • “Warning” (11:2)

So, how can these letters be a warning, if we don’t understand what they mean? How can they be guidance, if we don’t understand what they mean? How can they be wisdom, if we don’t understand what they mean? How can they be remembrance? Remembrance of what? How can they be a decree? Decree about what? How can they be clear, unless we understand their meaning? And all of this make sense now, once Alban Fejza explained their meaning to us. We can see how they are a decree, record, guidance, remembrance, clear, wisdom, truth, good news, a test, mercy, and warning, all at the same time. So, now let’s delve into their meaning:

To know their meaning, we have to look at where these letters came from. According to linguists and historians, the letters of the Arabic alphabet came from the proto-Arabic versions which originated from the Phoenician Alphabet or the North Semitic alphabet, or the Proto-Sinaitic Alphabet, which originated in Sinai, otherwise known as the Early Alphabetic. So, the Phoenician Alphabet is the first alphabet in the world, from which all the alphabets of the people of the scripture come from. This alphabet originated from pictograms of specific words. For example, “Alif”, the letter “A” came from a simplified symbolic drawing of an “Ox” in that ancient proto-Arabic or proto-Semitic or Phoenician language. This happened at about the time of Abraham. However, the Arabs did not preserve this alphabet very well, since they did not use it much. Scientific writing and written literature were almost inexistent during that time in ancient Arabia, so these letters could easily change shape, and no other person would complain. Also the ancient Israelis changed these letters significantly, because of their exile in Babylon, and so on. However, the ancient Greeks who valued scientific writing and literature, borrowed the letters from the Phoenicians and they kept them almost intact until today because they used them constantly in their philosophy, science, and literature, and even latter in their Orthodox Church writings. So, it was not practical for ancient Greeks to significantly change the shapes of these letters, because they were being constantly used by many of them simultaneously, and any change by one person would be criticized by the other person who also used those letters independently. So, in the tables below you can see the letters in their Greek form, their Phoenician form, and the Arabic form:

As you can see, out of the 14 letter shapes of the original alphabet, 13 of them have been basically preserved in Greek or Cyrillic or Latin, and only the direction has changed from left to right, because in the ancient times the direction of writing was not determined. People would write both ways, from right to left and from left to right. They were equally correct, and depending in which direction they wrote, they would flip the letters in that direction, and the left to right direction eventually became more dominant among the Europeans. Even in English, most of these shapes have been preserved, but in Arabic, their shapes have changed so much, they are not recognizable anymore. Of course, the pronunciation of these letters is correct in Arabic (like Alif, Laam, Meem, etc.), because Arabs had a great oral tradition, which is why God revealed them to them like sounds. These letters were revealed to Muhammad like sounds, correctly in the Arabic tongue. This is why the Quran says that it was revealed in Arabic tongue (26:195, 46:12), but it never says that it was revealed in Arabic writing. Muhammad did not see the letters as visions. He heard them from Gabriel as sounds (7:204), and then people wrote them in whatever alphabet they had available, which happened to be their distorted alphabet, which is why the Quran calls the Arabs and Muhammad “illiterate people” (62:2, 7:157), because they did not have the original writing system available among them. So again, God did not show these letters to Muhammad in a vision, because Muhammad would not recognize them. Instead Gabriel spoke them to him (2:97). But, when God showed the revelation to Moses, He gave it to him in writing (7:145), because at that time the letters were still correct among the Children of Israel, looking similar to the Phoenician and Greek letters. Phoenician alphabet went extinct, and the closest existing alphabet to it is the Greek alphabet, from which all the European alphabets descended. So, when it comes to writing these letters, and the shapes of these letters, among the existing languages, the European letters are the most correct ones, including the English letters for the most part. This is good news, because we can explain the meanings of these letters using mostly shapes of English letters, since this article is in English. So, it is not a coincidence that God saved the explanation of the meanings of these letters for a time when the English letters are the dominant letters of the world and the internet. And it is not a coincidence that He did it through Alban Fejza, a person of both European and Muslim descent. Alban Fejza happened to be at the center of this issue, just like the Arabs were at the center of correct speaking when the Quran was revealed, and just like the ancient Israelis were at the center of correct writing when the original Torah was revealed.

So, now let’s explain the meanings of all the letters (Quranic Initials) as they were in their original form in ancient times:

So, now we have the original symbols of these letters. However, they are not in appropriate size relative to each other. For example, an eye can not be as big as the head, and the eye of the needle can not be as big as the head of the ox. So, now, let’s replace these same symbols with more realistic representations of them.

So, in the picture above which includes all those Quranic Initials in their ancient form, we can see an Ox, a goad to drive the ox (A), a head (R), an eye (O), jubilation (raised hands representing happiness) (E), a hand (K), a needle (Q), an arm (Y), a wheel (T), a pillar (S), a plant (Saad), water (M), fish (N), and the courtyard (H). You can probably see the connection already since they fit nicely with one another in the picture. So, we can see an owner with a piece of land driving an ox, and a few other things which he uses around him. But what does this mean? This is a very deep riddle. After a lot of thinking, trials, and mistakes, God guided Alban Fejza to the correct solution of the riddle.

This whole picture represents the whole earth, all of our civilization. The courtyard represents the Environment. The head represents the government; the eye represents the Media. If it is the eye of the ox, it represents us looking at the government, which is classical media, but if it is the eye of the human, it represents the government looking at us, which is social media. The arm is the Public Sector. The hand is Social Welfare which is included in the Public Sector, just like the hand is included in the arm. Raised happy hands must represent the Healthcare System. The goad is the technology. Technology drives the economy, so the ox must be the Economy. Besides driving the ox forward, the goad can also be used to turn the ox left and right, in which case, the goad is politics, turning the economy left and right. The ox drinks water. The Economy uses Energy. So, water must be the Energy Sector. The plant, if it grows in land, in the environment, it means agriculture, but most linguists consider it a papyrus plant, which grows in water, and is used to produce paper. In that case, it would be Education. The fish lives in water. We concluded that water is the Energy. So what lives inside the energy? Internet. So, the fish is the Internet. What about the needle? The human uses the needle for his own clothes, using the wool from the ox. So, if the ox is the economy, the wool must be the outside beautiful parts of the economy – the arts. So, what does the government do with the arts? It takes them and uses them for propaganda. So, the needle must be the tool which shapes the propaganda, which is information. So, the needle is information. Or maybe the needle is only used when you need to sew the torn clothes, only when propaganda fails, in which case governments use security, as a means to protect themselves? The wheel is Transportation, obviously. The pillar is Infrastructure, any kind of infrastructure. In the picture, it is placed beside the wheel, which means road infrastructure, but we can place it in any other places in this picture, and it would represent other types of infrastructure. The deciphered linguistic meanings of all the Quranic Initials are shown in the picture below:

So, now the meaning of each symbol has been deciphered. For a couple of those meanings, we have to be careful due to their possibility for a slightly different interpretation. This is because we used linguistic and archeological sciences as additional sources to decipher these meanings, and these sciences (linguistics and archeology) are approximate sciences, and not always 100% exact. For example, the letter Alif stands for the Ox, which represents the Economy, but some historians say that Alif symbolizes only the head of the ox, (not the whole ox), which would represent only the Stock Market, the head of the Economy, not the whole Economy. To keep it simple, we are giving only one interpretation here.

Someone might ask, “Why did not God just mention these concepts directly? Why did He use the symbol of an ox, instead of simply using the word “Economy”? Well, God refuses to use human-made terminology. The word “Economy” is a made up word. It does not mean anything concrete. There is not even an agreement amongst Economists what the best definition of Economy is. Of course, God recognizes the components of the economy, but He does not need to give a name to the whole group of things, like humans did. We, humans, invented a vague name for that. As far as God is concerned, we are just a group of people selling things to each other in exchange for something else, and we call those things “products” which we produce through what we call “a management system”, which according to God is simply “wise behavior”. To God, there is no such thing as “Economic knowledge”. It’s just wisdom. So, all these concepts are human made concepts which are vague and only approximately describe a group of other components, while only those real (truly existing) components are mentioned by God. Only things which are 100% defined are mentioned by God. According to God, there is no such thing as “cuisine”, for example. It’s just food and eating, and ways of cooking. Not even “cooking”, just “heating”, “burning”, and “preparing”. There is no such things as “fashion”. It’s just short clothes, and long clothes, and wide clothes and tight clothes, and differently shaped clothes, and different combinations of colors, and these things are real, but fashion only exists in our minds. It’s not completely real. It’s a social construct. A social construct is something which appears to exist only because humans have agreed that it exists. It’s hard for humans to realize that it does not really exist, because humans have heard that word from early childhood, but it really does not exist. It’s just a word which humans invented, a symbol to represent a combination of things and concepts arranged in an approximate way in human minds. So, when we use social constructs nothing completely true can ever be expressed, but at the same time nothing completely false can ever be expressed, which is explained in another video, but the main idea here is that at the moment when we use social constructs, we are always at least partly wrong. So, God who is perfect, refuses to be partly wrong. He knows those words, He knows we use them, but He does not use them, because they are invented concepts which exist only in human minds, cultural concepts. They reflect a common language between believers and disbelievers for peaceful coexistence and survival, but God never approved or disapproved those concepts. He only agreed with Adam what language we should use, and to give names to real things which He created, and which exist, but everything else is just something we made up. It reflects our imperfections, our allowable imperfections, but not anything which has any basis in fundamental reality. Where is fashion, for example? Can you touch it? Where is the economy? What color does it have? It does not really exist. God knew that these concepts would emerge as a result of civilization, but He refused to mention them, and yet He found a way to let us know that it was His plan for those concepts to emerge. This is part of the reason, why the Quran is the last book revealed, because there is nothing more true which you can mention, no matter how many more words we invent. When we use the modern created concepts, we can only express partial truths or partial lies. God does not speak in partial truths. So, what He did is that He informed us about these concepts using symbols, and then He let Alban Fejza decode them, knowing that Alban Fejza is imperfect enough to use concepts which are partially correct in his vocabulary. So, Alban Fejza (who discovered the meanings of Quranic Initials) served as a bridge between the complete truths and the partial truths of the modern world.

The other reason why God used these symbols in the Quran instead of directly mentioning the modern areas of civilization, is because these symbols are more than just that. They are also numbers. In the ancient times, people used the symbols of the alphabet to write the numbers, before written numbers existed. So, each letter of the alphabet also represented a number. For example, A is 1, L is 30, M is 40, and you can see in the clarifying video titled “The End of the World” that these numbers represent the number of lunar years until a certain event in the future, which is why these letters are described in the Quran as revelations. A revelation is news from the future. These letters (Quranic Initials) are also called warnings, so through these letters God is warning us about certain events in the future, and you can see above what areas of civilization these letters represent. So, they must be warnings about those specific areas of civilization, which will happen after a given number of lunar years. So, the symbols (the Quranic Initials) tell us two things at once:

  1. The types of global crises, and
  2. The number of lunar years until they happen.

But, from which year should we start the counting? Well, because Alban Fejza discovered their meaning, that means that it was meant to be seen from Alban Fejza’s perspective, from the time when he was given these letters. He was given these letters in 2005, which is the Hijri or lunar year 1426, and he explains in detail how this happened in his video titled, “My Journey to Truth and Enlightenment”, but to keep it short here, let’s just take that year, the Hijri year 1426, as the starting point from where we measure the Quranic future predictions.

So, the table below lists the Quranic Initials, their corresponding numerical value, their corresponding Hijri Year, which is then converted to its corresponding Gregorian Year to show when the crisis will happen, and then it also lists the area of the crisis which will happen in that year:

As, you can see the table above suggests that there will be a global crisis in the area of Transportation and Healthcare in the years 2019 and 2020. As you know, this already happened. It was the COVID-19 Pandemic. It started as a Healthcare Crisis, and then the Governments tried to prevent the Healthcare System from overloading, and imposed a prohibition of travel and transportation, including the flights and public transportation, so it became both a Healthcare and a Human Transportation Crisis. So, the first event already came true. The upcoming events after it as seen in the table will be an Environment and Energy crisis in 2052/53; An Internet crisis in 2054/55. A crisis in Transportation and Infrastructure in 2073; A crisis in Public Sector and Infrastructure in 2074; A crisis in Economy, Technology (or Politics), and Energy in 2074/75; A crisis in Education or Agriculture in 2093/94; An information crisis in 2103/04 – this crisis might not be easy to see, just like it is not easy to see the eye of the needle. Then, a crisis in Transportation, Infrastructure, and Energy in 2111/12; A crisis in Economy, Technology or Politics, Energy, and Education or Agriculture in 2162/63. A crisis in Social Welfare, Healthcare, Public Sector, Media, and Agriculture or Education in 2195/96. A crisis in Media, Infrastructure, and Information in 2229/30; A crisis in Economy, Politics (or Technology), and Government in 2230/31; A crisis in Economy, Technology (or Politics), Energy, and Government in 2269. It is probably worth mentioning that some of these crises are in years joined one after the other, for example in 2073, 2074, and 2075, and this might very well be one large crisis across three years gradually spreading from one area in one year into another area in the next years. The other big crisis seems to start in 2229/30, and spread to other areas in 2230/31. So, we can actually think of these fourteen crises as eleven crises – three big ones, and eight smaller ones. Also, at the end of the table is listed a bonus crisis. There is a special case, only one case of initials, where two separate Quranic initials occur one after another in the same Sura, in Sura 42. We find Ha Meem in the first verse, and then Ain Seen Qaaf in the second verse. We already listed them in the table separately, but since they are also in the same Sura together they give us a bigger year together. If we consider them together, it seems to suggest that in the year 2275 or 2276 a destruction in the Environment, Energy, Media, Infrastructure, and Internet, and this seems to suggest a war which would damage these areas, and because it is just 4 years before the End of the World, it must be the war between the Mahdi and Antichrist. And by the way, as you can see, out of all the groups of initials, none of their values goes beyond the year 2280, which is when the world will end, which Alban Fejza explains in the other clarifying video titled “The End of the World”. But this is additional confirmation that this table is correct. If the table was not correct, there is a high likelihood that at least one of the Quranic Initials would be large enough to correspond to a year after the end of the world, which would be a contradiction, but all of them fit nicely within the timeframe before the End of the World, with the last one happening just a few years before the End of the World.

Now, let us remind ourselves again how the Quran describes these letters, and we can see how those descriptions make sense now:

  • So, the Quran calls these letters “Decree” (2:2, 7:2, 11:1, 14:1, 32:2), and yes they are what God has decreed for the modern civilization.
  • They are called “Record” (2:2, 7:2, 11:1, 14:1, 32:2), and yes they are a future record what will happen to the world.
  • They are called “Clear Quran” (26:2, 28:2, 43:2, 44:2, 12:1, 15:1, 27:1), yes, now that we understand them, they are clear finally.
  • They are called “Wisdom” (10:1, 11:1, 31:2), because from them we also can understand how different areas of modern civilization are interconnected, just like the pieces in that puzzle with the farmer, and the ox, and the goad and so on are interconnected with each other. There is so much more wisdom to be learned from that example only, because some of those symbols can be recombined in quite a few other ways to help us understand how the world functions.
  • They are called “A test (trial)” (29:2), because modern people will be tested through those crises which will happen.
  • They are called a “Warning” (11:2), because the disbelievers are warned about the sufferings which they will incur.
  • They are called “Truth” (13:1), because it is really what will happen.
  • They are called “Guidance” (2:2, 27:2, 31:3), because the believers will be guided and prepared how to avoid the damages from those crises.
  • They are called “Good news for believers” (27:2), because the believers who believe this video have the opportunity to use this information to their advantage, by investing appropriately or withdrawing the investments before those crises happen, and thus use the opportunity to avoid loses, get rich, give charity, and ultimately win.


By: Alban Fejza, the Clarifying Messenger



Three Messengers, One Mahdi


Introducing All the Modern Messengers from the Quran

Herein we introduce you to all of God’s messengers destined to come to the global urbanized world.

By ‘global urbanized world’, we are talking about the world which functions like one large city, where people can communicate and trade within the same day. This has become a reality since the 1980s – since the invention of the internet, and electronic trading. So, by ‘global urbanized world’, we mean all the people who live from the year 1980 until the End of the World, which will come in the year 2280. You can verify how to know for sure when the world will end in the other clarification by Alban Fejza titled “The End of the World”, but the fact that we know it now has also enables us to identify and prove all the messengers of God who will come to the modern world. Here is how:

In verse 28:59, God says that He never destroys any community without sending a messenger in it. This means that God will not destroy the last community, the people before the end of the world, without sending a messenger to them. So, this means that there will be a messenger sent just before the End of the World – the last messenger. Now, let’s imagine for a moment that you are that last messenger, and you are living in the year 2270, ten years before the End of the World. Let’s say that you decide to read the Quran, and you say to your computer, “Computer, recite the Quran for me, please; any chapter.” Computer: “OK, Sir”

“Chapter 36

[36:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[36:1] Y. S.

[36:2] And the Quran that is full of wisdom.

[36:3] Most assuredly, you are one of the messengers.”

So, through the computer, God is confirming to the last messenger that he is a messenger. Listen in the further verses what God says to the last messenger. He says,

“[36:13] Mention for them the example of the urbanized world that received the messengers.

[36:14] When we sent to them two, they disbelieved them. We then strengthened them by a third. They said, “We are messengers to you.”

So, here God is asking the last messenger to mention three previous messengers who came to the urbanized world. So, this means that there are three earlier messengers who are sent to the urbanized world. But where exactly in this timeline do they come? Further down, verse 36:20 says:

[36:20] A man came from the other side of the urbanized world, saying, “O my people, follow the messengers.

So, here we see that the three messengers are on one side of the urbanized world, and the man is on the other side. Since the man knows about the messengers, he must be at the later side of the urbanized world. This means that the three messengers are at the beginning of the urbanized world. So, we just identified three messengers at the beginning of the urbanized world.

But who exactly are they? What is their role? What is their mission? What is their fate? What are their names? How can we know for sure that they are God’s messengers? Do we have definite proof? You can find the answers to all these questions in detail here. But first, let’s list those messengers:

  1. The Messenger of the Covenant, mentioned in verse 3:81.
  2. The Clarifying Messenger, mentioned in 44:13 and 43:29.
  3. The Strengthening Messenger, mentioned in 69:40 and 81:19.
  4. The Guide Messenger, (in Arabic ‘the Mahdi’) mentioned in 48:28, 61:9, 9:33.

There are no other messengers mentioned in the Quran who will come after prophet Muhammad; only these four. Three of them in one side of the modern world, and the other one in the other side of the modern world. And the Quran mentions that they have specific duties, which is why they have a specific description attached to the word “messenger”. So, Covenant Messenger, Clarifying Messenger, Strengthening Messenger, and Guide Messenger. They are all in the Arabic Quran. And their names are:

  1. Rashad Khalifa,
  2. Alban Fejza,
  3. Alhak Fejza (43:29, 9:33, 9:29, 9:48, 3:86, 4:170), and
  4. Ahmad or Muhammad (48:29, 61:6).

So, all their identities are made known to us now, and further below, we explain how God proves their identities to us, one by one. Let’s start with the first.


Proving the Messenger of the Covenant

The Messenger of the Covenant was Rashad Khalifa. He was a researcher who discovered the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran back in 1974, and then in 1980, God chose him as a messenger, and he finished his job in 1990. A few people think that Rashad Khalifa was God’s messenger because he brought the Mathematical Miracle as proof, but this is not logically correct (2:118), because Mary was supported with proof, with the virgin birth (3:47), but that did not make her a messenger (12:109). The seven sleepers of the cave got resurrected by God after 300 years (18:25), which is a miracle (18:9), but that did not make them messengers of God. So, Rashad never proved his messengership (5:99). He proved the Quran (3:81). Even according to him, the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran which he discovered proved the Quran, not his messengership. We can read his own words from the conclusion of his book titled “Quran, Visual Presentation of the Miracle”:


The physical evidence presented here proves:

  • The divine source of Quran
  • The perfect integrity and preservation of Quran”

So, according to Rashad, his discovery of the mathematical miracle of the Quran proves the Quran, not Rashad’s messengership. So, then how can we know for sure whether Rashad was a messenger of God?

Well, God proves him. We can know it from the information which God gave us, not from information which Rashad gave us. Here is how: God says in the Quran in verse 74:1 that the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran is one of the secrets of the Quran (74:31). Then, God says in verse 56:79 that no one can understand the secrets of the Quran except someone who is sincere. Therefore, according to God, Rashad Khalifa who discovered one of the deepest secrets of the Quran is a proven sincere person. So, God proves to us that Rashad Khalifa is a sincere person. According to God, a sincere person does not lie about God (6:93, 6:21, 4:50, 10:69). Therefore, when Rashad Khalifa said that he was a messenger of God, he did not lie. So, Rashad Khalifa is a messenger of God, because he said so, while God proved to us that he did not lie.

So, first messenger, Rashad Khalifa – PROVEN NOW.

Some people want to know how Rashad Khalifa knew himself that he was a messenger of God. That is another issue about hidden things. How did Jesus perform the miracles? How did Muhammad know that he was truly receiving revelation from God and was not having hallucinations? How do the wings of angels work? These are other issues about hidden things, but here we are talking about visible things, about physical verifiable proof for us: How we can know that Rashad was God’s messenger, not how Rashad himself knew that he was God’s messenger. We should use our own objective observations regarding Rashad, not Rashad’s subjective experiences, because they don’t prove anything to us.

Now, here is another way how God has proven objectively to us Rashad’s messengership. God says in Sura 2, verse 118, that He only shows his miracles to those who achieved certainty, complete belief, proven belief. Now, Rashad Khalifa did discover the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran. Therefore, according to God, he is a complete proven believer. And God says that complete proven believers do not lie about God (7:37). So then according to God, Rashad was not lying when he said that he was God’s messenger. So, again proven by God, but the Mathematical Miracle does not prove his messengership. The mathematical miracle proved the Quran, and then the Quran told us that he is God’s messenger. So, the Messenger of the Covenant is a proven messenger, and he predicted the coming of the next messenger after him, the Clarifying Messenger, Alban. Here are Rashad’s words:

“And soon enough, here comes Sheikh Albana, and I can tell you, the reason I know that I was fully awake is that I never never never never fall asleep when Sheikh Albana is reading Quran, and when I went for Hajj from here, I took with me a hundred cassette tapes, and I gave them to my brother Atif, and I told him specifically, “I want you to record anything that Albana comes with, whenever he comes on the radio or TV or anything – record it – these hundred tapes – I want them full of recitations of Sheikh Albana””

So, Sheikh Rashad never never never never falls asleep when Sheikh Alban reads the Quran, because Rashad is in Heaven now, and people do not sleep in Heaven. And this prediction is more accurate than that of Christians who say that Isaiah predicted Emmanuel and it turned out to be Jesus, or the Muslims who say that Jesus predicted Ahmad and it turned out to be Muhammad. But, these are simply indications, and they do not prove or disprove anything. Mentioning a name does not prove anything, because anyone can change his name and make it fit the prediction. That’s not how God proves His messengers. Instead, He gives us something which other people cannot imitate or change. He gives us conclusive proof. So, now let’s present the conclusive proof; how God proves the identity of the Clarifying Messenger; Alban.


Proving the Clarifying Messenger

God has informed Alban of future events. In Alban’s video titled “The End Times”, Alban inform us of all the important future events from now until the End of the World and beyond that. He makes more than 1000 future predictions in his videos. We are not talking about vague predictions like astrology nonsense which are not specific enough and they partly seem like they came true, because they are unspecified. If you said for example, “Something strange will happen to you this week.” A lot of things can be strange. That’s not specific. We are talking about specific news from the future, with specific information, and years when they will happen. Has anyone ever done that in human history? Prophet Joseph himself, who told people about several future events (12:37, 12:41, 12:47-49), would have been amazed by the future information which Alban tells the people, even though Alban is not worth washing Joseph’s feet (56:13-14). But God wants this generation to have the correct information from the future, because the End Times are near.

Therefore, since Alban tells us specific news from the future, with exact times and specific descriptions, then according to God, Alban must be His messenger. God says in Sura 72, verse 26 and 27, “God is the Knower of the future; He does not reveal the future to anyone. ONLY TO A MESSENGER that he chooses, does He reveal from the past and the future, SPECIFIC news.” God says this. So, it is impossible for a human being to inform you about specific news from the future, unless he is truly God’s messenger. So, according to what God says in verse 72:27, He identifies Alban as His messenger, because Alban gives us specific news from the future. In fact, Alban tell us all the important events of the future. So, the identity of the Clarifying Messenger is proven by God (72:27, 44:13). So, Alban, PROVEN NOW.

Someone might say, “Yes, but we would have to wait until those events happen, to see whether Alban told us the truth.” That’s a good argument, but not in this case, because Alban doesn’t just make the predictions, he proves the predictions now (6:105), before they happen. So, you do not have to wait to see whether Alban’s predictions will come true. He proves them now. You can verify Alban’s predictions logically, and see for yourself that they must happen. Let’s take an easy example to show how Alban’s future predictions are logically proven before they happen. For example, Alban predicts that the End of the World will come during the fall season. Now here is the proof: Sura 81, verse 4 says that when the End of the World comes, the ten-month pregnant camel will be abandoned. Now, since the mating season for Arabian camels is during winter, plus ten months of pregnancy, that means that the camels are ten months pregnant during the fall season. We can reach the same conclusion from these other verses – 3:117, 10:24, 68:17, and 106:2. But, this is an easy example of information from the future, which people did not know, but now you know, and Alban extracted it logically from the Quran, and you could just verify it, before it happens. Similarly, by logically combining a larger number of verses of the Quran, in his other videos, Alban makes more than 1000 future predictions, which are much deeper than this one. Every important future event.

For example, herein, Alban makes two specific future predictions about the two messengers who will come after him, and he completely proves his predictions. He proves their names, their times, their roles, their fate, and exactly who they are. And you can see the verse numbers (as references) which you can verify in the Arabic Quran. So, Alban shows us what will happen in the future, and also give us the proofs from the Quran (29:15). So, his future predictions are proven NOW through the Quran by God. Therefore, God proves Alban. Alban does not prove himself (6:19). It’s not Alban’s job to prove himself (5:99). God says that it is not the job of a messenger to prove himself (5:99, 40:78), but God proved Alban (72:27), God proved his messengership.


Even More Proof About the Clarifying Messenger – Alban

Another way in which God proves Alban’s messengership is through his Quranic explanations. In his videos:

  • Alban explains how God created the world in six days, in detail, in agreement with science. No one has done that before.
  • Alban explains how the universe is constructed, and he complete the understanding of the most fundamental cosmological questions. No one has done that before.
  • Alban explains the fundamental law of physics. No one has done that before.
  • Alban explains the fundamental axiom of mathematics. They have done it before, but most advanced modern mathematicians have gone in the wrong direction, because they believe in multiple infinities. Alban fixes and explains that.
  • Alban helps us understand how to navigate in the complicated modern world, while still upholding the Quran (Democracy, healthcare, social sciences, psychology, technology, internet, and so on).
  • Alban tells us all the important history: the beginning of the world, ancient times, Adam, and how we got here, and why science and religion seem not to be in agreement in this issue. You can completely see how they fit in Alban’s explanations about this. No one has done that before.
  • Alban tells us the locations of all events mentioned in the Quran. The important Geography. All of them. No one has done that before.
  • Alban solves the philosophical Problem of Evil. Basically, Alban explains why God created humans who will end up in hell? Why should Hell exist? Some of the greatest philosophers on earth, Kant, Leibniz, Calvin, have attempted to solve this philosophical problem, and they made amazing progress, but they still came short from the final answer. God guided me to fully crack this problem.
  • Alban explains the purpose of miracles and why there are no more miracles today. No one has done that before.
  • Alban informs us about the exact proportions of people who will go to Heaven and Hell, and their demographical characteristics. No one has done that before.
  • Alban explains to us when to pray and when to fast in the extreme Northern and Southern regions of the earth, where the day and the night last longer than 24 hours. Religious scholars have given personal opinions about this, but no one found the correct answer from the Quran before.
  • As a matter of fact – God gives Alban the answer to any important question which anyone will ever ask him (25:33). If this does not prove his messengership, then nothing will (17:89-93).

These are things which you could not find in any books, or any internet web page, because they were never discovered by anyone else before. So, since it is impossible that Alban learned these things from other books or from other people, Alban must have understood them directly from the Quran. And God says that no one can understand the Quran except the sincere (56:79, 17:46). Therefore, according to God, Alban is a sincere person, and a proven sincere person would not lie to you about such an important thing like being God’s messenger (6:93, 6:21, 4:50, 10:69). Therefore, according to God, Alban is telling you the truth when he says that he is His messenger. God would never allow a sincere person to declare messengership, if he is not. God’s system is perfect (33:62, 2:138). He did not send us in this earth to confuse us, to keep us guessing who is the true messenger and who is just pretending to be a messenger (2:99, 22:16). Instead, He made it simple (54:17, 20:2). He sends a messenger, and He identifies the messenger for the people in the Quran in a conclusive logical manner, and according to God’s logical identification, Alban is His messenger (72:27). It is impossible for Alban to manipulate God, and sneakily get access to the Quran, and future events from the Quran (17:45-46). No one can manipulate God (2:9). So, if you believe God, you will believe Alban (64:8).

In fact, Alban’s video clarifications are God’s way of fulfilling His promise to Muhammad when He revealed the Quran. He told Muhammad in verse 75:19, “Then it is we who will explain the Quran”.

Some people claim that when God uses the word “we”, He is only talking about Him and His angels, but not humans. Well, this is not correct, because just two verses before that, in verse 17, God says, “It is we who will collect it into Quran”, and we all know that humans collected the Quran. So, when God says “we” it often includes humans – the believers (2:83, 2:172, 2:267, Friday Sermon 10), which is why God calls us ‘My servants’ (2:186, 17:53), because we are involved in part of His work. Of course, God and His angles do things, but He involves the believers in some things. So, when it comes to explaining the Quran, God involves Alban and His angels through whom He explains the Quran (75:19). By the way, the Quran is clear. Alban does not clarify it. He explains it. He uses the Quran to clarify the complex issues of modern situations. So, Alban’s clarifying videos are clarifications from the Quran, and explanations of the Quran.

