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FALSE TEACHINGS: Hadith & Sunna Blaspheme Against the Prophet


Hadith & Sunna Blaspheme Against the Prophet

bukhari hadith quote
The above are two versions of the same Hadith as printed in SAHIH BUKHARY, the most authoritative source of Hadith. These two hadiths narrate the story of people who went to the Prophet and wanted to embrace Islam. According to the Hadith, the Prophet ordered them to go to his flock of camel and/or sheep and drink from their urine and milk (!!!). By the time these people reached the animals, they apparently changed their mind and rebelled against the Prophet’s shepherd, killing him. The Prophet  then sent  his men after them, captured them, then heated nails whereby  the  Prophet gouged  their eyes, then cut their hands and feet, and threw them into the desert heat. According to Hadith, they kept asking for water, but “the Prophet would not give them water, until they died in the heat of the desert.”

The blasphemy against the Prophet is flagrant. For Qur’an, the infallible word of God, states that God Himself has placed mercy and compassion in the Prophet’s heart (3:159). The truth, therefore, is that Hadith and Sunna are Satan’s means of destroying Islam by blaspheming against God and His final Prophet Muhammad.

Scientific revolutions are very interesting. The way they happen is that most people deny them and resist them. And then there’s more and more of an explosion, and there’s a paradigm shift.
Candace Pert


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, January, 1986

See also:


United Islamic Nation Development


Precisely four months after declaring the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION (UIN), the first government in the UIN region has fallen. South Yemen’s government, in the Southernmost tip of Arabia, was the first to reject the UIN idea, and the first to fall.

Qur’an (9:2) declares that the period of reprieve is 4 months. Exactly four months ago, we sent the UIN declaration of Muharram 1, 1406 to every government in the region, along with advice to choose between joining the UIN or falling.

After seven days of fierce fighting, 9000 people have been killed in South Yemen, and President Ali Muhammad has fled to communist Ethiopia.

We renew our invitation to all governments in the UIN region to join us or face the consequences.

THERE IS NO ESCAPE. You must join the UIN and return to Qur’an alone, or face the inevitable Coup d’etat. Time will show you over and over that every government that rejects this invitation will fall.


As declared in the Muharram 1406 issue of MUSLIM PERSPECTIVE, the number 19 is mentioned in Qur’an in Sura 74, and 19 x 74 is 1406.

Thus 1406 is the first year of UIN.

1406 is the first year in the Islamic fifteenth century that is divisible by 19. The 14 – centuries ultimatum given in Qur’an 15:87 has now come into effect.

All governments in the UIN region are now required to abide by Qur’an, the whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an. God’s invisible forces will now topple every government that refuses to comply, according to the system declared in the Muharram 1406 issue.

In the coming months, IN SHAA ALLAH, we will see the objecting governments fall one after another. The new governments will join UIN at the rate of 3 governments every 2 years (see Muharram 1406 issue). 

 Those who ridicule the UIN declaration will not laugh for long. They are simply trying to resist THE TIDAL WAVE OF TRUE ISLAM AS PREACHED BY GOD’S FINAL PROPHET MUHAMMAD.

See Qur’an 9:33, 48:28, & 61:9.


By: Rashad Khalifa as Editor of Muslim Perspective, January, 1986

See also: