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Why Did God Send the Messenger of the Covenant in our Times?

Praise be to God! There is no other god except God. As predicted in verse 3:81 of the Quran, God has sent a messenger to consolidate the messages delivered by all the prophets, purify them, and unify them into one religion: Submission. The timing was certainly ripe for fulfillment of this important prophecy, for the following reasons:

  1. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have been corrupted beyond recognition.
  2. All God’s messages have been delivered; the Quran is the Final Testament.
  3. The majority of the humans destined to ever exist are not born yet in this world.


The best illustration of today’s corrupted Judaism can be found in the books   of a famous Rabbi; Harold S. Kushner. In his best seller WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE, Avon Books, 1981, Rabbi Kushner states:


If Jesus came back to life today, the Christians would crucify him. Outstanding Christian scholars have reached solid conclusions that today’s Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus, and that its doctrine was mortally distorted at the infamous Nicene Conferences (325 A.D.). See THE MYTH OF GOD INCARNATE, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1977.


If Muhammad came back to this world, the “Muslims” would stone him to death. The religion they follow today has nothing to do with the Islam (Submission) preached by Abraham and Muhammad. Even their basics are distorted. Their First Pillar (Shahaadah) is distorted. According to the Quran, in verse 3:18, the Shahaadah is “La Elahe Ila Allah”, while according to them the “Shahaadah” is “La Elaha ila Allah, Muhammad Resululllah”, which you can not find in the Quran as a Shahaadah. They also have distorted their call to prayer, and the Salat by commemorating Muhammad instead of devoting them only to God, as the Quran tells us to do. The Quran describes in detail the four steps of ablution (Wudu), but they do 9 or more steps which are not found in the Quran. The Quran tells us to go to Hajj in Mecca. Almost all of them in practice consider Medina as part of their Hajj. Even if they don’t admit it, the fact that they can’t go to Mecca without going to Medina proves what they really believe. There is a perfectly good airport in Mecca (the Jeddah airport), but most of them choose to fly in Medina or from Medina, because that’s how they envision Hajj, outside of what the Quran tells them Hajj is.

“A Religion Never Authorized by God” (42:21)

The extent to which Islam (Submission) has been corrupted is illustrated in the following table:

This is only a minute sample of the violations committed by the “Muslims” on a daily basis. This is why God sent His Messenger of the Covenant for our times.

The Crucial Age of 40

Praise be to God! There is no other god except God. What is the age of responsibility? If a child dies at the age of 12, without even hearing about God, does this child go to Heaven or Hell? What if the child is 15 years old, or 21, or 25? At what age will the human being be held responsible for his or her beliefs? This question has puzzled researchers of all religions for a long time.

The Quran sets the age of responsibility at 40; anyone who dies before this age goes to Heaven (46:15). If the person believed in God and benefitted from belief by nourishing and developing the soul, he or she goes to the High Heaven. Otherwise, the person goes to the Lower Heaven.

Your first reaction to this piece of information is objection: “What if the person was really bad, evil, and an atheist, will he go to Heaven if he died before the age of 40?” This is because you are mean, while God is the Most Merciful. Our tendency is to “put them all in Hell.”

People who object strongly to this Divine mercy cannot come up with a cut- off age of responsibility. They ask questions like, “What if the person was really wicked?” The answer is, “Does God know that this person was wicked?” “Yes.” “Does God know that this person does not deserve to go to Heaven?” “Yes.” “Therefore, this person will not die before the age of 40.” As simple as that. God is the only one who terminates our lives on this earth. He knows exactly who deserves to go Heaven and who deserves to go to Hell.

Early in 1989 a man by the name of Theodore Robert Bundy was executed for killing a number of women. The whole nation agreed that he was one of the most vicious criminals in history. So much so that his execution was one of the rare occasions where the opponents of capital punishment did not protest. On the contrary, many people actually celebrated his execution. Numerous journalists, editorials, and politicians lamented the fact that justice took eleven years to execute Ted Bundy. They stated that Bundy should have been executed within a maximum of six years after his conviction. According to the Quran, this would have been the greatest favor anyone could have done to Bundy. He was 42 years old when executed. Had he been executed five years earlier, at the age of 37, he would have gone straight to Heaven, and he did not deserve that.

As it turns out, Bundy was one of the signs God has given us to confirm that anyone who dies before 40 goes to Heaven. Bundy’s name, Theodore Robert Bundy, consists of 19 letters, and he confessed to killing 19 women just one day before his execution. There were many other signs from God.

Delivering this important piece of information was one of the responsibilities given to God’s Messenger of the Covenant.

It is noteworthy that both Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were assassinated just a couple of months before their 40th birthdays.


Friday Sermon based on Appendix 32 of the Authorized English Translation of the Quran by Rashad Khalifa.

Evolution: A Divinely Guided Process

We learn from the Quran that evolution is a divinely designed fact:

Evolution is possible only within a given species. For example, the navel orange evolved from seeded oranges, not from apples. The laws of probability preclude the possibility of haphazard evolution between species. A fish cannot evolve into a bird; a monkey can never evolve into a human.

Probability Laws Preclude Darwin’s Evolution

In this computer age, we have mathematical laws that tell us whether a certain event is probable or not. If we throw five numbered cubes up in the air and let them fall into a guided straight line, the probability laws tell us the number of possible combinations we can get: 1x2x3x4x5 = 120 combinations. Thus, the probability of obtaining any combination is 1 in 120, or 1/120, or 0.0086. This probability diminishes fast when we increase the number of cubes. If we increase them by one, the number of combinations becomes 1x2x3x4x5x6 = 720, and the probability of getting any combination diminishes to 1/720, 0.0014. Mathematicians, who are very exacting scientists, have agreed that the probability diminishes to “Zero” when we increase the number of cubes to 84. If we work with 84 cubes, the probability diminishes to 209xl0-50, or 0.000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000209.

Darwin’s famous statement that “life began as a ‘simple’ cell” is laughable. As recently as 50 years ago, Wells, Huxley, and Wells wrote in their classic textbook that “nothing can be seen inside the nucleus but clear fluid.” We know now that the cell, is an extremely complex unit, with billions of nucleotides in the gene material inside the nucleus, and millions of biochemical reactions. The probability laws tell us that the probability of the haphazard creation of the exacting sequences of nucleotides into DNA is Zero, many times over. We are not talking about 84 nucleotides; we are talking about billions of nucleotides that must be arranged in a specific sequence.

Some evolutionists have stated that the human gene and the monkey’s gene  are 90% similar. However, even if the similarity was 99%, we are still talking about 300,000,000 nucleotides that must be haphazardly re-arranged to change the monkey into a human. The probability laws preclude this as an utter impossibility. The human gene contains 30,000,000,000 nucleotides; 1% of that is 300,000,000.

A fitting quote here is that of Professor Edwin Conklin; he stated:

“The probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the probability of the Unabridged Dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing factory.”

Who Is Your God?

Praise be to God! There is no other god except God. But, who is your god? Most people are outraged upon hearing this question. “What do you mean, ‘Who is your god?’. “My god is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.” And most of these people will be shocked to find out that their proclamation that their god is the Creator of the heavens and the earth is no more than lip service, and that they are in fact destined for Hell (12:106).

To put this commandment into practice, we must establish certain habits whereby we guarantee that God occupies our minds more than anything else. The Quran helps us establish such soul saving habits:

  1. The Contact Prayers (Salat): those who observe the daily prayers come a long way towards commemorating God a significant proportion of their waking hours.
  1. Commemorate God before eating: Verse 6:121 enjoins us to mention God’s name before we eat. It says, “You shall not eat from that upon which God’s name has not been mentioned.”
  2. Saying, “God Willing (IN SHAA ALLAH): Verse 18:24 says, “You shall not say, ‘I will do this or that tomorrow,’ without saying, ‘God willing’ (IN SHAA ALLAH). If you forget to do this, then apologize and say, ‘May my Lord guide me to do better next time.’ ”. This is a direct commandment that we must carry out, no matter who we are talking with.
  3. God’s Gift (MAA SHAA ALLAH): To invoke God’s protection for our beloved objects—our children, our cars, our homes, etc.—we are enjoined in verse 18:39 to say “MAA SHAA ALLAH” (This is God’s gift).
  4. Glorify God day and night: When we eat anything, we shouldn’t be like animals; we must reflect on God’s creation of the food we are eating—the flavor, our enjoyment due to the senses God has given us, the perfect packaging of the banana or the orange, the varieties of sea foods created by God, etc.—and glorify Him as we enjoy His provisions. When we see a beautiful flower, or animal, or sunsets, we must glorify God. We must seize every possible opportunity to remember and glorify God, so that God may be our God.