Another misconception which Submitters used to have in the past is that they thought that messengers should bring proof about their own messengership. They stretched this belief based on Rashad’s statement where he says, “God’s messengers are given divine, incontrovertible proof of their messengership”. Well, this statement is not the same as saying “the messengers should bring proof about their messengership”, because it’s different when God brings the proof and when the messenger brings the proof. God does not necessarily have to bring the proof through the messenger. The messengers do not bring proof about their messengership. They might bring proof, but not about their messengership. So, messengers are not obliged to bring proof, but in cases when they do, it’s never proof about their messengership. It’s proof about the message, and only if the message is new. You can learn more details about this in Alban’s clarifying video titled “Should messengers bring proof?”, but one thing is for sure: The Messenger of the Covenant never said that messengers should bring proof about their own messengership. Instead, here is what he said, here is what God says in the Quran: “The ONLY duty of a messenger is to deliver the message”. (5:99). Nothing else. God says this. God says in the Quran that messengers never brought proof, except in cases when God issues a new permission or a new commandment (new law) (40:78). Check this verse in the Arabic Quran and see for yourself. So, messengers are not sent by God to prove themselves. Instead, the messengers prove God, and God proves the messengers (6:19). This is how it has always worked.

So, the Messenger of the Covenant did not bring proof about his messengership. It was already there in the Quran, and it served to prove the Quran. The Messenger of the Covenant only discovered what was already there, and because he discovered it, we know that he was a sincere person who had proper access to the Quran, which is how we know that he was not lying to us when he said that he was God’s messenger.

Aaron, Joseph, Hud – none of them brought any proof to their people. God found a way to prove their messengerships to their people through other ways. He proved the messengership of Aaron, for example, through what Moses said, and Moses was proven. Moses said that Aaron is also God’s messenger and that was it. Proven through the word of another person who is proven not to lie. He proved the messengership Joseph through what Jacob said, and Jacob was proven, and He proves Alban’s messengership through what the Quran says, and the Quran is proven. By the way, even the messengers who brought proof to their people like Jesus, Moses, Abraham, they brought proof to their people, but they never brought proof to you, yet you believe that they were God’s messengers. We should believe them because God told us about them through the proven Quran, and God also tells us about Alban through the proven Quran. And, of course, the previous messengers were much better than the modern messengers, but this is not a good reason to reject the modern messengers. And, of course, a lot of the previous messengers were also prophets, and the modern messengers are not prophets. Alban is not a prophet. As we know, a prophet brings scripture, while a messenger only confirms existing scripture, and prophet Muhammad was the last prophet. However, God says not to make a distinction between messengers (prophet or not) by rejecting some of them and accepting others. We should accept all of them, because all messengers are a perfect fit for their own generation of believers. If Alban is not as good as Muhammad, you are also not as good as Ali. Muhammad was a perfect messenger for Ali, and Alban is a perfect messenger for us.

OK, now let’s explain how God proves the next messenger. The one who comes after Alban.


Proving the Strengthening Messenger

Let’s assume again for a moment that you are the last messenger living at the end of times, and let’s read verse 13:38. It says, “We have sent messengers before you, and we made them husbands with wives and children…”. So, this verse means that the three messengers who came before the last messenger will have children. Now, the Messenger of the Covenant already had children before he became a messenger, but Alban did not have children when he was chosen a messenger. Therefore, in this verse, God is telling Alban that he will have children in the future. See, again, future news through Alban. And God says in the Quran that He gives good news to the believers (17:9, 27:2, 9:21, 9:112, 11:69, 12:6), and warnings to the disbelievers. So, considering that Alban is a proven believer now as God’s messenger, the news about his child must be good news, which means that he will be a believer (37:101). Let’s explore further. According to God, we can never know for sure whether someone is a true believer (9:101), unless he is a messenger (2:285), or a saint (2:118). So, the only way we can know for sure that Alban’s child is a believer is if he is a messenger, or a saint. Saints are people who are supported with miracles (new proofs) – miracles are new proof – . And we know that that Mathematical Miracle of the Quran is the last miracle, and therefore Rashad Khalifa is the last saint, which means that Alban’s son can not be a saint, because Rashad was the last saint. But God already proved to us that Alban’s child is a believer, and since he is not a saint, he must be a messenger. So, the next messenger will be Alban’s son, Alhak – PROVEN NOW.

Based on this explanation, we can conclude that the son of a messenger will always become a messenger, unless he was born before his father was chosen a messenger, which would make him a son born to a non-messenger. God gave us many examples about this issue. The case of Moses, Solomon, Aaron, none of their sons were messengers, because they were born before their fathers became messengers. They were born to non-messengers. On the other hand, in the case of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Zacharia, their sons were also messengers, because their sons were born after they were chosen messengers – after their fathers were chosen messengers. So, now we can understand why Abraham and Zacharia did not have children until old age (11:72, 19:4). It is because God had planned for their sons to be messengers as well (Isaac and John), and He made sure that Abraham and Zacharia were messengers first, and then have their sons. In the same way, God has chosen Alban a messenger while he still didn’t have children, because He planned that Alban’s son will be the Strengthening Messenger.

By the way, the phrase “Strengthening Messenger” can also be translated from the Arabic as the “The honorable messenger”, or “The honored messenger”, because the groups who fought against Alban will end up honoring Alban’s son. Alban did the harder work, while Alhak gets the results after Alban is gone. Alhak’s will also get hard at some point, but he will come back stronger than before. God possesses all strength, and He knows what He is doing. By the way, Alhak is predicted by name in verses 43:29, 48:28, 9:33, and 61:9, but he will not know for sure that he is a messenger until Alban is gone, because Alhak could die at any time, like the sons of Muhammad died, and Alban could have another child. While Alban is alive, Alhak will be Alban’s disciple. A disciple is someone who is learning from a messenger how to become a messenger, like the disciples of Jesus who became messengers after Jesus. The Last Supper was their graduation ceremony, and Judas left the graduation ceremony early, and failed to become a messenger, but the 11 other disciples graduated and became messengers when Jesus was gone. The Christians call them “the Apostles” in Greek, which in English means “the messengers”. The 11 apostles of Jesus are not different from the four modern messengers. They carried the message of God based on what Jesus, the word of God, told them, and the modern messengers carry the message of God based on what the Quran, the word of God, tells them. This is explained further in Alban’s video titled “Communicating with God”.

So, from the time when Jesus was born until Jesus comes back, there are 19 messengers. Here they are:


A.D. Messengers and Their Titles

The Fates of A.D. Messengers

And all these 19 messengers are from the circumcised people, which means that they have at least some biological blood from Abraham.

Please pay attention that the only two messengers who attain victory in this life are the last prophet and the last messenger. Total victory comes in the end for the believers.

So now let’s see the proof about the last messenger, Ahmad, the Guide Messenger (the Mahdi in Arabic).


Proving the Guide Messenger

The proof about the Guide Messenger has to do with the Sacred Masjid in Mecca. The Sacred Masjid can be under the supervision of believers or disbelievers alike. In fact, just like with any other city, ten out of every eleven rulers of Mecca on average during history were disbelievers. However, the disbelievers have only one way of becoming supervisors of Mecca, while the believers have two ways. The disbelievers can only become supervisors by inheriting the authority, while the believers can either inherit it or liberate it from the previous group. The liberation or occupation of Mecca is impossible for disbelievers (27:91), because God protects Mecca. For example, the people of the elephant tried to occupy Mecca (105:1), and God protected Mecca by sending swarms of birds who threw stones upon them (105:2-5).

So, this means that if someone liberates Mecca from the previous dynasty, he is a proven believer by God, and therefore his word is true. So, because his word is true, if he claims to be God’s messenger, then he is truly God’s messenger. If he does not claim to be God’s messenger, then he is not God’s messenger. In other words, it is impossible for someone who liberates the Sacred Masjid to fake his messengership. So, the custodian of the Sacred Masjid can only be a true messenger or a true non-messenger, but he can not be a false messenger. God tells us that the messenger who liberates Mecca is called the Guide Messenger – the Mahdi (48:27-28). He is the Last Messenger.

Let me also inform you that the Mahdi, as a believer, will liberate Mecca without fighting at the Sacred Masjid (48:27). As you know, believers are not allowed to fight at the Sacred Masjid (2:191). So, when I say “liberate”, I mean “dominate peacefully”, initially with pressure from the outside, and then open it fully for Hajj for all believers.

Now, because it might not be easy to know whether someone liberated Mecca, or whether he simply inherited it from the ruling dynasty, because politics can be confusing in the last days, let me make it easier for you by telling you this: If the person does his Contact Prayer in a purified form like Rashad, Alban, and Alhak, that proves that he did not inherit the dynasty from today’s ruling Arabs, because they are against Rashad, Alban, and Alhak. Therefore, if he does the Contact Prayer like Rashad, Alban and Alhak, then his liberation of Mecca is a true liberation.

So, the Guide Messenger, the Mahdi, the last messenger is the person who fulfills these two conditions:

1). Liberates/dominates the Sacred Masjid in Mecca.

2). Does his Contact Prayer exactly like Rashad, Alban and Alhak, exactly like Abraham.

This is the Mahdi.

It is impossible for someone else to fulfill both of these conditions. Only the Guide Messenger will fulfill both of these conditions. Therefore, the identity of the last messenger is proven by God. PROVEN NOW.


Summary of Proofs

So, to summarize, according to the Quran, four types of people can not fake their messengership:

  1. Someone who proves the Quran.
  2. Someone who tells you the future.
  3. Someone who is born from an already appointed messenger.
  4. Someone who liberates Mecca.

God has made it impossible for these four types of people to fake their messengership. Therefore, anyone who fulfills any of these four conditions and claims to be a messenger of God, then he is truly a messenger of God. God has identified him for you.

And as pointed earlier, each of the four modern messengers fulfills one of these criteria. Rashad proved the Quran, Alban tells you the future, Alhak will be Alban’s son, and Muhammad or Ahmad (the Mahdi) will liberate Mecca, and therefore none of them could possibly be fake messengers. This means that when they claim that they are God’s messengers, they are God’s messengers. If any other person on earth fulfills one of these four conditions and claims to be a messenger, we should believe them, but it is just not going to happen. God has made it impossible for other people.

By the way, there is a reason why God chose to prove His messengers in these four different ways. It is because these are the four ways which do not put any burden on those who are witnesses to the proof (2:282). These are things which believers should do anyway. They are supposed to have a Quran anyway, so they can verify the Mathematical Miracle of the Quran. They are supposed to study the Quran anyway (47:24), so they can carefully examine Alban’s future predictions. They are supposed to attend the Friday Prayer anyway (62:9), where they can verify who Alban’s son is. They are supposed to go to Hajj anyway (2:196) and in this way they can be witnesses to the liberation of Mecca. See, in a similar way when Moses threw the staff and God turned it into a snake, it was done in a time and a place where people had gathered anyway (20:59). It was on the day of festivities when people had gathered to celebrate whatever festival they were celebrating (20:59). See, it is because of God’s mercy that He seems to change his style of proving his messengers (21:69, 37:107, 20:77, 21:87-88, 21:89-90). He does this to make sure that He always does it in such a way which will not put any additional burden on those who witness the proof (2:282). They should do whatever they are supposed to do as believers, and the proof will be there.

Also, these are the only ways to give access to the verification of the proof to all believers of the world without having to use the media. Media are like second-hand witnesses. Second-hand witnesses are not acceptable in religion and in court, because they can be faked. Anyone can turn a staff into a snake in a movie done with special effects, but in real life it’s practically impossible. So if God wants to prove his messengers to the whole world without using the media, it makes sense that he would do it in such a way where people would have access to verifying the proof, simply by doing whatever they are supposed to do anyway. All they need to do is to have a Quran, to attend the Friday Prayer, and to go to Hajj, and they will have access to verifying the proof.


Why 3+1 Messengers?

God has decided to send these four messengers in the modern world to fulfill His plan for the modern community of believers.

The plan:


By: Alban Fejza, the Clarifying Messenger

My Journey to Truth and Enlightenment


Autobiography by Alban Fejza, the Clarifying Messenger

Early Childhood

I was born in Macedonia, to Albanian parents with Muslim background, but like most of their generation, they were not religious at all. They considered it old-fashioned to be religious, and they raised us as non-religious. We moved to Kosovo, and I went to primary school there. One day, around the fifth or sixth grade, my math teacher laughed at one of the students who did not know how to construct the 30° angle. I considered it rude that she laughed at him, and I thought to myself, “What if I asked her to construct the 35° angle? She would not know how to do it either.” I had noticed that she would only teach us the main angles, like, 60°, 30°, 45°, 90° angles, and she was ignoring the other angles. But then I thought, “Wait a minute. Why should I judge her, when I myself don’t know how to do it either?” I spent several nights just thinking about how to find a method which works for all angles. There was no internet then to find the answer. About two weeks later, I found the answer, just by thinking about it. I was so happy I had discovered something new in mathematics. The next day, I said to my older sister, “You can ask me how to construct any angle, and I can construct it without using a protractor.” She said, “Yes, it’s called Sinus and Cosinus. It is already discovered.”

I had re-discovered trigonometry just by thinking, and I realized that it is possible to discover the truth about reality and existence without learning it somewhere else. So, this passion about discovering the truth emerged in me. I knew I had the determination, but I had doubts whether I was smart enough to at least have chances to discover it. These doubts mostly went away once I participated in math competitions at the municipal and national level and won. So, I knew that at least I had very small chances to discover the ultimate truth. That became my main goal in life. I wanted to find the ultimate truth. I was hoping that mathematics, astronomy and physics would be a good tool to understand the ultimate truth. To me, they looked like the best contenders which could help me find the ultimate truth. And I spent most of my youth thinking about these three subjects.


My First Encounter with the Quran and the Bible

My parents had a relatively large library of books, but we did not have a Quran or Bible in our house. When I was about 16, a relative had brought a Quran to our house. It was a poor translation, but I read it. From the first quick read, I did not know for sure if it was the truth, but it surely was an important book speaking about fundamental things, which I liked, because the truth is found easier in fundamental things.” I kept it at the back of my mind as a potential place where I could find the truth. Then, my father decided to send me as an exchange high-school student to the United States. The program required that I live with an American family for a year. They happened to be a Christian family in Iowa, and they gave me a Bible, which I read. I could see that both the Quran and the Bible were books with many good moral stories, but I wanted to know whether they are true, whether they are factually true.

I was not interested in myths and legends. So, I was determined to find out whether they are true.


Searching for the Truth

Most of the stories in the Bible and the Quran seemed like impossible to prove or disprove because they were ancient history about local events of people who did not necessarily leave archeological evidence. But there was one story which I thought could be proven or disproven scientifically – the story of Noah. The English translation of the Bible implied that all the land animals on earth today descended from a small group of animals which were saved in a ship by our ancestor Noah when a flood covered the whole earth. Since this was the only story which claimed a global event, I realized that it was a provable or disprovable event because you can not have a flood covering the whole earth without a major astronomical or geological event.

It just does not happen. All that additional water at once has to come from somewhere, either from above or from below. So, the claim which the English Bible was making was not just a historical claim like in the other stories, it was also an astronomical and geological claim, and astronomy and geology can be proven or disproven, even without written documents, unlike history. So I could use my knowledge in astronomy to prove or disprove this story. I spent my last year in high-school thinking about this problem, and how to solve it. I explored many ideas, and I especially focused on the Milankovitch Cycles, Meltwater Pulses, Magnetic Polarity Reversals, and comet tails, as potential explanations for a global flood.

However, there was a problem to the story. The bible also gives the dimensions of the ship with which Noah survived. So, it was easy to calculate whether six million species of land animals could fit within one ship to survive. Obviously, they do not fit. So, I thought, “Maybe this part of the Bible has been changed or mistranslated.” When I moved to New Jersey in the first year of college, I decided to see what the Quran has to say about this. So I found six English translations of the Quran on the internet. Five of them implied that Noah had taken all the animals in the ship with him, or at least left that option open, while one of them claimed that only Noah’s livestock were included, only the domesticated animals, and the flood was a local flood, not the whole world. This would explain why I did not find any scientific evidence for a global flood.


Finding the Truth

And, from the Quran we can see this from verse 11:40 that it is talking only about animals which lived together with Noah’s family, which means domesticated animals. It can be seen from the context of the verse which tells us how Noah was ordered not to include the people and the animals which go against Noah’s voice.

So, wild animals would run away from Noah’s voice, but domesticated animals would listen to Noah’s voice when he called them. So, only the people and animals which responded to Noah’s voice when he called them were included in the ship, which was only his family and his domesticated animals. But, at that time, I did not know this, and five of the six Quran translations which I was reading actually endorsed the wrong idea that all animal species of the world went with Noah, seemingly taking the idea from the Bible. And it seemed quite unlikely to me that five Quran translations would be translated wrong, while one of them would be right, so I decided to exclude this translation from my research anyway, but just to be on the safe side, I decided to read it one more time, before I exclude it.

The translation seemed to make a big claim. It claimed that it provided mathematical proof from God that the Quran is a revelation from God and not a human-made book. So I thought “Aha. This is my field of expertise. I can disqualify this translation simply by finding the methodological flaws of this mathematical claim. So, I analyze it, and analyze it, for several days, and I could not find any flaw in the methodology, and I surrendered. There clearly seemed to be a Mathematical Miracle in the Quran, and then I opened the Quran and started reading it and I reached chapter 7 where it tells the story of how the expert magicians tried to defeat Moses with their magic and they themselves got defeated, and then they fell prostrate. The subtitle in this section of the translation reads “The Truth Recognized by the Experts.”

Then it hit me. I am the expert in mathematics, and I just got defeated in my own field, just like the expert magicians were defeated in their own field. I realized the truth. I accepted that the Quran was indeed a book from God. I felt prostrate. I cried. I repented. I learned how to do the Contact Prayers. I submitted to God. I became a submitter and decided to live my life according to the Quran. I was 19 years old then, in 2004. I had no contact with any submitters or any other religious groups. I wished to meet them, but I did not know who they are, and where they live, and I did not believe in organized religion then anyway. To me, this was a personal journey, then. A few weeks after that, I came across verse 26:214 which says that you should preach to the people who are closest to you.


Preaching the Truth

So, I decided to tell my closest people, my family and people in my country the good news that the Quran is really from God, but it would be hard for me to share the truth with them, unless I had the information in Albanian, especially since they were not interested in religious topics, and the older generations do not understand English. So, I decided to translate the “Authorized English Translation of the Quran” in Albanian.

As soon as I started, I got stuck in the second word of the Quran. I could not decide how to translate the word “God” in Albanian, because in Albanian it has been completely replaced by the word “Lord”, and the original Albanian word for “God” has almost completely vanished from everyday use. And there is a difference between the word “God” and the word “Lord”. There can be many lords, just like there are many kings. Anyone who legally owns slaves is a lord. However, there is only one God. There are no other gods except God. And, of course, only God is the Lord of the heavens and earth. And if I could not express this clearly in Albanian, I would risk delivering the message of monotheism incorrectly.


The Struggle

I did not want to continue further unless I solved this issue. So, I wanted to read the ancient Albanian religious books, and see how these words evolved, and in what context were they used. I could not find Albanian books online during the early days of internet in 2004, so I decided to travel back to Kosovo and read the books which I needed, which were in my parent’s library. If I asked them to send them to me, they would ask me questions why I needed them instead of sending them, especially because they did not want me to become religious. So, to my parent’s surprise, I went back to Kosovo. My naive plan was to finish the translation in a few months and go back to USA. But God had other plans, and I ended up staying in Kosovo.

I attended an American University there, a branch of Rochester Institute of Technology, but in fact I spent most of my nights studying to improve my terminology to translate the Quran in Albanian. When the end of the academic year came in the summer of 2005, I was ready to translate the Quran. As soon as summer vacation started, I started translating the Quran. My Writing and Literature teacher had taught me to write in several drafts. So, I decided to translate it all as a first rough draft during the summer, and then revise it in many other drafts during several years, and then make it public. By the end of the summer in 2005, I finished the first draft, but I did not resolve one important issue yet. I still could not decide which name of God I should use in Albanian.

I was still torn between the correct but almost unused option, or the less correct but used option. I said to myself, “Maybe, if I find people using the correct name of God in other regions where Albanians live who speak slightly different dialects, that would justify my use of that name, even though it is not used daily in Kosovo. So, I set out on a journey to find the correct name of God being used among the people in Albania. It was my first time there. I did not have much money as a student, so I decided to go to the cheapest touristic place in Durres, Albania. When I went there, I found out that the beaches were overcrowded, full of young immodest women in swimsuits. That environment was unacceptable for me, especially then, so I decided to travel further south hopefully to find a more remote and less crowded beach. I reached a beach by a forest area. It was called “Mali i Robit” (The Mount of the Servant).


The Enlightenment

The hotel had the same name as well. Anyway, once there, I realized that my journey was quite unproductive since I felt shy to start random conversations with people, and even when we had a conversation, they would almost never use the name of God, and I did not hear the correct version. I could not travel further south, because I ran out of money, and I decided that I was going to use the correct ancient name of God in Albanian, even if I had no evidence that people still use it in their daily lives today, even if it makes the book sound weird, but I still had doubts whether I was making the correct choice.

So, before I went to sleep, I decided to pray to God. I said, “Please God show me a sign if I am doing the correct thing! If at any time I would expect you to talk to me, can you please talk to me now.” But then I thought, “This is an invalid prayer. The Quran is the final scripture revealed to Muhammad, and I should not expect God to talk to me directly.” So, I corrected my prayer, and I said, “OK God. You don’t have to talk to me, but at least show me how it would feel if You talked to me.”  I went to sleep that night, and when dawn came, a voice woke me up calling me “Alban Feja”. I heard it with my whole body, not just with my ears. The voice came from every direction from outside of my body, and even from inside my body. Time felt different, and I felt completely in peace and loved like never before.

Even after I felt the words, I continued feeling them during the whole day, as if though they had been absorbed by my whole body. And I have never heard voices in my life before that, or after that. I knew that something very important had just happened, but I did not know what it meant. Anyway, now 16 years later, I finally understood what it means and I tell you later in this video, but let me continue with my story first.


Being Chosen A Messenger

Anyway, I finished college, started working, gave manuscripts of the Quran to my family and relatives, but I still did not publish it. I decided not to publish the Quran, unless I am willing to obey every order it gives me. There is a verse in the Quran which says, “Do you ask the people to be righteous, while forgetting yourselves?”, and by translating the Quran I was by default asking the people to be righteous, and I did not feel qualified to do that unless I myself was ready to obey every order the Quran gives me. So, I entered into a self-improvement exercise to see whether I have the courage to obey every order the Quran gives me, and a lot of the orders which the Quran gives start with the word “Say”. It tells us what to say, and you need courage to say some of those things.

I had decided to say those things, no matter what people think of me, and only then I can consider myself worthy of publishing the translation. While I was doing this self-improvement exercise, one day in 2008, when I was reading the Quran, I came across verse 10 in Chapter 44 of the Quran. It says, “Therefore, watch for the day when the sky brings a profound smoke.” The word “watch” caught my attention. I thought, the Quran not only tells me what to say, but also what to watch. So, let me also obey this order, so I looked outside of the window and watched the sky, but I saw no smoke. I realized that God wants me to watch for it in the Quran, and within a few minutes I found it. God let me discover that the Smoke will come in the year 2052, and this automatically came with a new awareness that I was God’s messenger, and I later confirmed this based on verse 72:27, which says that “Only to a messenger that He chooses, does He reveal from the past and the future, specific news.”, and since God let me know a specific future event, it automatically meant that I was God’s messenger. So, I knew that I was God’s messenger, but I did not know which messenger I was. I could not understand why would God send a messenger soon after another messenger? What is my role in all this? I understood my role a few months later when I was preparing to travel to UK, after I had won a scholarship to continue my Master’s studies there. I found out online that there are other submitters who live in UK, and I had never met other submitters before, and I was eager to meet them, and I contacted them, and I received back several emails from different members among them asking me about explanations about specific issues in the Quran which they could not understand, and this made me realized what my role was. My role is to explain and clarify things from the Quran.


The Clarifying Messenger

I checked the Quran, and there it was. The same Sura which predicted the smoke which I had discovered, only three verses later (44:13), it also predicted me as the Clarifying Messenger. So, now I knew exactly which messenger I was. I was the Clarifying Messenger.


Insisting to Talk About the Message Instead of the Messengership

Anyway, I traveled to UK, and on my way there I realized something. I realized that the role of the messengers after the Quran is not exactly the same as the messengers before the Quran. Before the Quran, people had to believe the messengers, otherwise they would not be saved, since there was no other alternative channel of believing or communicating with God. However, after the Quran, people already have the Quran, and they do not necessarily need to believe in another messenger to be saved. They can be saved by believing the Quran directly, with or without a human messenger. So, the role of the messengers after the Quran is only to fix the mistakes of people, not to bring something new, and this means that knowing for sure whether someone is God’s messenger or not in the modern world is not a precondition for Heaven, which means that I will never start talking about my messengership unless the topic comes up, or unless people ask me. Even this video is a response to people’s questions about this.

Anyway, with this new realization, that the believers should never bring up the topic of who is a messenger and who is not, unless the disbelievers bring it first, I went to UK, and met about ten or fifteen people who were gathering monthly to study the Quran, and it happened that the two main leaders of that group started arguing with each other for something quite unimportant, and the negativity spread among all of us, and we exchanged careless emails for quite some time, and eventually the worst among them brought up the topic about whether I was God’s messenger or not, and I had to tell them, and I told them, and as I expected the unguided people wanted to talk about my messengership, while guided people wanted to talk about my message, and it’s always like that.


The Seven Pairs

Anyway, I also told my family, and all my family believed me, except for my father, which is why I am destined to be mostly rejected, but this connection is another topic for a more important video, since it applies to all people, and not only messengers. However, when I say that I will be mostly rejected, I mean that my expectation is that about a thousand people will believe me before the end of my life, but the world has seven billion people, which is mostly rejection. Anyway, a few other people outside of my family also believed me, who live in many different countries. In the meantime, I gradually worked on how I was going to structure the message, to make it as comprehensive as possible, while keeping it as short as possible. Fast forward to now, 2021, and I am making this video, and I have finally realized why I heard my name being called “Alban Feja” back in 2005. I finally realized what it means. Back in 2005, I had become someone who is mentioned in the Quran.

I fulfilled verse 15:87 which says, “We have given you the seven pairs, and the great Quran.”, and this verse applies to me in seven different ways, and let me tell you one by one how this verse applies to me:

First, God had put me in such a situation in 2005, where all I had in my life was seven pairs and the great Quran. I had no wife, no children, no house, no apartment, no car, not even a bicycle. Even a bicycle would classify as a pair of wheels, but I did not even have a bicycle. I was the only person in the world who had translated the Quran while owning nothing, nothing in my life, except for seven pairs. And those seven pairs are:

  • A pair of legs (24:45), so I can sit or stand when I read the Quran
  • A pair of hands, so I can hold the Quran
  • A pair of lips (90:9), so I can speak the Quran
  • A pair of eyes (90:8), so I can read the Quran
  • A pair of ears, so I can listen to the Quran
  • A pair of brains, left and right hemisphere so I can understand and feel the Quran
  • And a pair of clothes. Actually, the Quran is talking about another pair here, which is connected to the fact that it is directed mostly to men, even though women also benefit from it. And this is partly why God left this verse seemingly vague, not to embarrass myself and all men by pointing out what the seventh pair is, so let me just say, “a pair of clothes” instead.

So, if we have these seven pairs, the next thing we should want is the Quran. I know that a lot of people in the world are in situations where they have no wealth and are completely isolated from the society, but they are always longing for something else, other than the Quran. The next thing they want is something else after the seven pairs, but the verse says, “the seven pairs, AND THE QURAN.”, and can you find me any person in the world where the first thing he ever owned after his body is the Quran? Before having a house, before partners, before children, before cars, before jewelry, and all these are also pairs. So, all the other believers of the world had either eight pairs and then the Quran, or nine pairs and then the Quran, or maybe 10 pairs and then the Quran, or maybe 11 pairs and then the Quran, or maybe five pairs and then the Quran (for example a disabled or a blind person),

or maybe six pairs and then the Quran, if they are a single woman, or maybe at least eight pairs and then the Quran, if they have a husband which automatically comes with dowry, so they jump from six to eight pairs and more, or maybe 0 pairs and then the Quran, in cases when someone is a young child who memorized the whole Quran, but they are still owned by their parents, but as you can see, it is almost impossible to find a person who was given exactly seven pairs and then the Quran. This can happen only to a healthy man who has no wife or partners or children with him, and has been guided completely independently from his parents or other relatives or friends, and does not own anything except the Quran, while at the same time not being owned by anyone except God, and these cases are so rare in this world that it happened only to Muhammad and me.

In the case of Muhammad, it happened in the year 622 when he migrated from Mecca to Medina. His family had escaped earlier to Medina. Then Muhammad was threatened and forced to leave Mecca. He left all his wealth, his house, his livestock, his equipment. Everything. He lost everything. He only took his clothes and left. Even the camel which he used to escape did not belong to him. Abu Baker had brought two camels, one for Muhammad and one for himself. So, as Muhammad traveled from Mecca to Medina, he was left with nothing, except for the seven pairs and the great Quran . So, all he had at that moment was, his body, his clothes outside of his body, and the Quran inside of his body.

This happened to him so that verse 15:87 could apply to him, and later God gave the wealth back to him again at the battle of Badr, but at this moment Muhammad did not have anything else. And this is why the Hijri years are counted from that moment in history. This is why all of Sura 15 was revealed to Muhammad before he left Mecca, except for verse 87 which talks about the seven pairs which was revealed to Muhammad just after he left Mecca.

Anyway, there is something pure about having nothing except the seven pairs and the Quran. This is why when I make predictions using the Quranic Initials, I use the year 2005 as benchmark for my predictions, since that is the only time when I had only the seven pairs, and the Quran, and nothing else. A new beginning. This is why the Quran says, “We have given you the seven pairs, and the great Quran.” (15:87), and then immediately after that it says, “Do not even be jealous towards those who have been coupled (with someone else or something else)” basically those who have more than the seven pairs, and God says this because having eyes to read the Quran, hands to hold the Quran, ears to listen to the Quran, and so on, if you use them for the Quran, it is a much bigger blessing than the additional pairs which God gave to the other people.

And, immediately, the next verse after that says to me, “And say, “I am the clarifying warner.“ In this case, it calls me “the clarifying warner”, instead of “the clarifying messenger”, because back in 2005, I was not a messenger yet. I was chosen later in 2008, but in 2005 I had only fulfilled the verse about the seven pairs. I fulfilled the verse about the seven pairs before I was chosen a messenger, unlike Muhammad who fulfilled the verse about the seven pairs after he was chosen a Messenger, and this is because I had the Quran before I was chosen a messenger, while Muhammad had the Quran only after he was chosen a messenger.


The Second Meaning of “Seven Pairs”

The second way how the verse about the seven pairs applies to me is this: At that time in 2005 when I heard my name being called, I had completed fourteen years of school – Seven academic years in primary school, and then the war happened in my country and we relocated and changed the school, and then I attended seven other years in different schools. So, exactly, after fourteen years of school, I used the summer vacation to translate the first rough draft of the Quran. The knowledge which I received in those fourteen years of school was a precondition for being wise enough to understand and explain the Quran in this modern age. So, fourteen years of school and then the great Quran.


The Third Meaning of “Seven Pairs”

Now, the third way how the verse about the seven pairs applies to me is this: I was given the meaning of the 14 mysterious Quranic initials. Since the revelation of the Quran, no person on Earth knew their meaning until I finally explained their meaning. It’s in my other video titled, “Explaining Quranic Initials: Predicting the Future”. Some people would like to think that the verse about seven pairs only applies to Muhammad, because the 14 mysterious Quranic Initials were revealed to Muhammad. Yes, they were revealed to Muhammad, but Muhammad never understood what they mean. Muhammad was given the letters, but I was given their meaning. So, we were both given the seven pairs. He was given the fourteen letters without understanding their meaning, and I was given the fourteen meanings of those letters.


The Fourth Meaning of “Seven Pairs”

This brings me to the fourth way of how the verse about the seven pairs applied to me. When I heard my name being called “ALBAN FEJA” back in 2005, I was not just being called my name. I was being told my future. As I told you, God enabled me to discover the meaning of the 14 mysterious letters of the Quran which tell the future of the world, and 7 of those letters (Quranic Initials) were used when my name was called, which actually told my future.

Here they are listed in chronological order:

  • A
  • A
  • A
  • J
  • L
  • E
  • N

As I explain in that other video, each of these letters represents a meaning and a number. A is 1, and it means ox, J is 10 and it means arm, L is 30, and it means goad (a piece of stick to drive the ox), E is 5 and it means jubilation (raised happy arms), and N is 50 and it means fish. And here is the interpretation of these symbols and numbers for my case only. Three years of hard work and spiritual growth like an ox, from 2005 until 2008 when God was testing and preparing me to choose me as His messenger. The three hardest years of my life. I would spend the nights editing the Quran and during the day try to catch up with my studies. At the end of these three years, God chose me as His messenger. Then, 10 years came, when I was preaching, but it was an individual unorganized struggle without much support from anyone, like manual labor. Even those who wanted to support me, they had their own bigger challenges.

Now, since 2018, I am in a period of thirty lunar years of organized struggle, where others are also supporting me in the cause of God. After that from 2047 until 2052, a period of five years will come for me where I will lift up my hands and glorify God for the success, and the submitters will strive on their own without me having to tell them how to do it. And the fish and the fifty lunar years represents the whole period of fifty lunar years during which I extract information from the Quran to put it on the internet – so from 2005 until 2054 are my fifty lunar years of constant new information.

By the way, when I heard my name being called back in 2005, I heard my last name being pronounced as “FEJA” instead of “FEJZA”. The letter “Z” was dropped from my last name, and in the original alphabet the letter “Z” means “armed struggle”. So God took armed struggle away from my life, similar to Moses who did not engage in armed struggle against Pharaoh, because God had a better plan. So, 50 years of striving in the cause of God, but no years of armed struggle.


The Fifth Meaning of “Seven Pairs”

Now the fifth way how the verse about the seven pairs applies to me is the H.M. initials. The H.M. initials appear as a separate verse in the Quran exactly seven times. This is the only verse in the Quran which is repeated exactly seven times, and it has a pair of letters – H and M. Seven pairs. This pair of initials was actually the one which I used for my first discovery about the future, which is when I became a messenger. Back in 2008, I realized that the prophecy about the smoke which was expected to come in the future is found in the Sura which starts with the H.M. initials and I used the value of these letters, in combination with other Quranic facts to predict that the Smoke will come in the year 2052. Then many years later, I discovered the meanings of all the other initials. So, the H.M. initials are seven pairs within seven pairs.


The Sixth Meaning of “Seven Pairs”

Now, the sixth way of how the verse about the seven pairs applies to me: The seven pairs are the seven pairs of personal characteristics which a person should have to prequalify as a potential messenger, like courage, belief, wisdom, submission, and so on. I list them in my other video titled, “The Clarifying Messenger.”


The Seventh Meaning of “Seven Pairs”

Now let me tell you the seventh way and the most important way how the verse about the seven pairs applies to me: Ok, there is only one Quran but it has seven meanings. In some verses of the Quran all those seven meanings are the same, in which case the verse seems clear and easy to understand, but in other verses some of the meanings or all the seven meanings are different, in which case the verse might feel unclear. Now, when it comes to these verses with multiple meanings, you can search for the most knowledgably scholars of the Quran, during all of history since the revelation of the Quran, and you will find that usually they are only able to tell you one or two or at the most three meanings, but I can tell you all the seven meanings. I am the first human being ever to understand all the seven meanings of the Quran. This shows that God gave me all the seven meanings of the Quran, and I tell you those meanings in my video titled “Multiple Meaning Verses”.

So, the most important way to understand God’s statement when He says, “We have given thee the seven pairs, and the great Quran” is to understand that God has given me the seven meanings which are paired to the Quran, and the great Quran which contains the actual words and letters which is available for everybody. And then God continues by saying, “Do not be jealous of what we given the others with partners, and do not be saddened, and lower your wing for the believers, and say “I am the clarifying warner.” We will deal with the dividers.” So, God is identifying my opponents here by calling them “the dividers”, and then He tells me why they are the dividers by saying “They accept the Quran only partially” by accepting only one meaning and rejecting the other meanings. They will all be questioned about everything they have done.

The Clarifying Messenger


Who is Alban Fejza?

Alban Fejza (seen in the video above) is called the Clarifying Messenger in the Quran (44:13). People know him as a sane truthful person (10:16, 7:184). He is nothing more than a human like you (18:110, 17:93). And, obviously, he is not an angel, and he does not know the future, except what has already been revealed in the Quran (6:50). He does not possess the treasures of God (6:50). He does not ask any kind of payment for himself (25:57, 6:90, 38:86, 42:23, 34:47). He simply tries to help you find the right path to your Lord, if this is what you choose (25:57). You do not have to report to him (6:66, 10:108). It’s between you and God (10:108, 25:77). He has no power to harm you, nor to guide you (72:21), or to benefit himself or harm himself (7:188). No one can protect him from God (72:22). Only what God wills happens to him (7:188). He is no more than a warner, and a bearer of good news for those who believe (7:188). He is the clear warner (15:89, 22:49, 20:50, 46:9, 7:184, 29:50). He is no more than a human messenger (17:93). His mission is to explain the Quran (75:19), as predicted by the Quran itself (44:13, 75:19). He does not bring another Quran (10:15, 17:88). He does not change the Quran (10:15). He can not change the Quran (10:15). He simply follows and says what is already there in the Quran (10:15, 3:81).


Limits and Responsibilities of the Clarifying Messenger

As God’s messenger, Alban Fejza only produce videos (5:92), and he only produce them in English (14:4). This is the most suitable for the internet generation (26:214), because his videos are there available, even when Alban is not on duty as God’s messenger (27:82). So, Alban is not God’s messenger when he is sleeping (39:42). He is not God’s messenger when he sends thousands of e-mails or social media messages, or when he talks on the phone (49:4), or when he gives Friday sermons, which are only intended for his current local congregation, or when he chats with his friends and colleagues. He is not God’s messenger when he co-authors scientific papers or speaks in scientific conferences (4:114), or when he teaches statistics (93:11, 25:20), or whatever he does to make a living (2:198, 23:51).

But, when he addresses you directly in his clarifying videos, then that is the Clarifying Messenger. His clarifying videos are clarifications from God (75:19) through Gabriel (2:97) through the Quran (2:97) through Alban Fejza (75:19) through his clarifying videos (27:82) to you (81:27).


Why Alban Fejza exactly? Why not someone else?

Well, GOD knows exactly who is best qualified to deliver His message (6:124), and when He sends a messenger, he gives him the seven pairs of qualities (15:87), which are:

  1. A human being (41:6)
  2. Male (16:43, 21:7)
  3. Not with mental or physical disabilities (7:184, 25:20)
  4. Not a dependent (financially and otherwise) (26:109, 34:47, 25:20)
  5. Submitter (6:14)
  6. Believer (2:285)
  7. Persevering (6:34)
  8. Courageous (33:39)
  9. Very smart (12:22, 16:125, 19:12, 21:79)
  10. Effectively, socially isolated from those opposing God and the Quran (58:22, 2:143, 19:11, 19:17, 9:40, 7:142)
  11. With a higher proportion of believing family members (58:22, 26:214)
  12. Eventually married and with children (13:38)
  13. Speaking in the language of his generation (Internet and English) (14:4)
  14. & from a specific community (usually destined to end soon) (28:59, 17:15, 20:1, 15:87)

So, these are the fourteen qualities which a messenger should have (15:87), and the fifteenth one is great knowledge of the Quran (15:87), and God gave all of them to Alban (15:87).

You still might be fixated to know whether I am God’s messenger or not, and you might be expecting a miracle. Let’s make it clear: Alban Fejza does not bring miracles (29:50, 10:20). Miracles come only from God (6:109, 29:50). But, like all the other messengers (57:25), Alban Fejza is supported with a miracle. With a perpetual miracle (15:9). He is supported by the Quran (29:51). Everything he says as God’s messenger is supported by the Quran (17:46, 43:43). Everything (69:44,46). Can you find one statement in his clarifying videos which has no reference in the Quran? Every statement he makes comes from the Quran, and therefore every statement he makes is already proven (16:89). So, you do not need new proof from him, because every statement he makes is proven, and so his message is proven (7:75, 74:35). Alban Fejza’s proven message is proof of his messengership (7:75). The Quran says that Alban Fejza’s explanations are enough proof that he has received knowledge from God (6:105).


Reminder from the Previous Messengers

Here is a reminder about the previous messengers: Abraham was supported with four physical proofs (21:69, 2:260, 11:72, 37:107), Moses was supported with nine chemical and environmental proofs (17:101), Jesus was supported with about thirty biological proofs (3:49, 5:110, 3:55, 5:114), Muhammad was supported with an audio proof, the revelation of the Quran (11:13), Rashad Khalifa was supported with a perpetual mathematical proof (74:35), and because it is perpetual, it keeps the verses of the Quran continuously proven (15:9), and as a result Alban Fejza is now supported with 6346 logical proofs (1:1-114:6). He is supported with 6346 verses (ayats) of the Quran. As long as he sticks to those 6346 proofs (verses) logically, which he does in his videos, then he is supported with more proofs than any other messenger in the past. And by the time he is done, I will explain them all (75:19).


The Smoke Prophecy

Besides, there is a way to unquestionably know that Alban Fejza is the Clarifying Messenger, but you have to wait for it (10:20, 52:31). He made a precise astronomical future prediction, which no other human being can do (72:27). God says in the Quran that no human being can reveal the future (72:26), except a messenger to whom God reveals specific news from the future (72:27). And Alban Fejza gave specific news from the future, which is: In the year 2052, the Smoke which is predicted in Chapter 44 of the Quran will come. He gives the details in another video titled “The Smoke Prophecy”. This should unquestionably prove that Alban Fejza is God’s messenger (3:179, 72:27), and that he has delivered his Lord’s messages (72:28). It is his certificate of messengership (72:28). Only God knows the future (72:26), and He reveals precise parts of it ONLY to a messenger that He chooses (72:27). So, Alban Fejza could not possibly be able to predict the time of the Smoke (72:26), unless he is truly God’s messenger (72:27, 3:179). And because he is God’s messenger, he is not a liar (7:53, 4:170). And because he is not a liar, when he tells us which messenger he is, then it is true. He is the Clarifying Messenger (44:13, 43:29). And you can find him predicted in the Quran:

Therefore, watch for the day when the sky brings a CLEAR SMOKE. It will envelop the people; this is a painful retribution. “Our Lord, relieve this retribution for us; we are believers.” Now that it is too late, they remember! A CLARIFYING MESSENGER had come to them. But they turned away from him, saying, “Well educated, but crazy!” (44:10-14)

Some people might say that verse 44:13 which mentions the Clarifying Messenger refers to Muhammad. Well, not today (39:30). The clarifying messenger comes just before the advent of a terrible retribution (34:46), and 14 centuries have passed since Muhammad. Other people might say that it refers to Rashad Khalifa. Well, not really. Rashad Khalifa called himself God’s Messenger of the Covenant, not the Clarifying Messenger. He decoded the time of End of the World, but when he tried to predict the Smoke, he just could not do it, because this information was reserved for Alban Fejza. The Smoke is an event which is reserved for Alban’s generation, and it is astronomical proof that he is the Clarifying Messenger.


His Message

Now, whether you believe that Alban is God’s messenger or not, he is not asking you to worship him, but to worship God (21:25), according to the scripture you preach and the teachings you learn (3:79, 11:2). He follows the religion of Abraham – monotheism (2:135, 3:95, 6:161). He is not an idol worshiper (6:14, 13:36, 72:20), and he am from the most devoted submitters (6:14, 3:20, 39:12). We (together with Alban) believe in God, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters (2:136, 29:46). Our contact prayers, worship practices, life and my death, are all devoted to God alone, the Lord of the universe (6:162, 39:14). God is our Lord. There is no god except He. We put our trust in Him alone, and to Him is our ultimate destiny (13:30, 72:20).

The Smoke Prophecy



The Quran is proven by its Mathematical Miracle that it is authored by God (17:88, 74:30, 74:35). So, every statement in it is a proven fact and every prophecy in it is an inevitable event. One such event is the Smoke. It is prophesied in the Quran, in sura 44 titled “The Smoke”, and more specifically in verse 10 of the same sura, where it says, “watch for the day when the sky brings a clear smoke”. This means that the believers will know when the smoke will come because they will be watching for it.

The Smoke will come in the year 2052.


The Evidence

Here are the two most important pieces of evidence for this:

  1. The Seven ‘H.M.’ initials (the seven pairs).
  2. The Seven Sleepers of the Cave

OK, let’s start with the seven H.M. initials: The H.M. initial is found in the Sura titled “The Smoke”, in the first verse, and this pair of initials is found exactly seven times in the whole Quran:


  1. M. (40:1)
  2. M. (41:1)
  3. M. (42:1)
  4. M. (43:1)
  5. M. (44:1)
  6. M. (45:1)
  7. M. (46:1)

It is the only verse in the Quran which is repeated exactly seven times. So, this is “the seven pairs” mentioned in the Quran, in Sura 15 (15:87). As it is shown in another video where Alban Fejza explain the Quranic initials, these initials represent the time between the time when Alban Fejza was given these initials, and the time of the event. So, they represent the period of time between two events. The H.M. initials have the numerical value of 48. This means that there will be 48 full (lunar) years between the time when Alban Fejza was given these initials and the time when the Smoke will come, which means that from 1425 A.H., there will be 48 years before the Smoke comes, which means that the year will be 1474 A.H., or 2052 A.D.

God allowed Alban Fejza to discover this future event 44 years before it comes, and it is not a coincidence that the Sura titled “the Smoke” is Sura 44, which brings us to the next piece of evidence – the seven sleepers of the cave.

The story of the seven sleepers of the cave is mentioned in Sura 18 in the Quran, and it is connected with future events (18:24). Here are the important verses:

“Why else do you think we are telling you about the people of the cave, and the digits connected with them? They are among our wondrous signs.”  (18:9)

“Then we resurrected them to see which of the two parties could count the duration of their stay therein.”  (18:12)

“Some would say, “They were three; their dog being the fourth,” while others would say, “Five; the sixth being their dog,” as they guessed. Others said, “Seven,” and the eighth was their dog. Say, “My Lord is the best knower of their number.” Only a few knew the correct number. Therefore, do not argue with them; just go along with them. You need not consult anyone about this.”  (18:22)

“They stayed in their cave three hundred years, and they added nine.”  (18:25)

“We caused them to be discovered, to let everyone know that GOD’s promise (the Smoke) is true…“  (18:21)

So, as you can see, the digits connected with the People of the Cave are 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9. These digits add up to 44. This means that there are 44 years between the time when Alban Fejza discovered this and the time of the Smoke, and again Sura 44 is titled “the Smoke” and this gives us the year when the Smoke will come, which is 1474 A.H., or 2052 A.D.


The Nature of the Smoke

The nature of the Smoke, whatever it is, it is going to be a clear Smoke (44:10). Alban Fejza did not have any visions of it, or dreams or premonitions about it. He does not see the future (6:50). God knows the future (72:26), and He has decided to reveal specific aspects of it in the Quran (72:27). So, all Alban Fejza knows about it is directly extracted from the Quran (17:85). And, he does not need to define the nature of the Smoke because when it comes, the Quran tells us, that the people will agree that it did come (44:12). They will say, “Our Lord, relieve this retribution from us; we are now believers” (44:12). Obviously, later on, they will find an excuse to reject it (44:15), but initially when it comes, they will agree that it did come (44:12), which means that we do not need to define whether it is going to be like this or like that, how it is going to look – there is no need for it, because people will agree that it did come (44:12).

However, we can make an educated guess of what the nature of the smoke will be (4:83). The word ‘smoke (dukhan)’ in Arabic is mentioned twice in the Quran. Once obviously, it is mentioned when the Smoke is predicted, and another time is mentioned in Sura 41, where it is mentioned as a primordial gas which existed towards the beginning of the universe (41:11). This primordial gas, we now know from science that it is plasma, or plasma gas, which is simply a state of matter where the atoms are not fully structured, where electrons and protons flow freely without being attaching to one another.

So, this means that the Smoke is going to be a plasma state. Examples of plasma states today are geomagnetic storms, or solar winds, or auroras, or the tails of comets, or events in ionosphere, upper atmosphere. So, this means that the Smoke will be an event which will happen in the upper atmosphere. We can guess that such an event would cause problems here on Earth, with phones, electricity, internet and things connected with them.

Anyway, one thing is for sure: The Smoke will come from the sky (44:10), and the disbelievers will be damaged more than the believers (44:13).

Why Smoke?

Each community of the past which vanished had their own preferred sin. For example, Sodom and Gomorrah preferred homosexuality (26:165), Midyan preferred to cheat while trading (7:85), Pharaoh enslaved the people (26:22), and the people today have a preferred sin of theirs, and their preferred sin is immodesty and staring at the opposite gender (24:30-31). So, the smoke is an event which will be tailored specifically for this type of people because this type of sin is not a sin which is punishable by death, like the people before, but it is a sin which deserves mild punishment. This means that the Smoke is simply going to be a mild punishment. It’s more like a warning, rather than a harsh punishment where the people die. In addition, this type of retribution is a retribution which can be seen from all corners of the Earth, because it is going to be in the sky, which means that all the people would have deserved it (28:59, 4:79).


Why Should You Believe Me?

People from different parts of the world have said to Alban Fejza, “We do not believe you, because you have not proven the year of the Smoke to us.” Well, the role of Alban Fejza is not to prove the Smoke (40:78). The role of the Smoke is to prove Alban Fejza (72:27, 44:13, 7:75).


By: Alban Fejza, the Clarifying Messenger